This is a shounen series that I want to watch. First episode released by some group called orz:

"Zedd is a 15-year-old boy who lives in Calm. He is frustrated by his current daily life and seeking for the place to try his possibilities.

One day, a mysterious wind invites him to a time-space crevasse. He dives into the crevasse seeking for the answer that might be there.

Where he lands is another world. There, "Shadow Casters" have been fighting against each other endlessly using "Shadow", which is a crystal of magical power. With the power of the crystal, the Shadow Caster uses magic and monsters called "Split".

Fascinated by the power, Zedd wants to be a Shadow Caster. However, he doesn`t know that a big Spirit, "Amil Gaul", lies in his body, and that its power is so large as to influence the future of this world…",3...xgbe,kiba.html