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Thread: What to use to download anime

  1. #1
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    What to use to download anime

    I was wondering what program to use to download anime and where to get it. Like for now ive been using bearshare to download naruto, bleach, and Full Metal Alchemist, but i finished FMA and i dont want to wait for 2 episodes a week from naruto/bleach, and bearshare doesnt really have any other animes. I tried using uTorrent but that gets me like 5 kbps if im lucky. Does anyone know any other good ones?

    Also, where can i download Full Metal Alchemist the Movie (not the one taped with a video camera)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi, I use BitLord ( and I download with torrents, if I'd be you I would read this!

    There you can find all the most popular animetorrentsites!


  3. #3
    you can use azures. Azures is a bittorrent program so you gata download from the sites

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    I was wondering what program to use to download anime and where to get it. Like for now ive been using bearshare to download naruto, bleach, and Full Metal Alchemist, but i finished FMA and i dont want to wait for 2 episodes a week from naruto/bleach, and bearshare doesnt really have any other animes. I tried using uTorrent but that gets me like 5 kbps if im lucky. Does anyone know any other good ones?

    Also, where can i download Full Metal Alchemist the Movie (not the one taped with a video camera)?
    You have to let the torrent sit for a while. Also you might need to work around your firewall if you have one.

    KickAssAnime- FMA Conqueror of Shamballa (DVD)

  5. #5
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    Azureus is good, although I'm told it uses quite a bit of RAM. so unless you have suficient RAM your computer may be very sluggish afterwards. plus it might have trouble shutting down. [as does mine]There is also BitComet which is a good program, and it is just a little simpler to use than Azureus. I haven't tried it myself but I'm planning to soon. hope I could help.
    [shouldn't this be in general support?]

    [edit] I just tried BitComet and it seems to be a good program. I'd reccomend it over azureus.
    Last edited by naruto=pwnage; Tue, 05-09-2006 at 04:04 PM.

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  6. #6
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    any good anime on bearshare?

    my BitTorrent clients currently dont work because of port forwarding problems, so does anyone know any good anime i can get on bearshare? i already have naruto, bleach, samurai champloo, samurai deeper kyo, and Full Metal Alchemist. Does anyone know any other good ones that bearshare has?

    Don't post a new thread about something you can get answered in a post thats already here. You made it after all.

    User Warned, and Thread merged
    Last edited by Deadfire; Tue, 05-09-2006 at 07:06 PM.

  7. #7
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    here is something that may prove useful to you in the future. if indeed you do decide to use BitComet and a file fails to be playable and says "failed to render file" before freaking out, try downloading that file again with a different client. I ran into this problem myself, thus why I am writing this so you don't have to create a thread like I did. if my problem comes up try uTorrent. get it here. if that doesn't work take a look at these forums: Codecs and Players, cannot render file.

    if all else fails make a new thread I suppose..

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  8. #8
    uTorrent is the best. Set it up proper and you'll understand why.

  9. #9
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    unfortunately for me I have no idea how to do that.
    care to point me in the right direction?

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It has been all written in the utorrent help files and forums. Easier to go and read from over there than wait here for bits and pieces. And it also depends on your preferences and decisions, as the default state isn't quite as optimal as with some other clients (not that there wouldn't be things to tweak with all of them).

    But the most important things probably are setting some optimal caches for read and write. That's something to do first, or something to do at least, if nothing else.

  11. #11
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    read my last post please before trying to reply. I DO have uTorrent. It doesnt download faster than 10kbps because of ROUTER problems, i got help with it, i cant connect to my router page to portforward. So, in my latest post, i asked if anyone knew any good anime series that can be found over bearshare, because i cant get any from uTorrent or anything else. I already have naruto, bleach, FMA, champloo, and samurai deeper kyo. Does anyone know any other good ones i can find on bearshare??

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I wouldn't try bearshare. It has a real jumble of things and probably not a whole series, just a couple of episodes. You could try DC++ and connect to various anime hubs.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    read my last post please before trying to reply. I DO have uTorrent. It doesnt download faster than 10kbps because of ROUTER problems, i got help with it, i cant connect to my router page to portforward. So, in my latest post, i asked if anyone knew any good anime series that can be found over bearshare, because i cant get any from uTorrent or anything else. I already have naruto, bleach, FMA, champloo, and samurai deeper kyo. Does anyone know any other good ones i can find on bearshare??
    How can you not connect to your router, and configure it?
    Did you forget what address it is you need to connect to; to get there. Did you forget your password, do you know your router settings (you should, if not find out), then just reset the router to factory defaults.

    You can find more information about your router at the companies website and more on portfowarding at

  14. #14
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    How can you not connect to your router, and configure it?
    Did you forget what address it is you need to connect to; to get there. Did you forget your password, do you know your router settings (you should, if not find out), then just reset the router to factory defaults.

    You can find more information about your router at the companies website and more on portfowarding at
    1. I know wat it is i need to connect to.
    2. I know my password, but i cant get far enough to type my password in.
    3. What do you mean my router settings? the ones i see when I get into the page i cant login to?
    4. Ive been to, and i followed all of their troubleshoots. Nothing worked.

    And if you post something like that, please also try and answer the question asked thanks anyway for trying though.

  15. #15
    If you can't connect to your router then theres something seriously wrong. And how did you follow anything on if you can't connect to your router?

    Anyways, as far as your question goes, its not like we're the ones secretly working behind the scenes at Bearshare Inc. Just search for any random series, and if its available it'll show up. If its not there, go try some other p2p programs. If you can't use any other p2p programs and bearshare is your only option.....well then it sucks to be you.

  16. #16
    I USE is godly for new releases and archives if you know where to look! i have not used BT to get anime in a very long time. <-- probably the best new release anime bots, channel is #anirupt on rizon

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Ok post these things

    1) your router company/model
    2) your bittorent client
    3) your internet provider/what type of connection

    maybe some screenshots and other relevant information we could use to help you out

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    1. I know wat it is i need to connect to.
    2. I know my password, but i cant get far enough to type my password in.
    3. What do you mean my router settings? the ones i see when I get into the page i cant login to?
    4. Ive been to, and i followed all of their troubleshoots. Nothing worked.

    And if you post something like that, please also try and answer the question asked thanks anyway for trying though.
    #3. Yes, those are the settings I mean.
    Username, password, etc. most of the other settings should be already built into the router for standard use, you can change other stuff if you know how.

    I say restore your router to factory defaults, there should be a little pin hole size thing on the back of the router (or else where), that will return the router to factory defaults, then start from step one again, like putting in your username and password, etc.

    Also it may be a good idea to upgrade to the newest firmware (if you haven't already) for your router, which will be on the companies website.

    Everything should be fine by this point and you should be able to connect to your router, you really need to be able to connect to it, it's a big problem if you can't, and list what darkmetal505 has asked for.

    Also, I'm trying to answer your questions, but firstly I need to get an idea of the problem before I can give you an answer, secondly I don't use Bearshare, so I don't know, I'm trying to help your router problem.

  19. #19

    Similar question

    Similar question about finding places to download anime. Specifically, is there anyone who loads AVI to places like SpendSpace (or other easily accessed direct downloads)? Work has nicely provided me with a computer; but any sort of BitTorrent client is banned and grounds for firing (yes they are that strict). Also, is AonE against that sort of thing? I'm not terribly familar with the etiquitte of fan-subbing groups.

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frika
    Similar question about finding places to download anime. Specifically, is there anyone who loads AVI to places like SpendSpace (or other easily accessed direct downloads)? Work has nicely provided me with a computer; but any sort of BitTorrent client is banned and grounds for firing (yes they are that strict). Also, is AonE against that sort of thing? I'm not terribly familar with the etiquitte of fan-subbing groups.
    The thing is that most new releases for AVI, MP4, and MKV formats are downloadable from BitTorrent or IRC. Direct download sites rarely contain AVI files because of the cost to maintain that kind of server. They usually hold wmv or rm files. I don't know if people host the files on SpendSpace or MegaUpload and such; finding a link to the files would be difficult also. If you just want to watch the anime there are sites like and that host streaming files.

    Basically, its very difficult to get AVIs from other sources besides BT and IRC.

    If you post the series you want, I might be able to give you some direct download sites if I can find them.

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