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  1. #1
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    I watched the first 3eps since a friend of mine sent them to me over aim. The show seems to be ok, nothing special I just don't like the way the eps end. The ending never seems to have conclusions or cliff hangers. I'll wait a couple of weeks and then pick up some more eps.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  2. #2
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Ask yo moma
    … if i’m going to continue to watch this shit they are gonna have to get rid of them #$&*ing crows!
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  3. #3
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    … if i’m going to continue to watch this shit they are gonna have to get rid of them #$&*ing crows!
    The crows are rather annoying but needed as those happen to be the scenes that are closest to the manga this is being adapted from.

    Overall I found this series to be a surprize when I watched episode one as I hadn't read the manga at that point and found the concept of this show to be fairly well thought out. On the other hand I'm surprized any lawyer would allow them to put a show like this into production without some form of disclaimer as the "rocket powered rollerskates" seem like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    However a bit of disclaimer to anyone really enjoying the anime... DO NOT read the Manga unless you want to become disappointed in the progression of this series. I think the first 3 episodes covered something like the first 20 chapters and it was boiled down to the point most of the characters are not even remotely the same. Although if you can accept the manga and anime as differn't series entirely I do recommend the manga as it is excellent source work and contains no crows :P

    In the long run I'll continue to download this series as even tough its nowhere near the quality of the manga it is better then the majority of new series we have to choose from right now and I'm interested to see how they handle future events being the two are so differn't.

  4. #4
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Ask yo moma
    episode 6[Kyuu]_Air_Gear_-_06[C89ACCE5].avi.torrent
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  5. #5
    does anyone have a problm with eps 6? my player closes when i try to fast foward it and the quality is a lieetle bit messy

  6. #6
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by aznroyale
    does anyone have a problm with eps 6? my player closes when i try to fast foward it and the quality is a lieetle bit messy
    I've had no issues with playback for episode 6 myself but they did release a 2nd tracker after I had already downloaded the episode. Do you know if your copy is from the first or second tracker? Also is this the first time that an episode has had errors for you?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    I've had no issues with playback for episode 6 myself but they did release a 2nd tracker after I had already downloaded the episode. Do you know if your copy is from the first or second tracker? Also is this the first time that an episode has had errors for you?
    yeah its the first time for me

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