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Thread: Utawarerumono

  1. #221
    okay... as much as I don't like Y-M (if anyone who cares is reading this : "STOP WITH THE RANDOM COMMENTS! which do appear on MPC and MP11)

    the final eps were... WOW... the final battle was nicely animated and even though the second half of the ep was kinda lame, the part that was where the ED was supposed to be was cool. oh... and it seems the twins are young boys?

  2. #222
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
    'Tis a valid point you make about the unnecessary explanations and such.

    But, wouldn't it be all the more satisfying if the series does tie in that somewhat outlandish bit in a palatable manner?
    If only .... IF ONLY. Unfortunately most are so bad they make you puke and wish you've never tasted such foul things that it has scarred you mentally for life...

    But have to say, Utawarareweuroauraweaoreiauwew.. after watching Your Mum subs, it didn't end as bad as I thought it would.

    Job well done. Though I wish they get rid of the lab rat crap. *Waits eagerly for yesy now*

  3. #223
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Inconceivable. I couldn't believe my eyes when Arcness suddenly over at the irc told he's downloading the last 4 Utawarerumono episodes from Yesy. But it's bloody true! They released them! Honestly, I couldn't have imagined a better end for my birthday even if IFHTT had been holding a sword on my throat and telling my life depends on my imagination.

    Episode 23 - Yesy
    Episode 24 - Yesy
    Episode 25 - Yesy
    Episode 26 Final - Yesy

  4. #224
    Yesy finally releses the end of Uta for all us patient fans out there, excellent news!

    EDIT: Kraco's birthday magic made his post appear before mine! It definately wasn't there when I first submitted!

    All in all this was a great series. The ending was nice and made me feel like the story was complete but not over which is good. Kamyu and her alter-ego were not explained much at all which was a bit of an annoyance, but it wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Yuzuha's apparent death was a bit of a surprise, but we knew it was coming eventually and I'm glad Oboro grew enough as a charachter to be able to handle it.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 10-12-2006 at 11:51 PM.

  5. #225
    The conclusion was rather disappointing. So much was unexplained:

    - Hakuoro suddenly remembering everything
    - Kamyu's transition to Mutsumi
    - Who is Mutsumi anyway and why was she in the lab?
    - Timeline: how long was Hakuoro asleep before meeting Eruruu?)
    - Timeline: the story of "Iceman"
    - What happened to Mikoto's baby and how was the ring preserved?
    - What the hell is Dii's problem?

  6. #226
    There were several things left unsaid, but for many of those points I'd recommend the Wikipedia article, as it includes information from the original game as well.

    1: not addressed: I'd say the cues he got from the lab reopened his suppresed memories
    2: partially addressed
    3: answered
    4: partially addressed
    5: slightly addressed
    6a: Not addressed: I would imagine it grew into Eruruus ancestors
    6b: Not addressed: Plot device?
    7: Not addressed: He is the dark/violent side of Witsuarunemitea so he's a dick

    Something else I realize, the struggle between Hakuoro and Di reminded me a lot of the philosophical divide between the Vorlons and the Shadows in Babylon 5, and by remonded I mean it seemed to be exactly what the argument came down to in the final battle between those two and all the little people they were tryingto push around.

  7. #227
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    while on a philosophical level the ending was pretty good (in that "our existence is the suffering of others, so it's best if we don't exist right now" sort of way), I still have to say, I'd have rather seen it end with Hakuoro and pals staying together.

    I never particularly liked "parting" endings.

  8. #228
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have always liked endings that are both sad and happy, the parting endings like Complich defined them, and this served it well. This wasn't really the Hollywood type of show from the beginning, and Yuzuha's death was one part of it. It was far more natural than her suddenly getting all better, seeing how she didn't really seem to get any better but rather worse during the time the episodes depicted.

    The story was certainly incomplete here and there, and not nearly all of it can be explained by artistic decisions (slice of life aspects that don't see the need to explain many things). Some details just were a bit careless looking remnants from the game or perhaps just flaws in the game design as well, though I haven't played the game so I wouldn't know. Well, it was an excellent series even with some unexplained, nonrelevant looking things here and there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    - What happened to Mikoto's baby and how was the ring preserved?
    Seeing how all the scientists in the facility were turned into red slime, I guess the imprisoned test subjects were practically freed, and they took the baby with them when they left. Perhaps the scientists hadn't taken the ring from the baby and she grew up with it. (Nice form of immortality for the scientists, as well! Truly immortal they seemed to be, considering how they were still around in those much later times!)

    What did Aruruu and later Eruruu see just before the scenes ended? It kind of reminded me of Elfen Lied's ending with somebody arriving but the story never revealing who it was. Very nice.

  9. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    What did Aruruu and later Eruruu see just before the scenes ended? It kind of reminded me of Elfen Lied's ending with somebody arriving but the story never revealing who it was. Very nice.
    That's one way of looking at it. It's plausible if only based on Aruruu's side. I thought Eruruu was just happy about the way things are. She says she'll always be waiting, and is happy with that.

    However, it could very well be like Elfen Lied, as you suggested.

  10. #230
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    I found this while looking on ANN:

    Utawarerumono to Keep Name (2006-10-23 22:07:15)
    In August, ANN was informed by ADV Films that they were planning on releasing the Utawarerumono under the moniker "Shadow Warrior Chronicles." However ADV has now confirmed with us that Utawarerumono will be released using its original Japanese name, the first volume will be called "Utawarerumono: Mask of a Stranger." Chris Oar of ADV Films said "Originally we wanted to make it as accessible to as many people as possible," adding that they decided to reverse this decision following fan-feedback.
    They actually kept the name because the fans complained about it.. they actually listened to fans.. as far as I know, this it a very rare thing.. normally they'd give the finger to the fans..

    Is this really rare, or am I just not paying attention..

  11. #231
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Generally, it doesn't happen often, but ADV and a few other companies finally started doing it on a more regular basis. The response has to be overwhelming, like with Utawa, or Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (though FUNi had to stick with "Rumbling Hearts" at the request of the creator, but they did listen and respond to the fans.) It also helps if it's a negative response to something.

    I wonder if they finally figured out they were in a niche market and are better off seeing how the fans feel.

    Whether or not that's true, it's good for us, and good for them because we'll buy more.

  12. #232
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I wonder if they finally figured out they were in a niche market and are better off seeing how the fans feel.
    Bingo. I think that's exactly what they figured out. The same people you pissed off by "Americanizing" one title will still hold it against you when you're trying to sell the next one.

    Oh, and I did like the end of Uta, but the series started getting a little too funky weird towards the end. The whole 'contract' thing could have been worked into the story in a more fluid way. Also, the series suffered because of the villains. Dii (even if he was voiced by Shuuichi Ikeda-sama) just wasn't enough for me as far as a proper villain went.

    i don't really mind the 'parting' endings. Sometimes that's the only way to do a proper ending for a story. In this case I thought it fit very well, especially as the nature of the contracts and the carrying over of character connections from one time period to another makes any 'parting' just temporary.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #233
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It certainly was a long wait, but it's finally here:

    Utawarerumono OST - Nipponsei

  14. #234

  15. #235
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Where are Karura's boobs!? And I really did not like it that they had to boil Touka red first before they showed her nakedness. Kinda ruined it for me.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #236
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    And I really did not like it that they had to boil Touka red first before they showed her nakedness. Kinda ruined it for me.
    It didn't bother me. I prefer it this way to them purposefully parading each and every character past the camera to show their boobs in a best possible manner, from the best possible angle. It was more natural like this, even if we didn't see them all.

    Otherwise I was a little disappointed. I fail to see why half the length of the ova was spent showing Karura drinking sake in the tower. You'd think after 10 minutes of that action repeated we already know everything there is to know about drinking sake in a tower... I hope the next ep is a bit more energetic and intriguing.

  17. #237
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Where are Karura's boobs!? And I really did not like it that they had to boil Touka red first before they showed her nakedness. Kinda ruined it for me.
    Before I started watching this, I wasn't expecting to see any nudity at all. I was quite surprised and also very pleased to see some, especially from a serious type like Touka. I really didn't care much for the rest of the OVA. I found it quite boring.
    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 06-26-2009 at 11:14 AM.

  18. #238
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Is this series overall any good?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #239
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Is this series overall any good?
    Yes, go and download it right now. You like Tears to Tiara right? You should enjoy this as well.

  20. #240
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    Yes, go and download it right now. You like Tears to Tiara right? You should enjoy this as well.
    Cool. I'll give it a go sometime. Hopefully soon.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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