@ complich8

I guess I can't survive with that kind of method. Based on your explanation I could say I'm just an average user and I'm into gaming ( mostly pc games since I can't afford to buy expensive consoles like xbox,ps2, GC and the newest ones ) and I do know the risks of using unknown apps so that method is difficult for me hehehe.

Well I haven't survived a single installation of my OS for at least a yr because if I have problems that I can't fix, my last resort is to format and install again a fresh copy of it. It's tiring but it's the most probable way of fixing errors of an OS, well for me that is.

You're right about me buying a new pc although that'd be 2 yrs from now, I still have 2 yrs left until I graduate. Thanks to both of you for answering and helping me. I guess I learned something new