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Thread: Bleach OVA 2 ~The Sealed Sword Frenzy~

  1. #21
    I have to agree with LaZyKiD, I don't think the guy wanted to be all half Zanpakutou, so he wanted to be killed for freedoms sake, why he needed Ichigo probobly coes down to plot, but then again, why does Ichigo ever win a fight?

  2. #22
    woot thanks for the link to the torrent, hey does anyone have a link to the first ova?

    i looked but i found ichigo100%

    [PSJ] Owns All

  3. #23
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That was the fanserviest fanservice that was ever fanserviced.

    Highly entertaining.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by djblingsingh
    woot thanks for the link to the torrent, hey does anyone have a link to the first ova?

    i looked but i found ichigo100%

  5. #25


    you own thanks alot

    and as for this ova, it was alright but too short, the stroy line was also too short. i would like to see more battles with captians and i would have liked to have seen something interesting like matsumoto in the real world buti saw that in teh cred and shes was alright


    [PSJ] Owns All

  6. #26
    ok i jsut saw the first one...inst it the same thing as an episode in the bleach's first season?

    only diff was some parts in and otehrs out, damn i was hoping for something better.

    i find th sec one better than teh first

    [PSJ] Owns All

  7. #27
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    But one thing is certain: It won't do anything good to Toushirou's selfesteem that he couldn't even scratch the enemy while a halfdead Ichigo still defeated him...
    Ahahahah, I was thinking the same thing. Toushirou's bankai is just all show and no substance.

    Bad guys: 2
    Toushirou's Bankai: 0

    All in all, an entertaining 'filler'. Like others have stated, it is better than what we are currently watching; however, it still is lacking the 'feel' of Bleach (kinda heartless). Still, worthy effort and worth the time. Yes, the credits was puuuuuuure fanservice!
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  8. #28
    exactly what is his bankai? all i see is him with iced out wings. and his attack is rather weak for a bankai. meh its probably because hes not usually in a cold place or something whih might give his sword a boost or something. well atleast after this ova i know that ichigo can preform bankai in the real world unlike in the current anime where he needs alot more strength to do it.

    [PSJ] Owns All

  9. #29
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    just finished watching the ova and it was alright... "nice shotgun, renji" it was pretty funny and a little amazing. especially liked that toushirou bankai.... will make some nice sigs and wallpapers.

    for the people that are disappointed with his bankai... you have to remember he is the youngest captain, again THE YOUNGEST(still have much to learn and master) and compaired to some of the other captain he is not that bad....i wanted to see the 8th and 13th captains bankai, that was a little disappointing, to think that they can hold their own against yama ji and to hear him praise them. leaves much to be expected....

    another thing remember two captains died in the last battle with bashi(sp) so...

    the ova was a little too short and like others said lacked emotion, and deep but it was not that bad.

    can't wait until zaraki learns his sword's name and unleases him bankai, but that might be a little to troublesome, might even be as powerful as yama ji and then some....
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  10. #30
    OT: come to think of zaraki, how did he get his katana anyway? i recall him having to kill just to stay alive and at that time i believe he wasnt in the gotei 13. i do wish he learns his swords name but theres more of a chance that will not happen. the fact that hes ignored his sword and just used it like a regular katana for a long ass time could mean that his katana has turned him down for good. and the fact that his eye-patch eats an endless amount of spirit power is pretty damn scary from the anemy's point of view. i just wanna see that little girl with no sene of direction go beserk

    on topic: again i give this a 7/10. was way too short and did lack emotion but aswell as some useful fighting that would have given viewers their bang for their bootlegging buck

    [PSJ] Owns All

  11. #31
    Acutally since Yachiru is still a girl is her zanpaktou supposed to get bigger as she grows or something? Or is she going to get a new one?

    Personally I don't think Zaraki would go and kill Yama jii if he attained bankai, I think Yachiru has had a calming effect on him. Remember, he is still stronger than some of the other captains and he doesn't kill them, and he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do it cos of his quest for power.

  12. #32
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Acutally since Yachiru is still a girl is her zanpaktou supposed to get bigger as she grows or something? Or is she going to get a new one?

    Personally I don't think Zaraki would go and kill Yama jii if he attained bankai, I think Yachiru has had a calming effect on him. Remember, he is still stronger than some of the other captains and he doesn't kill them, and he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do it cos of his quest for power.
    i know that he wouldn't kill yama ji, and i am aware that yachiru has a calming effect on him, but remember he loves to fight and i think if he does achieve bankai yama ji might be the only person to give him a challenge(excluding ichigo 6th, 8th and 13th captains).

    About Yachiru i am guessing that she is older than rukia, and a zanpaktou size doesn't really matter. look at Gin, that is one long ass sword when released.

    the reason why i am excited about zaraki is that like ichigo they cannot seal there power. Remember the eye patch and the bells.Also zangetsu said that his sword was fighting with his spirit force and since he has absolutly no awareness he doesn't see that... So it raises some exciting prospects...don't you think?
    Last edited by dragonrage; Tue, 03-28-2006 at 08:59 PM.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  13. #33
    UUuuuuugghghhgh.......that OVA sucked ass. I liked the last one better. This seems like filler shit. Especially the part where Blade absorbs all of Ichigo's power and Hitsyuga is like"Oh no, he has to much energy! At this rate he might explode and the earth might be destroyed!". Only redeeming part was when Kenpachi constantly went in the wrong direction and chased after the train.

  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Just watch the episode 73 before you compare this to the fillers...

  15. #35
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    did anyone forget how byakuya and renji's power were limited when they first arrived to get rukia?, do you REALLY think hitsugaya's bankai would be weak as that? the only one that probably wasnt limited was yoruichi

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Why would they limit their powers if the enemy is a fellow, who has a history of killing captains and vice-captains?

  17. #37
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    who cares about that, its a soul society rule, they limit their power so they dont attract to much attention or something like that, if they didnt, hundreds of hollows would spawn

  18. #38
    Thanks for the subs everyone - I had this, but it had FRENCH subs....dang that sucked. Anyway, looks like I can enjoy the second OVA thanks to you guys :]

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