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Thread: Utawarerumono

  1. #81
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It looks like this is a day early, but I certainly won't complain!

    Utawarerumono ED Single

  2. #82
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    The brilliant tactics and strategies just keep coming. I thought that the taboo was going to be something worse, like poisioning their supplies or summoning some kind of demon.

    Yue being at the castle was also a real shocker.He really has no choice but to either retreat back to his country (cautious) or make a desperate push to break through and take some of Hakuoro's supplies (still not enough to supply his huge army though)

    More babes huh? The next one is "the mercanery" so it looks like they'll have to defeat her in order to get her to join up (ala Berserk). And I think you guys miscounted when you say this next is the last 'hero' to join up, since there's also a red-haired samurai girl in the OP who we've yet to see.

    edit to Yuk- You're right. Someone must have put some extra stupid in my breakfast this morning
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Tue, 06-06-2006 at 09:00 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #83
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    The brilliant tactics and strategies just keep coming. I thought that the taboo was going to be something worse, like poisioning their supplies or summoning some kind of demon.
    Yeah. I was 100% sure Hakuoro planned to poison the supplies. Thus I was actually surprised when the stuff blew up and set the castle on fire. Although in retrospect maybe this was the only intelligent outcome. After all, they needed to kill several sentries to get to the warehouse, and so if nothing had seemed strange after they pulled out, the enemy would surely have suspected something foul happened.

    Yue is one tough old man. He looks like 70 years old, yet was able to easily fight Hakuoro.

  4. #84
    @ masa, I said fourth, not last
    In the big fight in the OP there are 5 people pwning regular soldiers
    1) was Oboro
    2) was Banawi's lieutenant
    3) was Benawi
    4) was this mercenary (I'm pretty sure)
    5) is your redheaded samurai, who I referenced as ''the girl with wings for ears" Those stuck out to me more then the hair.

  5. #85
    ANBU Mr Squiggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Yue is one tough old man. He looks like 70 years old, yet was able to easily fight Hakuoro.
    Not to mention the fact that he was walking right through a burning building and wasnt getting burnt in any way. So either he's some kind of fire sorceror, or captain plot hole paid a visit again.

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  6. #86

  7. #87
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As expected, a comedy eps.

    How can you not be impressed by Karura? (ANN has it as Carla, but I sorta like yesy's better) With her new sword, she'd probably give Guts and the Dragonslayer a run for his money. I'm guessing from the tail and coloration on the ears that she's a tiger or more likely lion-woman, but that's not really important anyway. Drinks enough to put any other Nee-chan heroine to shame, and can break metal with her bare hands (claws?). Stereotypical tough-girl heroine to the core, but ya gotta love her.

    On a more serious note, from Eruru's speech of foreshadowing and given how ruthless the other country is, I can't say I didn't see what appears to be coming in the next eps. The next one looks to be a bad one, but we also get to see the samurai heroine.

  8. #88
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The intro in this episode was impressive and awesome, even if the episode otherwise was quite comedic. However, I wouldn't really say it was a comedy episode. It just had a different kind of atmosphere, since it only introduced a new character. Well, the next ep indeed seems to be something totally different.

    But I have to say that for some reason this episode felt like it ended far too soon. Perhaps because, once again, nothing else was there than the introduction of Karura. But she seems like an interesting character, although highly traditional like Ryllharu said.

  9. #89
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, if the previous episode did have some comedic elements, you can hardly say this had:

    Episode 11 - Yesy

    I have a particular spot reserved in my heart for series that aren't afraid to kill characters, and fortunately Utawarerumono seems to be one of the series that allows dying. Of course it still remains to be seen if really important people can kick the bucket, but this episode already was an excellent one in how it depicted dead and the feelings of those left behind.

    Well, aside from that, the really important things of course came at the end of the episode, when Hakuoro actually learned, possibly, something of his past. And based on the fact how fanatical the earlier task force had been, it could be that Hakuoro wasn't a jolly good fellow in his previous life. Maybe he was a participant in a failed coup d'etat, or something similar. Nevertheless he has done something to piss off people in power.

    And the female samurai also made her first appearance. Remains to be seen what her role ends up being in the long run. Right now she seems like somebody to balance out Karura...

  10. #90
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Excellent. Tokko 07 just came out as well.

    Downloading, will comment later. Nice thoughts Kraco, I agree =P

    Edit: Wow, excellent episode. Rak Shine o.0

    I can tell the next couple episodes are gonna be entertaining.
    Let lose the dogs of war. =P
    Last edited by Lucifus; Fri, 06-23-2006 at 02:13 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  11. #91
    Very good episode, Hakuoru/Rak's "I've had enough of this" was very nice, and Arururu's reaction to him was also excellent. He had an aura of righteous ruthlessness to him that I respected a lot. But now I'm torn between what I think he might do. He's such a good person that if he finds out he did something bad he might give himself over for punishment, especially to stop any further loss of innicent life. On the other hand, he's the emperor and he probably wouldn't feel right abbandoning his people like that, we'll just have to wait and see.

    In addition Touka is cool, but really sanctimonious (lol I don't even know what this word means, I just know it fits into this situation fairly well) hopefully she won't stay that way, either because of some revelation or because Kaura bashes her head in.

  12. #92
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Hopefully Karura will bash her head in with her....there really isn't a word for a sword that shape and size is there? I'll use the Berserk naming method, Slab of Steel.

    With how zealous she seems to be, at this point I really don't see how Touka would be able to switch sides. The next couple episodes will certainly be interesting.

    I'll be rooting for an Empress Eruru though.

  13. #93
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Very impressed with how this anime is going, like the new twist.
    Once it doesn't go down the road of Hakuoru going into state of depression and so fourth, since he was the cause of the killing...
    It handled the killing of central characters quite well too, didn't dwell on it too long (but used the childish character to bring emotion to the death).
    Was amused by the cloth over the mouth part.

  14. #94
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    He's such a good person that if he finds out he did something bad he might give himself over for punishment, especially to stop any further loss of innicent life. On the other hand, he's the emperor and he probably wouldn't feel right abbandoning his people like that, we'll just have to wait and see.
    Well, whatever Hakuoro did in the past, it hardly justified the slaughter of the people in that one village just because Hakuoro happens to be the emperor. So, keeping that in mind, I would be quite surprised if Hakuoro suddenly began to think he's the bad guy and he must surrender himself to the other party.

  15. #95
    Oh I forgot about the cloth, thanks seanos. I thought it was hilarious, but it didn't feel right coming off the death of a known and likable charachter. I'm not sure I like how they handled that, but maybe it wasn't supposed to be funny but just was to me.

    EDIT: Static released 8 & 9
    Uta - 08 by Static
    Uta - 09 by Static
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sat, 06-24-2006 at 06:36 PM.

  16. #96
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The wait is over, and there shall be much exultation.

    Episode 12 - Yesy

    A good episode with some wicked action. It's also interesting how Hakuoro's past is revealed; with no certainties if that's really how it was or why it happened. But it's clearly cracking Hakuoro, affecting him and the people around him. The gap between him and Eruruu has probably never been as wide as now, despite the last scene. Well, the war still goes on, no matter what the truth is and how Hakuoro feels. And things don't look too good for the opponent.

    The bridge scene once more demonstrated the better qualities of this series: Karura fought at leisure for a moment, but when reminded of the real mission, immediately stopped the play, and executed the actual task. No useless extra fighting during precision operations.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 07-01-2006 at 11:21 AM.

  17. #97
    Karura is an excellent charachter, she's got all the qualities of a good mercenary, she loves to fight and is good at it, but is never overcome by bloodlust to the point of ignoring her goals.

    The Aruruu-Kamyu-Mukuruu Recon squad was pretty funny, but would be quite effective in practice, Kamyu can fly, Aruruu knows the land cuz she's always wandering around, and Mukuruu can smell stuff and ensure no one ever gets away if their discovered.

    I also like how no one seems to be questioning Hakuoro, they all know him as the man who lost his memory and did all that good for them and no one seems to be doubting him because of these potential revalations about his past.

  18. #98
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    haven't been watching much anime but since today's a sunday i figured two episodes of Uta were in the cards.

    Man from that bit before the opening it sure looks like Hakuoro (or his evil brother or Mr. Hyde persona) was one real sick bastard. And if we also take the flashback as truth then it's the first time we're confirming that Rak/Hakuoro is more than a mere mortal.

    I loved the duel between the Evinkuruga and Oboro. Despite being out-matched he still made a good attempt and her swinging the blade out from inside the core of the tree was the most awesome part in the episode.

    I was wondering why Karura didn't just cut the bridge down the second her enemy backed up onto it, but I didn't think about the fact that she just might be enjoying the fight.

    jesus christ the preview for episode 13... starts with lots of action, Hakuoro/Rak Shine facing off against his 'brother-in-law' and then some seemingly 'happy' shots of Aruruu and Eruruu with the creepy music and then the upcoming episode title 'Battle of Bloodshed' in that red font... I have really high hopes.

    I like the sudden change that the series is taking, giving a dark side to Hakuoro and having the past catch up with him. No doubt Yue and Sherikiperitan (sp?) will come back at the worst possible time though...

    But the most interesting thing now is Hakuoro. Early on we were throwing around ideas about his true identity, and now it's at the forefront of the show. I just have to wonder what kind of 'monster' is inside of him and from where his current personality comes from. Was he always a nice guy who got pushed to the edge? (though even in anger Hakuoro as we know him would never be the type to kill children) Or was he evil? Now I'm already willing to bet the bank that he's not human, or some kind of human/demon, but how come that side of him doesn't even seem to exist now?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #99

  20. #100

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