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Thread: Naruto 180 Discussion

  1. #1

  2. #2
    um your're suposed to put that in the "official release thread", its on the top of the page, but thanks for the link i guess

    [PSJ] Owns All

  3. #3
    Yes dman. next time, please post the link in the official release thread as well

  4. #4
    sorry bout that, live and learn

    anyways i found the ninpo art from rock lee hilarious

  5. #5
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    rock lee ninpo art? Oo

    currently downloading this episode to see it (along with Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion, so it will take some time -.- )

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Lee's ninjitsu was the only thing worth seeing.

  7. #7
    "To protect my village and save my comrades, I would be in a hurry to get stronger"
    ..then go FUCKIN train and stop with this filler bullshit..anyways..who called the plot from the 2nd episode of this damn filler..and it doesn't look like it's about to stop..the "Reunion" episode is gonna be about Sumaru and his mother..and then they depart again..if 184 doesn't look promising..then it's another season of fillers for sure..

  8. #8
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    From the intro of this episode.. 2 more week of filler, so 184 shouldn't be a filler since filler will last to episode 182, but... since they made a new filler intro... there will probably be another season of filler... (if so.. then plz kill me)

    but for this episode... there was only 2 "good" part, Lee "jutsu" and Natsuhi technique.

  9. #9
    did it say anything like 2weeks left in fillers lol im at my boys house and cant download it yet >.<

  10. #10
    this episode wasn't too bad...
    Akahoshi gets props from me, a villain that doens't waste opportunities :P he's kinda weak though...
    Anyway, how will Naruto and Sumaru's mom survive the gas ravine? Possibilities include the following:

    a) Naruto erects massive fox chakra barrier to protect them
    b) Naruto uses Rasengan in some ridiculous manner to save them
    c) Naruto grabs an edge/Sumaru's mom uses the chakra wings for a cheesy survival, even though they clearly don't have the time/positioning/room
    d) The whole gas thing is actually fake
    e) Naruto farts real hard, exchanging the deadly gas to a less lethal one

    I can't wait to see...

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    well the storyline here certainly took a turn for the predictable crappy worst rather fast... not that we could expect much better from Naruto fillers...

    and DB's "2 weeks of filler left, if you believe it maybe it'll come true" is anything but promising...

    This episode was pretty crappy. Not alot of good animation, very little enjoyable action, crap plot twists (who didn't see one of Sumaru's parents being the thief?).

    As for Akahoshi being a smart villain, I give him some props but he still fucked up real big. You don't ever ever ever throw them into a ravine filled with poisonous gas or into a tank full of sharks or anything like that. They always survive that! Take a knife and slit them from ear to ear while they're knocked out, that's milking the opportunity to the fullest. Also, keeping Sumaru captive in his own house? You can't even get a cave or some other base for your evil operations? Idiot.

    looks like next episode is a background episode on the Hidden Star Village and it's great drama, oh i simply cannot wait to learn more about characters I care absolutely nothing for!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #12
    Wow, I actually didn't mind this episode that much, but after reading the thread I feel like I should hate it too. I thought it was cool that Naruto managed to outsmart a badass ninja, not just overpower her with Kyubi chakra or Rasengan. Most everything else was fairly lame but not devastatingly abysmal, the Lee thing was kinda funny, but I don't think it was a really big deal and Sumaru's mom was pretty cool, she just let her guard down too easily, that wouldn't have worked on Kakashi.

    Where was it said that there were two more weeksof filler? I think this arc only has one episode left in it unless they really push it, maybe the whole next ep will be flashback, that could do it. But is there any reason to believe the next arc will be mangaa based?

  13. #13


    If they start another 26 episode filler arc I will read the manga. I haven't read ahead yet, but its been almost a year that I have waited for Naruto to get back on track and i'm starting to get impatient.

  14. #14
    It wasn't THAT bad, and it's good to see some character development (even the ones we don't care about) every once in a while.

    I'm still wondering how Lee was able to keep himself on the ceilings considering that he is devoid of chakra. He's so badass, he probably just dug his toes into the ceiling to keep himself up.
    Rocket-Propelled Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  15. #15
    Wasn't half bad.

    For some reason I doubt this season will be a non-filler one. Why would they even include this star village stuff if they were just going to switch back to the main storyline?

    It's nice to hope, though...

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Tonsus
    It wasn't THAT bad, and it's good to see some character development (even the ones we don't care about) every once in a while.

    I'm still wondering how Lee was able to keep himself on the ceilings considering that he is devoid of chakra. He's so badass, he probably just dug his toes into the ceiling to keep himself up.
    Rock Lee isn't unable to use chakra! He just isn't able to use tiger-seal based jutsus, and Primary/Secaonday Lotus aren't tiger-seal jutsus, however they do use chakra ( Lee has to open his Chakra gates, etc etc ). Knowing that, Lee could also be able to use the Rasengan ( a non-seal jutsu ), theorically...

  17. #17
    Best part was by far the wall removal jutsu Lee used

    Lee is able to use chakra, but not any jutsu techniques.

    Abilities such as the lotus that rely entirely on pure chakra and physical capability and not hand seals or chakra molding, Lee can use, even potentially the rasengan.

    There was some diagram in the show where it shows the bodies chakra, taking raw chakra, and molding it using hand seal jutsu's, you can convert it into the chakra neccessary for ninjutsu and genjutsu techniques. But for techniques that use raw, unmolded chakra, such as concentrating chakra into certain parts of your body for wall walking or a really hard punch, it requires no chakra molding.

    Lee is also able to open the bodies chakra gates (up to the 5th gate of 9), enabling him to have such a sheer raw chakra that he can use the lotus techniques (which require no seals or chakra molding).
    Last edited by Necromas; Thu, 04-13-2006 at 10:10 PM.

  18. #18
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Nonstop crap as per usual.

    The few redeeming parts:

    - Lee's jutsu, hilarious.
    - Neji.
    - Akahoshi's design. I like it. He sucks other than that though.

    Oh, to look as good as Sumaru does when you're uncouncious. That would be neat.

    Having seen the new opening like 20 times I have decided that it's the best Naruto opening.
    In fact, it's the best Naruto song so far.

    If you do not agree you are wrong, obviously.

  19. #19
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    This ep was pretty good, I'm actually liking the Hidden Star village better then the other non top villages that weve heard of or seen anybody from. And once again Lee and Tenten togather were halarious.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  20. #20
    ownage when Lee used Ninpou, Kabe-nuke no jutsu

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