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Thread: Utawarerumono

  1. #201
    Wow...this episode is a huge twist in the series. We're suddenly jumping to sci-fi which didn't make too much sense. So humans regressed and crossbred with dogs in the future, eh?

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    Wow...this episode is a huge twist in the series. We're suddenly jumping to sci-fi which didn't make too much sense. So humans regressed and crossbred with dogs in the future, eh?
    not necessarily true... parrallel universe (like 12 kingdoms), going to another planet, etc.

    although, I guess there are some people who would (and did) try to crossbreed with dogs. so who knows!

  3. #203
    That monster in rock was said to be the reason humans evolved from monkeys but why not from other animals as well?

  4. #204
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    As I was watching the big blue monster kill everyone I was thinking; How was the monster able to kill the guy inside the mech by crushing it's head............when the guy is in the chest area?

    And then it hit me, The mechs are functioning in the same way the mobile suits did in G Gundam........that's the only possible answer.

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  5. #205
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a
    That monster in rock was said to be the reason humans evolved from monkeys but why not from other animals as well?
    You bring up a very good point. That very well could be what happened. However, whats the deal with Benawi, is he a regular human or a hybrid hiding some weird ears under his hair? Come to the think of it, a lot of the soldiers seem to look like regular humans rather than hybrids but i guess it could just be the case of their ears not showing because of helms or hair.

  6. #206
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    It has been along while, but I seem to remember Eruruu commenting on how dangerous Aruruu's wandering alone in the forest is.... Now, we certainly didn't see THIS scene depicted in the flashback in any previous episode, but it makes sense if you consider how Hak was found shortly after an earthquake.

    The real question is: why doesn't Eruruu have memories of that until now? I think it's the same reason Hak didn't have any of his Avu, because whatever is the 'soul' of that thing doesn't really want humans to know it exists.

    Human-scientist Hak's blood getting all over the masklike part of the Avu was quite the symbolism. Interesting to see that this is set "after" the end of our modern times. ... as for the different races, I have no clue.

    Hak's Avu certainly has consciousness, but I wonder about the other ones. We've really seen no indication that they do, and the way that guy abandonded his made it look like they're just viewed as normal machinery by their pilots... We haven't gotten to see what they look like inside, but they do seem more like an Eva/G Gundam than your typical Gundam or Escaflowne mech.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #207
    Student Mog's Avatar
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    When the 'flashback' thing came on, it more seemed to me to be something that happened way back.
    In episode four, at 5:30 in static's version, the old lady leader Tusukur was talking about how her older sister was also named Eruruw, and she was Aruruw. And at the start of episode three is says that the older sister, Eruruw 'became one with the forest'.
    So I was thinking maybe that's what happened, rather than it being the current Eruruw and Aruruw. As to why Eruruw saw it thinking it was her memory, I have no idea.

  8. #208
    Humm, so ADV sent a letter to Static-Subs the other day, forcing them to drop the series. I just recently found out, and it sucks since that's the version I was getting.

    Hopefully yesy will keep releasing even if IRC only. I wish SS creates a rogue group and finishes it.

  9. #209
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Argh, what?
    Uh, then i can remove that Static-Subs-episodes and download all former episodes from

  10. #210
    Why would you do that? Static-subs > yesy

  11. #211
    To each his own i guesss, but I also prefer yesy to Static. But it's too bad really...and I wonder....why have I never heard of a group that rips dubbed DVD's getting shutdown...I'm sure it's happened, but i've never heard of one in the two years i've been dling them.

  12. #212
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Does anyone have any news for this anime? It seems to be all but stalled hardcore, which is a shame, I was looking forward to the last eps
    image fail!

  13. #213
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One thing is at least sure: Yesy hasn't dropped it officially. Right now, being an optimist what comes to Utawarerumono, I chose to believe the theory they are planning to release all the remaining episodes in a batch, to avoid unwanted attention. After all, Static subs already received a letter from the licensor. Let's hope Yesy doesn't need to share that fate, even if it means we will have to wait for a few week before seeing anything new. But think of the feeling when you have the 4 last episodes to watch all at once, back to back.

    Well, it's just a theory somebody over at the Yesy forums suggested.

  14. #214
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Um....Wouldn't Your-mom have stolen the glory by now? Whats going on with Uta?
    I'm guessing theirs another reason behind the delay?
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  15. #215
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Just because Your-Mom is probably more visible now, it doesn't mean the wicked licensor agents wouldn't scrounge around for any existing subbers. Well, apparently they didn't at least yet, unless Y-M and Yesy have been just hiding the fact they got letters, but I doubt that (well, I think Yesy would drop the series if asked by the licensor).

    Yesy is a normal group in the sense that they don't much discuss publicly about why episodes are delayed or not. So, we just need to wait and see. Let's be optimistic.

  16. #216
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Darn. CAn't wait for the few more episodes. Don't know if I should jump ship and get Your Mom Subs.

    And another thing, I don't know why Japanese always must have a reason for things. I like the fact that there are big giant robots, I don't mind. Kinda like golems in fantasy universes, ancient dwarven machines or something.

    However Hakuoro's a robot as well? Might not be a robot. Might be just a demon or some creature. But I thought they didn't need to rationalize about Hakuoro being a scientist getting shot and his blood spilling on it. I would have just preferred him being a big ass demon of some sorts. Maybe he is.

    And whats with Eruruu giving her life to the demon = Hakurou? I hope they don't last minute do things and screw up this anime. Rather leave us hanging and explain more in Season 2, if there will be one.

    Btw, what happened to the 2 girls who stopped the big blue Avu Kamun?

  17. #217
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoopider
    And another thing, I don't know why Japanese always must have a reason for things.
    According to my experience that's not the whole true. I think it depends on the story and series. Of course everything does have a reason, but it's more like a script writing, pacing and cutting detail if all of those reasons are ever explained. Apparently they thought in this series it was vital or at least helptful to reveal that part of Hakuoro's past. In a certain sense it was logical, because right from the first episode Hakuoro's forgotten history has been the biggest mystery of the show.

  18. #218
    Remember that this show is based off of a game, and thus it will most likely has a closed loop plot that makes sense. Unless there was a sequel to the game there will probably only be the one season and whatever conclusions the game reached will probably be explained in the last few eps.

  19. #219
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Ok, not all MUST have a reason for things. But there's been tons of anime's spoilt by Japanese having to reason their anime... *sniff*..

    Some like Scrapped Princess, Full Metal Alchemist, Last Exile. If they only could just stick to a fairy tale being a fairy tale. Not relate it to how 'it's 1000 years in the future, or it's another universe alternating to eart or humans travelled to this planet on some golden ship'. I've gotten off topic.

    Personally I would't mind if he's some sort of demon or something. But they shouldn't have bothered with the sci-fi and laboratory shit.
    Last edited by Stoopider; Sat, 09-23-2006 at 09:38 AM.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Stoopider
    Personally I would't mind if he's some sort of demon or something. But they shouldn't have bothered with the sci-fi and laboratory shit.
    'Tis a valid point you make about the unnecessary explanations and such.

    But, wouldn't it be all the more satisfying if the series does tie in that somewhat outlandish bit in a palatable manner?


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