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Thread: Ouran High School Host Club

  1. #81
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    And here we are. Farewells again to another great show. If I were a more emotional fellow, this would make me really sad with all the series ending around this same time. Well, it still does.

    Episode 26 Final - Lunar

    An interesting last episode to say the least. This whole series was an odd mix of comedy and more serious issues that were still often somewhat hard to accept as serious issues with such characters and settings. It was like serious comedy. In this final episode comedy was clearly in a minor role. They had really succeeded in building excellent and believable relationships between the characters, with Tamaki in the center, and how that all seemed to be in peril didn't much have comedic feeling. But keeping this in mind, it was an excellent episode in all its seriousness.

  2. #82
    Noooo! The end is here!!! I'm currently downloading it now...
    I have to agree with being sad with series ending around the same time.

  3. #83
    awesome ending for an awesome series XD

    I kind of felt sorry for eclair though..i love it how some anime series make you sympathise with the supposed villians =P, lol the philosophy of there being no ultimate right or wrong...

    I liked how they portrayed eclair during the moment tamaki was about to leave as appearing to sincerely not wanting to lose him when she clung onto his arm...then a flash of pain as she makes the decision to let him go...then following up with the housekeeper scene and all...ultimately revealing her side of the story

    The convo at the end between kouya's and tamaki's dad was interesting aswell hahaha they wanna claim haruhi as their sons future bride! lol Maybe for tamaki but would kouya? like he's not really shown any interest in her i don't think? or is that just part of his cool guy character act? mnnnn so many questions ><

    imma gonna go hunt for the ost now...wheeee feeling happy
    it is always the darkest before the dawn...

  4. #84
    A fabulous series and I really liked the way they ended it. It was never really a romance and they didn't try to shove one down our throats at the last minute, which I shouldn't have to applaud but since it's happened so much I figure the studio deserves some credit.

    Ouran was a great coming of age story that I'll probably remember all the way until the next coming of age anime comes along and knocks it out of my short term memory (sad but unfortunately true). I wonder what Lunar will do for it's next project though.

  5. #85
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    This certainly had an excellent ending. I was worried that the last episode was going to be rushed, but it certainly didn't feel like it.
    One can only hope for a 2nd season if possible, haha.

  6. #86
    I just rewatched the 4th episode, where Renge-chan's character is introduced and she tries to change the Host Club and give it a more shadowy side. Its funny, because she transforms most of them into the people before they joined the club. Honey was trying to be tough, the twins were introverted, and Suou was lonely.

    Ending was nice for the series. They did a full circle about "Handsome men don't get wet" and how the Host Club was a super-rich game.

  7. #87
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    i was expecting to be thoroughly sad when this series ended, as it became one of my favourite ones of the season. but after watching the ending, i felt content instead. everything wound up very nicely. i'd be ecstatic if they made a second season, but honestly, i don't think it's needed. it would be nice to see tamaki's mother's situation resolved, though. maybe i'll take up the manga...

    anyway, i don't know if anyone's interested, but apparently the second ouran ost has been out for more than a month. sadly, i only just found out about it last night.

  8. #88


    hmm....since u have the second u prehaps also have the torrent for the first ost??

  9. #89
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    sure do. here you go

  10. #90
    awesom, thanks a lot!
    listening to ost can always reminds me about the scenes of the series, it great!

  11. #91
    Reviving an old thread but

    I just watched this series and it was great! I really like finding full series of this quality to watch. everything was well done, all characters were detailed. this was really a good story. I recommend it to ppl who haven't watched it.

    (as an aside... who the hell names their kid "Eclair" espcially if their last name is "Tonnerre". aren't there laws to prevent that?)

  12. #92
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Very nice show indeed.
    Good rythm, good contrasts, nice alternance of comedy and deeper plots.

    Regarding Eclair Tonnerre or Lightning Thunder, she is exactly that. She's Flashy, comes very quickly, sounds dangerous... but in the end has little effects on the world.
    It's also nice she's named like this, as Haruhi is afraid of Lightnings and Thunders...

    I was a bit afraid this show would be a bit too gay, but in fact it was very light (except for Haruhi's father...) and amusing all the way.

    I LOLED a lot with the reference to the Weapons of Mass Destruction... when the shota boy shouldn't ever fight at 100% in public, to prevent Japan from being attacked by the UN for having weapons of mass destruction

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #93
    Wow I just finished this series recently too, though I didnt want to bring it back up since it was such a old thread. Anyway is there any word on a second series because the manga is still on-going.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  14. #94
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Paris & Versailles, France
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    Wow I just finished this series recently too, though I didnt want to bring it back up since it was such a old thread. Anyway is there any word on a second series because the manga is still on-going.
    Well the last update wasn't that old.

    Plus I tend to think that once in a while showing a great thread to newcomers, or people that didn't notice at first, is a good idea to spread info about such great series. It shouldn't be used to much however

    But Ouran High School Host Club certainly is worthy of being praised and shared amongst Gootwoot Fellows who may have missed it.

    Regarding a second season, I wonder if it's possible or if the show had enough audience in the first place, allowing a second season.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #95
    Ok so when I watched this series it was on ya I know....
    So anyway I was trying to look for where I could dl it from, but I couldnt find any irc that had it. Does anyone know where I can find a torrent for the full series?

    Edit: Nevermind I found one thanks anyway
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  16. #96
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    the first dvd set of ouran was released in stores in north america today. it includes the first 13 episodes. anyone thinking of getting it?

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