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Thread: Utawarerumono

  1. #41
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    After seeing eps 5, this is probably one of the most well written series this season. This eps was a perfect mix of the humor that we all liked in the first eps, and the action that enticed us from the OP. Clean animation, great cast, decent pacing so far, and good writing make this a contender for one of the best series this season overall.

    Heh, Eruru got abused again, this time by Mukuru looking to take advantage of her 'motherly assets'.

    We all knew from the opening that Aruru would be joining them in some of the fighting, but I got an enjoyable Mononoke vibe from her in this eps.

    Utawarerumono is now in the top two series of this season for me.

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if the script will make Hakuoro and Eruru a pair. There certainly is such a wibe in the air. However, Hakuoro doesn't really seem to be that interested, at least outwardly. And who knows how young Eruru even is, anyway... But clearly she isn't behaving like Aruru who considers Hakuoro her dad now.

    But those abuse scenes just seem the strongest indications that Eruru is heading for that direction; to become the main hero's girlfriend (filling one position of the 36th anime law).

  3. #43
    animation in episode 4 was crappy... but apparently it wasn't permanent. Episode 5 had a well animated fight scene. this is good since the story seems great

  4. #44
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Great ep this series is maintaining a great balance of plot and action and even sprinkling in some comedy. I must have the ending song soon very soon or I might have to organize a angry mob myself =D
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  5. #45

  6. #46
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    i couldn't help but think the character of Hakuoro was made base on this guy

    he also a playable character in Dynasty Warrior and his weapon of choice is of course a Fan.

  7. #47
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The plot seems a tad simplistic every now and then. The extremely stupid ruler oppressing heedlessly the people, the honourable samurai thrown to jail, the less gifted usurper that replaces him. But all in all I do get the feeling this is only the beginning of something bigger. The preview indicates the ruler's days may be already numbered, and maybe he was only a small fish in the pond, to be replaced by something more sinister and capable in the future episodes. Perhaps something connected to Hakuoro's mask.

  8. #48
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    just watched episode 5. And yeah, holy tap dancing christ what do they feed that cat? It's fucking huge already! It's going to tear up the battlefield... having a fully grown deity beast on your side can never hurt.

    People said 5 didn't have alot of strategy, but I totally disagree!

    I love the way they portray the villagers' morale, and Hakuoro fortifying the walls quickly, excellent move. And even though it is mostly due to Tsukurou, good work on gaining skilled warriors thru the alliance with Oboro. Personally delivering messages to surrounding villages is another great move. The training is also another great move, Teoro is perfect for a 'drill seargant' type.

    The two Archer twins also showed a great sense of strategy, drawing a majority of the mounted troops away from the leader and occupying them with a chase. Heck, even Aruruu, whether she knew it or not, did an excellent backup job, lingering outside of the fight until her entrance would make the biggest impact (granted that could also be plot convienence...)

    I also thought the battle in 5 was beautifully done. Captured that frenzy of the battlefield well, even if it was just a small skirmish. Animation had everything in it, and what i liked best: it was fast. Not alot of meaningless series of strikes and counters like you see in Bleach or Naruto, but laying everything out with every blow and dodge.

    I love how the actual blows come fast as lightning and they still reserve slow-motion shit for important strikes and counters.

    Anyone else slightly, well... disturbed by the fact that Hakuro has a 'husband-wife' like relationship with one sister and a 'father-daughter' one with the other? It's just... sorta creepy when that one girl calls him 'Daddy'. Makes me wonder what Eruruu calls him (yes, in that context...)

    Oh, and score one for bestiality! Mukuru/Eruruu hentai doujinishis coming out later this month...

    Nuwangi as the ruthless pawn of the dictators... Yzak Jule indeed.

    This show is fucking awesome, fucking awesome.

    edit - hmm, seems this show entices me to use the words 'great' and 'good' along with the term 'move' alot... better get a thesaurus, cuz I feel it's just going to keep chugging along and I don't want to get too repetitive.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Fri, 05-12-2006 at 12:22 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #49
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    With eps 6, this series has begun to move very fast. The emperor (or whatever that afro idiot is) will probably see his downfall in an eps or two unless something big happens. We saw a great deal of strategy again from Hakuoro, "attack only what I know can be taken," great line. They began to bring elements in of Eruru and Aruru feeling separated from him, and I believe it is Hakuoro trying to distance himself from the girls. I got the impression that he doesn't want them to be directly associated with what he is becoming, or perhaps in his case, returning to.

    Did anyone else think the twins were boys? From the opening, I had assumed they were girls, but then when they made their first appearance, I figured I had been mistaken. Now with the crafty merchant scene, it turns out they were girls all along.

    As for Mukuru, it's a mythical beast, what can you expect? It eats, and then it grows!

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    They began to bring elements in of Eruru and Aruru feeling separated from him, and I believe it is Hakuoro trying to distance himself from the girls. I got the impression that he doesn't want them to be directly associated with what he is becoming, or perhaps in his case, returning to.
    Yeah, that seems pretty likely. He was about to send them away earlier, but they were too close to him back then. It indeed could be that he now tries another way: To make them more distant to get them gradually out of immediate danger.

    Chances are of course that won't work very well. For one, Mukuru is practically a tank on the battlefield, and most likely only obeys Aruruu enough to serve in that role. It would be a bad tactical move not to have it in active reserve should things get much worse. But more than that, I want to see a repetition of the tail scene from the first episode...

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
    i couldn't help but think the character of Hakuoro was made base on this guy

    he also a playable character in Dynasty Warrior and his weapon of choice is of course a Fan.
    Heh, I, too, made the connection after Hakuoro received the fan. I can see now how the similarities are growing; HOWEVER, Zhuge Liang, as portrayed in the texts, was a man of legendary prowess. So only when Hakuoro starts reading stars, summoning winds, and offing the opposition with his words alone, can he be truly likened to that man.

  12. #52
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    well you never know, beside near the end of intro there a part that look like a giant lightning bolt hitting the earth, this series is going at a great pacing and i'm hoping it stay that way.

  13. #53
    Yea... seems the afro sporting emperor will die soon... and that's good, really... it would be a shame for the show to have such a crappy villain.

  14. #54
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Lol I just realized that in the opening they have Benawi and his vice captain (Kyozo? What's his name?) riding through the battlefield and tearing shit up. It's in the same sequence between Oboro, the not yet introduced samurai character and the Archer twins. That and the events of episode 6 are clear signs that those two are going to defect to the resistance...

    That leaves me wondering about who the real villain will be. Nuwangi doesn't seem to stand on his own, and not just cuz he's currently and underling (wasn't a problem for Kefka or Dilandau) and I can't imagine he's going to make it out of the struggle for this particular country.

    The 'merchant' was the best part of the episode. I kept going back and forth between 'is he' 'is he not' and he's just got this slippery persona, impressive character.

    Was a little disappointed by the battle in 6. Benawi should have set up a better trap. Letting that wall fall was his mistake, cuz they had to abandon the opposite walls and that was their downfall.

    If a military commander figures out the simplest way to crush the rebellion I'll be very impressed with this series (even more impressed if Hakuoro figures out a way to beat it).
    Draw out the rebels or lay a trap that draws them out into the open. Mounted units. Rebellion over.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    If a military commander figures out the simplest way to crush the rebellion I'll be very impressed with this series (even more impressed if Hakuoro figures out a way to beat it).
    Draw out the rebels or lay a trap that draws them out into the open. Mounted units. Rebellion over.
    Though it may be that simple, the only leader who commands an army at this point is a self-satisfying, afro-sporting glutton who probably can't put two and two together, and didn't realize that he had another rebellion occurring even closer at hand than the one Hakuoro is leading. That being said, Inkara still seems more a regional lord than an "emperor" or "king," so I doubt his personal forces are even that massive, compared to the countryfolk.

    Yeah, the merchant was pretty interesting despite appearing at first to be a rather non-descript character. Then again, for a spy/assassin, he plays the role out well.
    Last edited by bagandscalpel; Sat, 05-13-2006 at 07:46 AM.

  16. #56
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    If a military commander figures out the simplest way to crush the rebellion I'll be very impressed with this series (even more impressed if Hakuoro figures out a way to beat it).
    Draw out the rebels or lay a trap that draws them out into the open. Mounted units. Rebellion over.
    Hakuoro doesn't seem like the type to fall easily into such traps. He had a nice plan for the gate fortress as well, even though he didn't want to attack it so soon. And the country folks seem to be under his control so far, so it's not likely the troops will simply march into a trap despite what Hakuoro commanded. And of course they could always wield pikes.

  17. #57
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
    That being said, Inkara still seems more a regional lord than an "emperor" or "king," so I doubt his personal forces are even that massive, compared to the countryfolk.
    yeah i think that too, it just seem like he in charge of a group of village, hardly worthy of being call Emperor, it might be that he gave himself the title since warlord have a habit of doing that if they control a fief that is far from the capital. I can see a couple possible outcome

    1. In 2 episode or so they will take out this "Emperor" and most likely benawi might escape again and head to the real capital

    2. After they take out this "Emperor" the episode after they capital got news of the rebelion and send a messenger

    3. That guy turn out to be the true Emperor after all, but only of this country which happen to be quite small, and there a bunch of other country that got the news and now want to try to add more land to their territory and Hakuoro become the new leader of the country and tries to defend it.

    I'm hoping 3 will happen, because i suspect that Oboro little sister Yuzuha is either not his true sister or they both are royalty that escape when their country got taken over.

  18. #58
    man i find this series great even though i dont like books that much

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by aznroyale
    man i find this series great even though i dont like books that much
    Don't think I quite follow. What do books have to do with this series?

  20. #60
    here some wiki on the show
    it mostly has some names and small to hardly mild spoilers
    Dori and Gura
    Twin brother archers serving under Oboro.

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