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Thread: What to use to download anime

  1. #21
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    I think i worded this a little wrong. I can CONNECT to my router, i just cant get into the login page by typing in the address bar because it says page cannot be found, so i cant port forward.

    router mode:; Linksys BEFSX41
    BT client(s): uTorrent; azureus
    Internet: DSL idk the provider

    I might've missed some stuff. Anything else i should post?

  2. #22
    are you sure thats the corrct router address? consult your router manual if you haven't already, incase thats not the address you're supposed to use. If that is the correct address, then try resetting to factory defaults like kai said, and try again.

    Similar question about finding places to download anime. Specifically, is there anyone who loads AVI to places like SpendSpace (or other easily accessed direct downloads)? Work has nicely provided me with a computer; but any sort of BitTorrent client is banned and grounds for firing (yes they are that strict). Also, is AonE against that sort of thing? I'm not terribly familar with the etiquitte of fan-subbing groups.
    Theres actually a new site that offers a variety of anime uploaded be users to sites like sendspace and megaupload etc. I've yet to check it out though. I'll look into it rite now and if its good, i'll post it here somewhere, so stay tuned


    Ok, i've checked out the site, and its pretty good. Has a lot of series, and all the ones i tried were working. I've already added the link to This page, so check it out. The site is called AnimeUpload. Its the last one under the Direct Download section.
    Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 05-16-2006 at 11:49 PM.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Oklahoma City
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    I think i worded this a little wrong. I can CONNECT to my router, i just cant get into the login page by typing in the address bar because it says page cannot be found, so i cant port forward.

    router mode:; Linksys BEFSX41
    BT client(s): uTorrent; azureus
    Internet: DSL idk the provider

    I might've missed some stuff. Anything else i should post?
    Did you setup a static IP address like port forward asks you to?

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