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Thread: Naruto 179 Discussion

  1. #1
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Naruto 179 Discussion

    I tend to ignore this forum during the week so I didn't know about the new opening and ending. They were pretty cool, I can't see myself adding the ending to my ipod though. The ep was pretty funny, Tenten is such a funny character she really needs more screen time. Her and Lee inside the barrel was halarious.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  2. #2
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    ep 179 is another filler, nothing special, tho i like that they have new opening and ending, i guess that means fillers are going to end soon...hopefully

  3. #3
    Regarding the Episode 001 DB released(Sorry I didn't think it deserved it's own topic) The opening and ending songs they used for the cartoon network fake sub were hilarious.

  4. #4
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
    Regarding the Episode 001 DB released(Sorry I didn't think it deserved it's own topic) The opening and ending songs they used for the cartoon network fake sub were hilarious.
    The episode 001 is supposed to go along with their APD joke thats on links on the home page. It's pretty elaborate.

    The episode still sucked though there were some funny bits. The one thing I like about the opening, is every character or team has their own little clip that can easily be lifted out after each character makes their afterskip appearance.

    Or maybe not...maybe it's just another season of fillers...

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, this episode wasn't as good as I had hoped based on the previous one. Although it's not like I was surprised - we are talking about fillers, after all. Well, at least there seems to be something going on behind the scenes. A little consipiracy helps a lot.

    Well, there were some good moments. And like Aeon I liked Tenten, even though I didn't appreciate the inane tailing technique borrowed from Konohamaru. Also I almost liked the scene with the star brat longing for his mother, along with the song. Unfortunately such scenes really require a strong story and likable characters, though, otherwise they seem out of place or outright embarrassing.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    The episode 001 is supposed to go along with their APD joke thats on links on the home page. It's pretty elaborate.

    Yeah, thats what I assumed... Beastie Boys song + CN opening=hahahaha

  7. #7
    I tihnk this episode was ok.
    Dunno why, but as soon as I heard the story of the dead parents, I thought "the masked guy is Sumaru's father. Weird?

    Since no one has complained, i'm going to assume thats not a spoiler. Therefore i've changed it to black, as the white font is really annoying.

    Just so you know, if it were a spoiler, simply changing the font color and putting a spoiler tag won't do. No spoilers are allowed in this section, so just make sure you don't accidently post something and get banned.

    Last edited by Assassin; Thu, 04-06-2006 at 12:56 PM.

  8. #8
    Boring episode, fillerish humour and ninjas turned into clowns. I still cant understand how they fucked up the soldier thing about ninjas, kill or die. Be a tool for your village and sacrifice yourself. if zabuza and Haku would rise their heads...

    I didnt like neither the opening nor the ending. Too common, simplistic music and images. About the episode, why the hell do these villages hire konoha ninjas?? They hire ninja to help them, but then they dont want those ninja to help them, they have secrets about the mission they hired them for, they almost fought the same ninja they hired!

    x village leader: humm we want to protect this secret thing, we dont want anyone to get near it or know about it. We want to do things by our own methods and solve things without any interfence so..... lets hire some ninja to make this imposible! aint I clever?

    x village ninjas: yup yup! indeed. Thats our leader!

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyrox
    I tihnk this episode was ok.
    Spoiler?Dunno why, but as soon as I heard the story of the dead parents, I thought "the masked guy is Sumaru's father. Weird?
    Only the heavy breathing from under the mask was missing...

    Masked guy: If you only knew the power of the fallen star. Hoshikage never told you what happened to your father.

    Sumaru: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.

    Masked guy: No. I am your father.

    Sumaru: No. No. That's not true. That's impossible.

    Masked guy: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

    Sumaru: Nooooo. Nooooo.

    Masked guy: Sumaru, you can destroy Akahoshi. He has foreseen this. Join me and together we can rule the village as father and son.

    Sumaru: I'll never join you.

  10. #10
    Wow... I figured from the beginning of the series, that Naruto was really unique, but now there are 39048209523 other people who are alone like Naruto.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Divinity
    Wow... I figured from the beginning of the series, that Naruto was really unique, but now there are 39048209523 other people who are alone like Naruto.
    you mean.... freak of nature? lol

    The new intro was.. fine, except for the rainbow rasengan, this episode was somehow funny (Tenten and Lee in the barrel), the rest was fine, the ending was... the ending sucked badly from my point of view, since when they have CellPhone in Naruto ?! and the ending song sucked too

  12. #12
    maybe there is a little hope for the fillers to end since they showed itachi and orochimaru. they also showed jiraya so could be a sign of narutos training but i can also be hopeing a litlle to much lol and letting such litle clips get to my head lmao

  13. #13
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    hah yeah the rainbow ranengan is kinda stupid, I tought it was 7 color because of the light effects in movie, not that he could do it anytime :/, the cell phone even if it its the ending i don't think its actually going to be or have any use in anime,

    does the fact that they showed jiraya mean that he's comming back and story line is getting back on track ?

  14. #14
    if the story is gonna get back on track shouldnt the intro reveal anything about the time jump. nothing new can be seen in the intro, so I assume there's gonna be a bunch more fillers? and dunno why they added rainbow rasengan when it only occured in the first movie

    Edit: also didnt expect neji to zoom in 2000 miles away to see the guy flying away. When did byakugan have such a high resolution?
    Last edited by heero; Thu, 04-06-2006 at 02:48 PM.

  15. #15
    I dunno New openiong looks like its gonna be filler for a bit... even in older openings WITHOUT the Changing of fooage .... There were STILL spoilers in the openings, Then sections would get lifted , replaced and the opening would contain even more spoilers....

    This opening.... The very first scene with the wierd spikey haired shadow hthingie .. jutst looks cheezy .... BUT more importantly.. there are Absolutely NO time jump Characters or information in the opening at all.

    This is the most Distressing Factor.

    Maybe they did make it so that everything Changes whenthey introduce the new characters... But I dunno.... It just seems like a filler season opening to me

  16. #16
    HOnestly .. its kinda strange that the song has lyrics that sound like they are gonna do the time jump.....

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    The episode 001 is supposed to go along with their APD joke thats on links on the home page. It's pretty elaborate.
    Neither Dattebayo nor the fans they quoted reacting to the joke seem to have not seen any of Funimation's work since the early days of Dragonball Z. Shit, people can bitch about anything nowadays. "OMG America companees are teh ev1l!"
    Spare me.

    That being said, I watched the OP/ED for the joke sub and laughed pretty hard.

    Regarding episode 179, I didn't know what was going on since I haven't watched the episodes before it, but it didn't seem too bad. I liked seeing Naruto and Team Gai work together again. Also, the "Faggot Warrior" Ninja run in the first scene made me laugh. I can also see the animation for the OP easily being changed when the fillers end soon.

  18. #18
    I can also see the animation for the OP easily being changed when the fillers end soon.

    HOnestly .. its kinda strange that the song has lyrics that sound like they are gonna do the time jump.....

    I got my hopes up again. Is that bad?

  19. #19
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Was this boring or what?

    The plot makes no fucking sense, Sumaru is emo even by Naruto filler standards and he sings for no damn reason. I kept pausing this episode in order to do other stuff, I couldn't cope with the boredom for the full ~25 minutes.

    Only good parts were Neji lifting up Naruto (that looked badass, too bad he didn't drop him though) and Tenten/Lee sneaking. Weird though, since when do ninjas use barrels for that...

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Only good parts were Neji lifting up Naruto (that looked badass, too bad he didn't drop him though)...
    I bet he would have liked to drop, but since he's the leader of the mission, it would have left a bad mark on his resume; to have lost a team member on such a crappy mission.

    I don't know if such a person exist who watches Naruto and doesn't know of the upcoming time jump, but if Pierrot thought such a possibility exists, they might have deemed that having post time jump characters in the OP would be too confusing for those rare people (living under a rock).

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