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  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 75-76 Discussion

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    Episode 75-76 - Dattebayo

    Well, this episode wasn't all bad. In fact it got a good stride to a better direction. It still suffered from bad action, but it looks like it was now more a decision dictated by the plot and pacing than lack of script writing or funds. The plot itself doesn't seem to be exactly brilliant, but at least it's tolerable so far, despite the lack of ingenuity.

    One thing that bothered me, though: Where was Ichigo aiming at with his shikai? It seems to me like he was just aiming to ruin the mansion. Well, I suppose it pisses off the host if you break his house, but in a battle for life and death, it might be wiser to finish off the enemy, not his house.

    The Shinigami's Illutrated Picture Book was absolutely great, though! I don't claim to understand what the hell it was all about, but it was excellent nonetheless.

  2. #2
    wasnt this suppose to be a 2hour special...

    and there was no next ep preview either

  3. #3
    I dont care if it doesnt show any preview but I think I know that some of Caps are going to the real world. And the thought of that is enough for me. The quality of the plot also does not bother, as it still is better compared to the naruto fillers. Love the new opening and ending theme. One questionthough, are they actually going to use those compact soul pez dispensers? o_O

  4. #4
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    I haven't watched the ep yet. but I did get ahold of the op/ed and I must say: they actually make me think the fillers will be good.

    Bleach op.

    Bleach ed.

    Although I have been deceived before....

    R.I.P Captain America.

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    thanks Knives, its nice to have a link to the OP and ED for those who aren't watching the filler. Some of my thoughts on the OP:

    After the 'Duck pez dispenser thingy' (what was its stupid name again?) pops you see several Shinigamis leaving their 'human forms', suggesting that they're going to take part in this filler fiasco set in the Human World

    Byakuya in a crisp looking suit, weird hair things still in
    Renji in the dirty hippy outfit
    Hitsugaya in a suit with some red tie or something
    Matsumoto (same shot as Hitsugaya, from behind) in a white shirt and a ponytail

    an OP entirely dedicated to filler (barf). Aside from it being all filler oriented, I also didn't like the song and some of the sequences used in it. The rolling CDs and some of the TV panel shots come to mind. Felt like they were trying too hard to re-create something from the ~Asterisk~ OP vein....

    The new ED - pretty good track, rather basic sequences. I liked it. Some super stylish outfits and the ending with all the ladies sitting together is nice. Anyone notice it focus on Hitsugaya for an absurdly long time?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, the more I watch this filler arc, the more I like it. It's just miles better than the Naruto ones.

    And yeah, the arc is pretty much dedicated to the Bountou, so...I'm expecting an entire season of this arc. Which doesn't bother me too much anymore. I mean, they gotta do it, and they are getting better at it instead of worse.

    That bit where Ichigo asked why the stuffed animals didn't just put each other in their bodies just cracked me up. And also confirmed for me that Ichigo has a little girls comatose body stuffed in his closet somewhere. I'm really looking forward to the hilarity that will bring up at some point(seriously, doesn't it make sense to give the girl to Inoue?).

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