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Thread: Kiba

  1. #81
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Hmm, that window theory actually makes sense. But Kiba doesnt, so that explains why.

    Thinking about it, it is also possible to just blast the damn wall with his shards and do it safely enough to not get injured. Im guessing he didnt escape in such a way because tons of guards would go after him making things more complicated (for the writers at least)
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  2. #82
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Im guessing he didnt escape in such a way because tons of guards would go after him making things more complicated (for the writers at least)
    Heh. There was a bloody tentacle vampire rampaging through their countryside leeching the life out of soldiers and civilian passersby (not to mention breaking castle walls and killing guards), and what did they do? Well, when the leader of the people who had sent that vampire arrived, they shrugged the whole incident off as if it never happened... So, they would send guards after Zed because of a few misplaced blocks of stone from a wall? Right. In fact, those guards could have been convenient to have close at hand when the taskers arrived...

  3. #83
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    But Kiba doesnt (make sense), so that explains why.
    This show has so many weird senseless parts I cant believe I am still watching it.

    Maybe its because of the 2nd OP theme by Younha, dammit.
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  4. #84
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This show descended fast to hell. These last episodes were so bad I had to force myself to watch them simply for old times sake. Zed used to be sort of cool in my opinion in the beginning when he seemed like a character who just did what he wanted and sought freedom (wind). But now he does absolutely nothing but whines, ask stupid questions, gets his ass kicked and cries after Noa worse than Sakura has ever missed Sasuke.

    I don't know what brand of mushrooms the author has been eating lately, but I hope he will quickly change the vendor.

  5. #85

  6. #86
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aside from the last seconds, that episode unfortunately didn't do terribly much to redeem this series. And for heaven's sake - just how many times do we have to watch Zed turn his back to an enemy and thus, naturally, get spirit sharded in the back? 20? 30? Maybe 40 times would be enough before this series is over. If we are lucky. I sure know I'm bloody bored of that exact same scene happening in every other fight. You would think anything less than a full bonehead would by know have learned not to give such grand openings to an enemy. But then again, looking at Zed's mom, I guess we can't, genetic aspects taken into account, expect too much from Zed himself...

    Man, it pisses me off when they ruin a promising series.

  7. #87
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    I'm not happy with the ending, it seems so sudden and unexpected.

    I hoped for a lot more episodes than this. I can always pray for another season in the future. :P

  8. #88
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That was clearly the end. I highly doubt there could be more episodes in the future. Nothing to tell, pretty much. And that suits me just fine. The whole Task portion at the end was far lousier than the rather enjoyable beginning and decent middle part.

    This ending wasn't too sudden for me, almost the contrary. The pacing was off, although that could have been also because Zed was so badly out of character for the most part. Otherwise the end wasn't that impressive either. It's symbolism pretty much evaded me, or maybe it really was that cliched the land is safe for now, but as long as men crave for power... blah blah....

    However, I have no idea what it meant that Zed abandoned the rest of the key spirits and then fused with Amil Gaul. What the heck did that symbolize? Bah, I'm just happy this is over.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    However, I have no idea what it meant that Zed abandoned the rest of the key spirits and then fused with Amil Gaul. What the heck did that symbolize? Bah, I'm just happy this is over.
    Reviving an old thread, but I just finished the series today and here's my take on that:

    When he charged and slashed at Amil Gaoul, he was still asking about what power he's seeking. For the entire series, he was seeking something beyond strength. In the last scene, he gains wings and flies off. The thing he was seeking, along with several other characters (Noa, Rebecca, Mirette), was freedom. They each lived confined lives and seeked ways to gain freedom. I think Rebecca said it best when she "died" the first time - that she wanted to be reborn as a bird and fly without barriers. Zed was granted that power by Amil Gaoul at the end.

    One thing I'm really not sure about: who was Morima? This line sounds like something Rebecca would say, and Zed seemed to recognize her. However, Rebecca is dead for sure. And the shard thing on her forehead is different.

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