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Thread: Ouran High School Host Club

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Cat puppets or not, the show must go on:

    Episode 12 - Lunar

    Quite a nice, and traditional, Ouran episode. Not really any extra characters but just the host club this time. I can't really say this would have developed the characters that much, but that's ok once in a while.

    And no bunny-Haruhi after all. She's certainly spared of any fan service, quite totally.
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 06-26-2006 at 05:13 AM.

  2. #42
    Sigh... that was such a tease.

    It was a great episode -- I laughed at the different guilt-ridden techniques Honey tried to use.

  3. #43
    At first I didn't think this would be a anime I could get into but after a few episodes it started to grow on me. I felt for Honey with that whole ice-cream to tooth happened. I can remember when I had a bad tooth and the pain I felt when anything cold hit it.

    "If you don't shut up.... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist." - Zetsubou Sensei

  4. #44
    i felt bad for tamaki's bear haha. and i liked the part when everyone was scared of honey but mori said the bunny wanted tea and then everything was all good

  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    I wonder how big Haruhi's debt is right now...

    Episode 13 - Lunar

    A psychedelic episode. I'm not usually the greatest fan of this type of episodes. I didn't find this even particularly funny.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 07-01-2006 at 02:16 PM.

  6. #46
    interesting way of a reshowing old faces :-)

    I'm a sucker for Freudian dream plots so it was interesting. For a 20 minute show, they did a great job in pacing.

  7. #47
    It was werid and unusual, somewhat fun and interesting, but I don't think I like it too much.

  8. #48
    hmm i must agree with the lot of you, i didn't really like this episode. i actually didn't recognize some of the people in it, but maybe that's cuz so many of the girls look alike. who was the cleaning lady?

  9. #49
    I believe her name was Ayanokoji (sp?), the jealous chick that got kicked out in the first least I think that's her.

    "If you don't shut up.... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist." - Zetsubou Sensei

  10. #50

  11. #51
    A good episode. Puppy dog eyes and commoner jokes.

    Haruhi's expression at the end was unexpected, made it 10x funny for me. (Maybe I'm a little thick headed and expected something different)

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Ouran - 14

    The only Haruhi I have left now
    Ive been waiting for the newst episode....*goes off to DL without delay*

  13. #53
    i liked when it showed tamaki asking each of the members to join, so cute! tamaki and the bunny puppet ^_^

  14. #54
    Ouran - 15 released by Lunar!

    Lol I was just about to go to bed and I thought, i'll drop by Lunar's IRC to grab their CRS...what luck that I would find this link so fresh it's not even on their front page at the time of this posting!
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 07-19-2006 at 03:06 AM.

  15. #55
    this ep was probably one of the better ones, espcially with the recent string of so-so episodes. you can see how the twins are starting to split apart and overall this was a hilarious ep. mori sure reminded me of the brawny man when he was chopping wood.

  16. #56
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    ep 16 is out

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A fine episode. Not terribly humorous this time. It's kind of interesting how they switch between humorous themes and deeper themes with little trouble. Since I'm not any obligatory fan of comedy, I have no problems with this. And it's nice to see the Hikaru-Kaoru relationship can be used in a broader way than just as a source of the regular jokes and hosting scenes.

  18. #58
    The differences between Hikaru and Kaoru this ep were the most obvious I've noticed so far. And Hikaru's growth as a person was very nicely presented. Hopefully more charachters will end up evolving in some way as well.

  19. #59
    Great episode.
    Btw, I swear that little bean bag thing Hikaru was holding was a reference to FMA...

  20. #60
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

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