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Thread: Utawarerumono

  1. #121
    Awsome isn't come close to episode. download and watch as the series realy pick up now.

    even throught insane emperor dies but more questions keeping piling up. Like what with that angel person and whats up with hakuro? (even through some answer to question is bluntly presented)

  2. #122
    It just gets better and better, each ep builds so well on the others with action, resolutions, and new mysteries virtually every time. And even if it didn't have all that, it has Karura and therefore is awesome.

    Whatever Hakuoro is I think the winged people might know about it, even if they don't know that he is one of them. And from the preview the Evinkuruga may become more important soon as well.

  3. #123
    I don't really like SS... translations are okay, just the names (I guess its mainly because i've been using Yesy and got used to them)

    about the last episode... what the hell is Karura!? really... its starting to puzzle me. everyone else has interesting abilities, but Karura's are really out of this world... "Monster" indeed. maybe she's like Hakuoro?

  4. #124
    Uta 16 by...Your-Mom? I'm not sure what they're playing at, but i'm trying it out b/c i'm just that hooked on Karura.

    To answer your question DarkNodin, Karura is simply an invincible godess of beautiful destruction and innuendo.

    EDIT: The Your-Mom sub seems legit, but no Karaoke's, they made up thier own spellings for the places, they mess up grammer occasionally, and they typeset in the kakakakakakaka's from the old emporer....
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 07-19-2006 at 03:33 AM.

  5. #125
    The names are fine, in some cases I preffer yesy, in others I preffer SS... for example "Rak Shine"? I reffuse to believe that's correct. Other than that, I preffer the encoding, translations, and editing of the SS release, so I'll take them over yesy any time.

    About Your-Mom, last I know all they were releasing were joke subs... I wont risk checking it out, let me know...
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 07-19-2006 at 08:35 PM.

  6. #126
    Sorry for the double post, but I just read a post in another forum that explains SS's naming scheme, I thought it might be interesting to understand things in the anime better.

    Quote Originally Posted by voor
    One thing that didn't sit too well with me in SS' version was the spelling of Eruruu's and Aruruu's names as Eruruw and Aruruw, when the original names are spelled エルルゥ and アルルゥ. If SS explained this somewhere, I wasn't able to find it.
    Quote Originally Posted by zalas
    I guess we should've put in an explanation on the website or something. Basically, Utawarerumono has heavy Ainu influences. The people in Tusukur's village all dress in Ainu-ish garb. Their village is situated on the northeastern part of the continent, whereas the Ainu are currently situated on the northeastern part of Japan. The names used have an Ainu flair to them, including エルルゥ, アルルゥ and トゥスクル. The Japanese word for the sung vocal traditions of the legends of the Ainu people are called うたわれるもの, though that is not the only interpretation of the title. Thus, considering all these Ainu influences, it seems appropriate to use their romanization system to bring forth the exotic quality that comes with it. Hence, Aruruw and Eruruw are romanized according to the official Ainu romanization system. The Ainugo Jiten (Ainu dictionary) published by Sanseido was used to determine the proper way to romanize Ainu (and in this case, the Ainu-ish language used by the people in Utawarerumono). To be a bit more specific, Aruruw is essentially 3 syllables in Ainugo: A ru ruw. The 'ruw' is the r consonant sound, followed by the u vowel sound and then ending with a consonant sound of w. Oh, and fun trivia fact, Tusukur means "sorcerer"/"magician" in Ainugo.

  7. #127
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    That is some amount of impressive detail to go into for fansubbing.

  8. #128
    thanks for the info... Yea I understood that SS was simply different (and probably better) with the names... Your-Mom though is awful ("kakakakakakaka")... but i can't seem to wait to see the next ep...I guess i'll download anything that's marginally better than a raw.

    as for ep 16... another good ep... and the start of several storylines it seems... with the new King... and with Kamyu.

  9. #129

  10. #130
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ho... After two weeks away from anime, I suddenly had 4 episodes of Utawarerumono to watch! It was like a second Christmas.

    One thing that seems to have been a continuing, consistent feature of the series is the chain of enemy bosses, or perhaps steps of enemies. First it was the pesky local feudal lord, then his relative the Emperor, then Yue's pawn (and Yue already), then Yue himself. And now Yue is gone and no doubt we will face another, even bigger and meaner enemy lord. It's rather unique to not know at all what the situation will be after a couple of episodes.

    Interestingly enough the pace still haven't felt too hurried. Scenes with Eruruu and Aruruu, the duels between the heroes, and other things not directly related to the bigger plot (or bigger things and Hakuoro's past), alleviate any hurried feelings effectively. This series has certainly demonstrated masterful execution in that sense, like in almost every sense also otherwise.

  11. #131
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Karura was so wicked sick in episode 15. It was very Guts-esque the way she took two attacks from the swordsmen just so she could literally squash the leader.

    As for what the silent angel guy has been up to, I think those zombie soldiers in Yue's castle are quite obviously products of the little project he's been working on.

    Yue's referring to "awakening the beast" seems to pick up on the demi-human compositions of all the tribes/races in this show. It seems that the tails, ears and whatnot are actually more than just show, although what is not exactly clear. Interestingly enough, the only character with no animal features (although...) is Hakuoro, and he is truly "the best beast"

    Yue's burning his own city was both stupid and awesome. Totally gives Hakuoro a bum rap, but you wonder what Yue would have done if he'd survived...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #132
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Well, he was to blame it on Hakuoro - and his objective was not to kill Hakuoro, it was to release the beast within him, so if Yue survived he would have thought it worth it I believe.

  13. #133
    [yesy] Utawarerumono - 17

    Nice episode, i'm continually amazed by this series' fluid blending of comedy, story, and action, always delivering but still leaving us wanting more.

    And more of those H-Game roots were made apparent by Dorii, Gura, and Oboro's alleged drunken threeway. Karura I'm here when ever your ready!
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 07-25-2006 at 10:22 AM.

  14. #134
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A really splendid episode indeed. And I fully agree on the totally succesful blending of themes. Somehow it all seems just natural and naturally funny, not inconsistent. It's a strong series with strong characters.

    Especially Touka was funny in this episode, with the two tailed creature. Her ever cool samurai exterior cracked quite badly! In this episode much more so than earlier it's demonstrated how all the characters are quite honestly themselves in Hakuoro's company, and don't necessarily try to appear to be something else.

    It was also funny how Eruruu's tail was wagging up and down when Hakuoro complimented her developing skills. Man, I wish Hakuoro would again touch the tail... Maybe Eruruu's response would now end differently.

  15. #135
    It is me or the link doesnt work cause now i cant even open the torrent file

  16. #136
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    @Mashux: I believe their tracker was down for a bit.

    Eruru's tail wag was certainly one of the funnier parts of this eps, combined with the druken three-way of Oboro and the twins. Touka's softer side was completely unexpected. Not to leave anyone out, as always, Karura's amusing druken behavior.

    I wonder about Kamyu's thirst in the previous eps. We found out she's...whatever they said she was, loved by all life in the world, but her sister suspected that she would be thirsty when she showed up. Very odd.

    The young Empress brought up a lot of incomprehensible words and terms, but one important point. Hakuoro will have to pick a wife sometime (apparently he's even expected to have more than one). The choice seems obvious, but I'm willing to bet he's never really thought about it before. I'm hoping this will lead to more wagging and tail touching with Eruru.

    Looks like the next eps is mostly about Karura.

    (woot 1000th post)

  17. #137
    Ok but i just started dl it thanks Ryllharu

  18. #138
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Static-Subs released Episode 16

  19. #139
    I loved Benwai reply to more reports, Eruru's tail waging was hilarious, and twins gender confirmed with their hair let out and obor looked pwned. Hakuoro chosing a wife should be intresting, Touka's waiting for creature was funny.

  20. #140
    Actually i've been through 3 seprate irc arguments as to whether the twins are male or female today. On the one hand, drunken gay 3-ways are quite uncool to most people I know (don't know about Japan though, and I also don't have a porblem with drunken gay 3-ways themselves...I just don't want to see them) so if this consensus is shared but most Japanese viewers this ep might be a confirmation of their femininity.

    On the other hand it has been more or less confirmed that the tails aren't female specific, though females seem to have them a lot more then males. But since nothing gender specific was shown in the ep (I argued that only women have hair that good, but Haku was brought up, and he had some nice hair too) there is still the possibity that those two (and thus Oboro albeit drunkenly) are just as gay as can be.

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