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Thread: The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye

  1. #61
    I'm getting lazy with my anime watching, I have a shitload of episodes to catch up on.

    19 v2:
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 10-01-2006 at 03:55 PM.

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Good points, Complich. I hadn't thought about that aspect of it. On the other hand, though, aren't The Third people living in some orbital space station? I have got that kind of impression from the views they often have from their quarters. If that's the case, it shouldn't take very long to fly there, well, assuming they could send something else than automated vehicles.

    From what I remember right away it takes some time to charge the wormhole driver, doesn't it? At least the countdown was long one indeed when they were planning to use it against the Gravestone (was that the name of the other olde weapon?). Unless it was all just waiting for Earth to rotate, of course. If there is a charging period, the weapon couldn't potentially be launched before it was inactivated on site.

  3. #63
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    yeah, I'm not sure if the Third is actually mostly in orbit or mostly earthbound ... I got the impression that at least space wasn't particularly unfamiliar to them anyway. But still, doesn't change the fact that the weapon could probably be kept "hot" and fired at a moment's notice.

    The initial Gravestone countdown was pretty long, you're right, but the time it took to blast that mountain seemed pretty short. Maybe it's because for Gravestone the weapon was sort of in "hibernate" mode, and getting it powered back up and operational took more time. Like ... starting a car the first time after leaving it in storage for a year takes more time and effort (ie: you probably have to change some fluids, reconnect the battery, stuff like that) where starting it when it's been in your garage for a couple hours, you just walk out and turn the key.

    But the orbital status is a good point too ... it could just be that the gravestone firing solution required some extra time to wait for another orbital pass.

    What I'm wondering is if Honoka is going to end up wandering through another psychedelic mind-dive in the psyche of another superweapon, or if they're just going to shut it down.

    Either way, the relationship between The Third and Honoka is definitely going to be changed irrevocably after this incident. She seems to be getting comfortable with the idea of fighting alongside Blue Breaker, and ... well, she's sort of saving their asses, if she succeeds at the mission. And not just saving their asses for her own reasons, like with Gravestone. Or maybe the Gravestone incident was that turning point in their relationship?

  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    Either way, the relationship between The Third and Honoka is definitely going to be changed irrevocably after this incident. She seems to be getting comfortable with the idea of fighting alongside Blue Breaker, and ... well, she's sort of saving their asses, if she succeeds at the mission. And not just saving their asses for her own reasons, like with Gravestone. Or maybe the Gravestone incident was that turning point in their relationship?
    That's indeed an interesting point. At the beginning of the show I was considering The Third purely evil oppressors and thought Honoka would rather sooner than later really end up fighting against them following a traditional storyline. Well, now that doesn't seem quite that likely or at least simple. Not only do The Third have serious internal issues but like you said, Honoka's relationship with them is getting better and she seems to end up fighting on their side also by free choice.

    What has surprised me most during the series is that there doesn't really seem to be rebellious movements against The Third.

  5. #65
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    I dunno, I think they're disliked, a lot, for justifiable reasons (ie: enforcing the technos taboo, their role in the great war in the past, treating human life as not particularly valueable, generally being haughty stuck-up assholes), but ... other than technos taboo, I don't think they really play a whole lot of a role in the day-to-day lives of the people to the point that people would be motivated to revolt.

    What's more, because of the technos taboo, the people don't really have the sort of technological power to rival the Third's. As far as military might goes, they're hopelessly outclassed.

    Adding to that, the very visible enforcement of the taboo serves to strengthen the impression of the Third as basically unapproachably powerful. I think it's sort of a rebellion-crusher there.

  6. #66
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    For those who like Ayu's work better than FnT's for whatever reason,
    Episode 11 (Ayu) is out.

  7. #67
    Gravestone was the little kid
    the orbital weapon is the Wormhole Driver

    what struck me with these eps is Blue Breaker... I thought there was several of them ( a bit like elite soldiers... but still mass produced)... but it seems there is only one. Aside of that... this show has great action sequences... ep19 was a reminder of that.

  8. #68

  9. #69
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    Episode 21 by FnT


    Last edited by complich8; Sun, 10-22-2006 at 08:56 AM.

  10. #70
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    eww, layout breakage ... let's just fix that up >_<

    Interesting happenings with Blue Breaker and Rona Fauna. You sort of have to wonder precisely what she's after. Does she want to antagonize Honoka into killing her? Maybe it's spite over Jouganki ... and just what signals is sensei getting from the network?

    A pretty good episode, I'd say.

  11. #71
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Indeed. The previous episodes already slightly it wouldn't be a straight-forward rescue mission but would develop into something else. Now it clearly took a step into the my psychological, or spiritual, direction the series has so often emphasized. And it's of course pretty expectable that Honoka doesn't ever take easiest and shortest route. No doubt the next episode will do something to explain Rona Fauna's behavior, and whether she attacked Honoka because of those goals, no matter if they indeed are goals of the past with no relevance to her future (as she seems to be dying soon no matter what), or if she's really anymore master of her own actions.

    Intering episode, and whole arc, to say the least. I hope Iks will also play some role towards the end. He has never been too active in any arcs so far.

  12. #72
    The Third - 22 by FnT

    It's been a while, I really should catch up with this show...

  13. #73
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The last fight should be drawing near. Hopefully.

    Episode 23 xvid - FnT
    Episode 23 h264 - FnT

  14. #74
    Well the next episode is the last so unfortunately it's going to be over. From the preview it looks like Iks has been holding back immensely, but I guess he didn't want to mess with the staus quo of the world until now.

    Unfortunately I don't think we'll be seeing Paifu of Milly anymore, which sucks b/c they were both excellent charachters, but I'm sure there'll be a falling action revisiting of all the other charachters after whatever is going to happen happens.

  15. #75
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was quite an interesting series in how it did have heavy action yet you can't really say the action would have ever been the center of the interest. Even the Honoka's sword dancer title refers to the fact how her sword skills are mainly spiritual and philosophical for her, despite the immense potential in use. Just like most of the fights eventually did have some other meaning as well.

    Keeping that all in mind, it also explains why the last fight might end just like Jyouganki predicted (and the preview suggested) and with no regrets of the potential of lost action. Iks's purpose hasn't been altogether made clear, and so it has always been hard to predict his actions. Well, other than to expect him to do nothing like it has been in the past...

  16. #76
    Anyone else notice that this is another differently-animated episode? Weird.

  17. #77
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. It surely caught my eye. Although I don't think it was as gross as the one near the middle of the series. Let's hope the final will be like the best of the episodes and not a different one. They always say that series often run out of money near the end, so let's hope they just decided to save some yen for the last episode...

  18. #78
    The Third - Final Episode by FnT

    Well as endings go, it wasn't as random as some other endings I've seen but I do like to have some type of closure. However I liked how looking back from this last episode the show makes sense as a 'This is what life is like on this planet' montage. The stories have just enough to do with each other to be tied togeather at the end as an excuse for what I'm guessing passes for God to not blow up the planet or something. The fairy kind of spoiled it for me though, b/c a) she was supposed to be gone already and b) what was this connection between her and Honoka.

    All in all it was a good time and I'm glad I watched it.

  19. #79
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think this was pretty much the only kind of closure this show could have. After all, despite all the action and the techno taboo by the Third, and other such concrete things, this was more a philosophical and I guess emotional show than anything else. And it seemed to me Honoka was always looking for something not very close to earth. And she certainly found that.

    The Observer wasn't going to blow up the planet. He had became sad, or filled with void, because humans had nearly destroyed the planet and their own limitless potential along with it. I doesn't make sense an entity that had become disappointed and saddaned by that would then finish the work, does it? I think Iks and Honoka only wanted the being to be able to leave Earth feeling something else than emptiness and sadness, and they succeeded.

    I don't remember if the fairy was supposed to be gone already, but I think the connection could even simply be imagined to be a connection between the fairy and all living beings on Earth, since the fairy decided to take the hereditary material with her to take it to other worlds. At that moment Honoka certainly was a representative of the life on Earth.

    I think this was a pretty good conclusion to the story. I was wondering how they are going to be able to end it all in one episode, but it felt quite balanced and not hurried at all. And like you said, it also tied many things together, in a way.

  20. #80
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    The whole basis for the observer and the fairy seems to be a sort of moderated exogenesis. The idea is, an observer observes the life on the planet, a collector (the fairy) collects the seeds of life, and based on the results that the planet produces they decide whether to propagate that life to other places in the cosmos.

    Sort of like controlled breeding, on an interplanetary scale over eons.

    I think the arbitrator's role is to decide whether a planet's life is worth propagating or not. Iks came to the Observer because it was time to choose whether to let the planet have successors or not ... maybe just in cases of an indecisive observer.

    Sort of a neat premise to build a story around.

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