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Thread: Ouran High School Host Club

  1. #1

    Ouran High School Host Club

    Episode 1 by Lunar:

    "Ohran Academy is a high school which rich people go to, but Haruhi is a common girl who won a scholarship. Because her mother died and she has been reaised only by her father, she isn`t interested in fashion, and she acts like a boy.

    One day, she happens to enter the Host Club room, and breaks 8 million yen vase. Because her family is not rich, she cannot afford to compensate the vase. The leader of the club ordered her to gather 100 guests as setoff against the debts. In this way, Haruhi become the 7th member to host girl students.

    taken from animenfo.

    Based on a manga serialized in the shoujo manga magazine LaLa. Animation is being done by BONES.",3...koukou_ho.html

  2. #2
    sounds intresting

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    What is exactly a host club? Do they strive to excel in hosting parties, or things like that?

    Hmm... Since Lunar dropped Bleach, I wonder if this is to be their new big thing, or is this just a smaller project. Or perhaps it's just an erroneous idea of mine that there should be always a mega series being subbed... Well, anyway, I'll wait a little to see the reactions here before deciding whether to try this one or not.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    If you look over their previous works, Lunar really doesn't do that many "mega series." Their most popular projects were Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, Bleach and Suzuka, and Suzuka's popularity was most likely tied into the number of people that were watching Bleach and tried it out. To me, Lunar has always been a group that has picked up series that other groups do not (at least initially). That trend has fallen somewhat. Other groups that pick up these series usually seem to because Lunar was forced to drop it, or fell very far behind on the subbing.

    Anyhow, a "host club" comes off related to a section of the "water trade" typically. This comprises of the people in Japan that essentially shmooze customers for money using sexual means. ("water trade" also includes Fuuzoku establishments, I'm not explaining that one in a forum) At a hostess club, one would be seated between to women who would rub against you constantly. Not lap dances, but grabbing your arm tightly between their breasts, etc. They giggle and keep the customer happy and drunk the whole time. A "host club" is the male version of this for women. (There are also transvestite clubs for homosexuals, fair is fair). There is nothing overtly sexual about these clubs, they serve a similar function to what geisha's do today in Kyoto.

    It's got Maaya Sakamoto as the main character. I'd watch it no matter what.

    The first eps was pretty funny though. I'll probably stick with this for a while. They're so over the top about the bishonen scenes that you can't help but laugh at them. The great "monetary divide" references and insults Haruhi gets all the time a funny too.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 04-08-2006 at 09:08 AM.

  5. #5
    Watched the first episode, it wasn't too bad... The bishounen side puts me off, so I don't know if' I'll continue watching it...

    Episode 2:
    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 04-18-2006 at 04:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Saw both eps today. After watching the first I told myself there's no way in hell I'll be watching this series. However the second episode sort of redeemed the series in my perspective. There is some actual outcome to this whole Hosting thing other than them looking like rich morons and sitting around listening to the girls squeal the whole time.

    I'll check out the next ep, and if its not satisfactory, then this series is gone. I agree though all the bishounen crap is what almost turned me away completely, that and the ambiguous homosexuality between the two twins... Don't have a clue what that's all about, but its all got it's own little humor to it, I guess... I can't say that this series looks very promising though.

  7. #7
    Saw the second episode... this isn't so bad. I'll keep watching it, but only when I don't have anything else to watch. I wish they would kill the twin brothers though. The lesbianism at the end made up for the rest of the episode.

  8. #8


    i think this series isn't bad so far. but then again, lots of series start out decent and burn.

    as for the twins, i don't mind, but it's unexpected i suppose. that and i also assume all the people who posted above anti-twins were probably guys

    a bit off topic, but this series sort of reminds me of a drama i watched (meteor garden) just b/c there's this school of rich, snobby kids who don't all turn out to be snobby, and the sole poor kid who gets in with them.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This seems pretty funny thus far. Whilst much of the first episode presented humour from a bit too easy and obvious category: emphasizing differences between poor and rich, not even all of that was bad as such. The second episode was a bit different due to the revelation at the end of the first, and in my opinion was made better because of that.

    Well, the graphics are good and technical aspects nice also otherwise. If this level of quality is maintained, I'll probably keep watching this.

  10. #10

  11. #11

    man, ep 3 was hilarious. even if the storyline so far seems typical, the show is hilarious. def. worth watching so far.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yes, indeed. It was a great episode. A really great master plan to hide Haruhi's gender... Somehow this show manages to be slightly surprising and certainly entertaining even if the plot actually isn't that deep.

    And I'm always happy to have a good Lunar subbed series to dl. Along with AonE it's my oldest acquaintance in the world of subbing.

  13. #13
    I really like this show now, another Gotwoot scouted hit for me, I think i'm just going to let the forum tell me what to watch from now on. The goofiness of these charachters knows no bounds, but yet it manages to make sense somehow. Let's hope this don't over run the parent manga and become another Black Cat.

  14. #14
    Ouran HS Host Club Ep 4 - Lunar

    Pretty good episode, although I feel like the humor might be getting stale, it's still funny. The girl turning them all into Love RPG charachters was worth a laugh, and as usual Tamaki was hilarious with his mood swings. I hope they do something with Takashi sometime though, he's so mysterious because he rarely speaks other than to help Honey-kun.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 05-03-2006 at 09:20 AM.

  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This is a seriously funny series. Some of the scenes are like overdramatic theatre, some totally out of this world, and then Haruhi concludes it by muttering: "Damn rich bastards..."

    Yeah, it's one helluva club they are running.

  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Clubbing and hosting continues:

    Episode 5 - Lunar

  17. #17
    What's the name of the ED song? Its been growing on me.

    Great episode. Gotta love thier neurotic behavior.

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye, neurotic indeed. This episode had actually quite a nice plot. Even if it was simple and didn't seem to have too much content, it actually worked really well. It's also nice how Haruhi actually is a bit similar to Kyon in The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi; both are in an environment that isn't quite what they are used to or where they actually belong, and thus can make observant comments, as if they were outsiders.

    But poor Haruhi got owned in this episode. Badly.

  19. #19

    Yukimura is the coolest guy pants

    I loved the completely random entrance of the French girl with her utter uselessness and all. For some reason I didn't see the fight being fake coming, which I count as a good thing, predictability being bad and all. It's not all that interesting that Haruhi is affecting the twins so much though, since she's probobly the only person in the school with actual character.

    And the Haruhi 'shop' was priceless. Thus i've saved it for posterity!

  20. #20
    Ouran Host Club 6 by Solar

    They've been releasing this series for a while but I've always grabbed Lunar since it came out essentitally at the same time, guess I'll find out if this group is worth anything.

    PS: Does anyone even watch this besides Kraco and I?

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