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Thread: Bleach Manga Teasers

  1. #1

    Bleach Manga Teasers

    Got this from (which they got from Please take these with a grain of salt.

    Basically a few things happen in this teaser:

    1. Mayuri scolds Zaraki for breaking the reiatsu-sucking eyepatch... again (38th time)
    2. Yamamoto says it's because Zaraki's finally acheived Shikai
    3. Hitsugaya gets them back on topic and Yamamoto starts the dicussion.
    4. Ichimaru's portrait is quickly shown before the scene changes to...
    5. Hirako indulges Ichigo's desire to learn the "truth" about Aizen's plans and starts to...
    6. However, he's interrupted as Uryuu seems just about finished training w/ Ryuuken...
    7. And elsewhere, Urahara reveals his, err, deadly means to train Sado.
    To moderator, please remove this thread if it is inappropriate. Thanks

  2. #2
    If this is true ... I'ma be one happy latino

  3. #3
    Zaraki finally achieving shikai is somewhat errr... weird. He's known to be someone who believes only in his own power. In my opinion, it would be cool if he stays that way

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Mayonaka TV
    Only because April's fools already passed I can hope this does happen.

    Man, I want to see this chapter.

  5. #5
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Huh? It seems to me that this teaser was posted before the edit above it with the actual script's summary for 223. Looks like this is just another one of those false scripts that appear often each week over at the japanese forums before the real scripts are found. Ch 223 has no mention of Zaraki.

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