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Thread: Bleach OVA 2 ~The Sealed Sword Frenzy~

  1. #1
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach OVA 2 ~The Sealed Sword Frenzy~

    Bleach OVA 2 ~The Sealed Sword Frenzy~

    Quoted from Bleach 7.

    Well, this is a surprise. Apparently the second OVA has been released in RAW form. For those who don't know what an OVA is, an OVA is generally a story that has been made with a direct to video only story in mind. In this case, this was first shown during last December's Jump Fest Convention in Tokyo. Now this is a story that is considered a side-story when compared to the anime, unlike the first OVA which was based on "6/17" story arc (well a sped up version of the Ichigo vs. Grand Fisher fight).

    [Freelance-Raws] Bleach OVA 2

    The reason why the file is 2.5 Gigs, is because this is a direct copy of the DVD, no actual AVI conversion. If you are willing to download the file, you can download this program. This program creates Virtual drives onto your computer. Once you load the ISO file this torrent sends you into the Virtual Drive (or what they call "Mounting"), your computer will think there is a new DVD drive. It will also be able to play the ISO file as if it were an actual DVD.

    EDIT :

    Sub is out

    Bleach OVA - 02 by AnimeCouncil & YuGiOh

    Bleach OVA - 02 LunarAnime
    Last edited by Jadugar; Sun, 04-09-2006 at 02:05 AM.

  2. #2
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Very interesting I saw a bit of this on youtube. any subbing group going to pick this up?
    image fail!

  3. #3
    One would hope that at least DB would give it a shot next time Bleach doesn't air at least, instead of doing one of those parody releases.

  4. #4
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    So no one is brave enough to download 2.5 Gig of RAW.

  5. #5
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    well I would, but I don't have that much space on my computer

    R.I.P Captain America.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirakun

    This one is only 300 meg
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  8. #8

  9. #9
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Thanx for the torrent link LaZyKiD.

    Bleach OVA - 02 by AnimeCouncil & YuGiOh

    Come on people. Something good from Bleach in weeks and nobody has watched it. Its better than any of the fillers that you have been watching.

    Bleach is back with all its humor.

  10. #10
    Just started downloading it. I wonder what its going to be about, the last one was alright.....

    I'll post more about it later tonight after I watch it.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was absolutely great! Especially compared to the fillers. The action was real and enjoyable to watch. The plot was surprisingly good considering it lasted only for 30 mins. But perhaps the best thing were the characters. They crammed lots of them in, but many of them still managed to get enough time on screen to show how they were true to the original design. Most notable as examples were of course Zaraki and Yachiru.

    And naturally this alone would have made this worth downloading and watching:

    Rukia in her shinigami garb and with a zanpaktou! How long has it been since we last time saw this?

  12. #12
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    It was all worth it especially that smile at the end. Thank god it wasn’t a flashback. The story was quite good backed up by good humor.

    We didn’t get to see the full effects of Hitsugaya’s bankai. I liked how they showed all the characters at the end in normal clothes and going about their business.

    No Orihime.

  13. #13
    it was ok, but then again kinda sad...i mean the best part of it was the credits

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hey, there's nothing sad about that. They might have found it troublesome to make the whole episode some gala with everybody attending in suits and dresses like that. Thus, the only way to give us joyous images like that (kind of fanservice) was to have them as nonsensical background for the credits.

    There's only so much you can tell in 30 mins, as an independent story especially with lots of characters, which I believe was probably a studio requirement for this kind of Jump Fest extra. Considering that, considering this was equivalent to fillers, I say this was a masterpiece.

  15. #15
    What would be interesting is that maybe later in the future episodes, we'll all see Kenpachi use Bankai and it'll flash back to this episode in that he picked up the sword in the end since it does look like his very own sword. Perhaps his swords name is BAISHIN!!! ZOMGWTFBBQSAUCE!

  16. #16
    If I could change my name
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    Deadfire's Avatar
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    It was very refreshing indeed. I would have liked it more if I could understand what was happening. Seriously some storyline elements got a little confusing for me there, I know it sort of makes some sence but it got too the point of "Let's show Ichigo kick some ass"

    Why did they need like 4 Captains there if Ichigo handed that guy his ass... with Bankai (huh?) which to me looked like his battle with Byakuya (They had little shards of blades TOO!) I could go on with things that didn't make much sence but I enjoyed it so I'd be hitting myself over it

    I'll just say this, It was Fan Service, and I as a Fan loved it
    image fail!

  17. #17
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    pretty nice ova, i somehow liked the grand fisher fight ova better though, all those captains+ yoruichi ( you know she kicks ass ) for someone that was beaten easily by ichigo's bankai was kinda lame, i was hoping for more ukitake and kyouraku action, i also couldnt understand that rukia was telling the ppl the run or something, while she was in shinigami form.....i mean isnt she supposed to be a "ghost" then lmao.
    anyway i think the best part was when byakuya made his short appearance at the credits

  18. #18
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    this ova fuckin sucked. all the characters were dumbed down just like in every one of these ova's.

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    Why did they need like 4 Captains there if Ichigo handed that guy his ass... with Bankai (huh?)
    If I remember correctly, they said sealing the guy earlier had costed the lives of a couple of captains. Not to mention all those vice captains and such before the dude escaped SS. So, it would make sense to send more people of captain level to handle him this time. Why it took only Ichigo to defeat him this time is another question of course. Maybe he had just gotten rusty while rotting sealed in the mountain for such a long time...

    But one thing is certain: It won't do anything good to Toushirou's selfesteem that he couldn't even scratch the enemy while a halfdead Ichigo still defeated him...

  20. #20
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    I'd say he let himself get killed so he can be free from his Zanpakutou. Just my 2 cents

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