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Thread: Say Hello to your Super MODS!

  1. #61
    In all my time here in Gotwoot I never would have guessed some of the people on that list to be a mod.......

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by God#2
    In all my time here in Gotwoot I never would have guessed some of the people on that list to be a mod.......
    What can I say? I'm a sneaky bastard
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #63
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    What can I say? I'm a sneaky bastard
    You were the most obvious one of all.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  4. #64
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    no kidding, and now from what I'm seeing you now have a red name...hmmmmm -_-

    edit displaying my stupidity: nm, my mouse was over your name......

    R.I.P Captain America.

  5. #65
    I have always suspected PSJ to be a mod, but i guess my suspicions were wrong.

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  6. #66
    Theres only enough room for one swede in the mod lounge, and her highness Terracosmo is currently occupying that spot.

  7. #67
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That's hardly the issue. This is not military but an anime forum. The difficulty here is quite reverse: Moderators should be good boys and girls and follow the rules, that is, represent to the letter obedience to the rules of the forums, and also the spirit of the forums (I'm not entirely sure what that might be here), and be unbiased in quarrels (until the thread gets locked, but until then everybody always wants to participate if only to joke around).

    So, this change doesn't affect other people at all, unless you have some troublemaker who would anyway deserve to get banned for insulting others - mods or regular fellows. So, the problem is that mods can't be free if they are visible.

    This is essentially why I always say being a mod sucks, and is vastly overrated. I don't view myself as a toublemaker, but I rather reserve the right to be one than not.
    Basically, what you're saying is only one piece of the puzzle.

    Participating in a discussion as a moderator has several effects. The first is what I'll call the "biggest ship" effect, and is what I was addressing before. That is, without even trying, just by passing through moderators can make big waves, totally disrupting discussions by making a single post. This is usually a bad thing from everyone's perspective. Ninja-mod solved this problem entirely ... since nobody knew who had power, nobody acted like anyone did.

    The second is what I'd call the "chained god" effect. That is, you've got all this power, but you're constrained such that you can only behave in a certain way, precisely because you've got that power. This is the sort of thing you're talking about, and ninja-mod helped with this a bit too, because the mods could be regular users, so could behave like assholes if they wanted to -- as long as they didn't do so while wearing their moderator masks.

    The thing is, neither of these effects is necessarily inevitable. I'm hoping that the "biggest ship" effect doesn't show up at all, simply because we've had a pretty substantial volume of discussion involving those moderators -- they're pretty much a cross-section of the most active posters on the board.

    "chained god" is a bit tougher. Basically, if we take a strict interpretation of moderator as essentially forumgoing saint, then yeah, they'll suffer from that. But that's an imposition of that particular interpretation of the moderator role. If the mods can maintain a healthy separation between "posting" mode and "moderating" mode (which the ninja-mod system somewhat enforced), then they're free to behave as normal users given normal discussions.

    Basically, my personal interpretation of the moderator role is that mods are sort of like house-sitters. They feed the cat (guide discussions), they water the plants (warn/ban idiots, edit out spoilers), and in exchange they get some privileges ... like, dibs on whatever's in the fridge (higher pm quota), access to the nice tv (no gallery quota), etc. Sure, the privileges afforded may not make up for the inconvenience of the responsibilities, but at the same time, they're not such onerous things that you wouldn't do them for a friend (or for the sake of a place you like spending your time).

  8. #68
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You are right. I was actually dismissing the biggest ship for two reasons: The one you mentioned: The mods are, even now that they are revealed, people who have all the time participated in perfectly normal discussion. For older members here it's easier to continue behaving as if nothing changed than suddenly start to be cautious when those newly exposed mods are around. And secondly because of the long traditions and relationships the mods hardly suddenly change their attitudes towards those same older members simply because they aren't ninja mods anymore.

    Yeah, mods are people as well. Nobody comes here for any other reason than have fun. And thus it would foolish to expect the mods came here to do boring work. Sometimes fun is increased by stretching the rules a little bit, as rules must be strict for serious things mainly, not for things everybody could interpret as jokes. However, mods are the ones who define the limits of the rules. They are the ones that set the precedents. If mods set different standards for themselves, except for technical things, then the system starts to rot from inside.

    The only exception to everything is the guy who pays the bills. He can do anything without responsibility. We are all here as his guests. And he would be paying the bills even after everybody fled the sinking ship.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    Participating in a discussion as a moderator has several effects. The first is what I'll call the "biggest ship" effect, and is what I was addressing before.

    The second is what I'd call the "chained god" effect.
    comp, your metaphors never cease to amuse me

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    However, mods are the ones who define the limits of the rules. They are the ones that set the precedents. If mods set different standards for themselves, except for technical things, then the system starts to rot from inside.
    Actually Ciber and Wilik define the limits to the rules, and those rules apply to all members, including the mods. We dont and shouldn't get special treatment just cuz were the enforcers.

  10. #70
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye. But theoretical rules and rules in practice are two different things to an extent. And of course they aren't really all fixed, either. Theoretical rules can be whatever, what matters how they are enforced, and that's where the mods will define them.

  11. #71
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
    Yeah, I'm with Knives here. Most of these guys I saw coming.

    I haven't trusted you since I found out you really don't look like Iceman. Sorry Raven, but thats how it is. You must re-earn my trust. :P
    for anyone who watched team america: World police you must imagine the weird thought that just raced through my mind.

    and also, the only surprising one on the list was bud...i knew assumed everyone else...(well okay one of the very HONEST moderators told me...and someone in the irc channel was blurting it out.)

    to honest moderator: i told you it was impossible to be secretive ninja while being extremely honest! HA!

    masumeehs wasnt there a thread in the old forum announcing his new mod-ship? or was i hung over that day... and i forgot, the other one that wasn't suprising, i was just completely clueless about was complich's other comp account.

    oh and i'm surprised kitkat was a surprising one. She was the first one i found out about...but thats just me. i can solve hard puzzles, but miss the easy ones.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #72
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    Excerpts from my AIM logs last year (edited a bit for the sake of brevity, and keeping CK's sn confidential):

    [19:39] CK: hey, i'm surprised you didnt ban me
    [19:54] engphysgirl: what? who is this?
    [20:06] CK: Chaoskiddo
    [20:07] CK: you kno ******************* and your also a mod
    [20:07] CK: so i'm surprised, thas all
    [20:07] engphysgirl: lol, how do you know I'm a mod?
    *CK goes afk, comes back later*
    [22:26] CK: oh and during yesterday's IRC chat Y spelled out all ninja mods:
    [22:26] CK: you, assern, NM, terra (though i think he was kicked or something) and 1 more person

    Excerpt from this year:
    [23:31] CK: hmm, your still a moderator on gotwoot right?
    [23:32] engphysgirl: yeah, stealth ninja mod!
    [23:32] CK: ...your not very stealthy or ninja-y by telling me that
    [23:33] engphysgirl: I'm stealth and ninja, I'm also painfully honest =P

    I think I did a pretty good job of being secretive....the only reason people knew was cause of information leaks on irc, and once someone on irc knows something, the whole channel knows.
    Last edited by KitKat; Thu, 03-23-2006 at 08:48 PM.

  13. #73
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    oh and i'm surprised kitkat was a surprising one. She was the first one i found out about...but thats just me. i can solve hard puzzles, but miss the easy ones.
    That was a big shock to me. I said a few harsh words to her in a thread but she was too nice. I guess its true what masamuneehs said about her that she certainly is one of the good cops

  14. #74
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    lol, at that time, the "other one" i was thinking of was assasin. then later on i forget what clued me in on raven. so...bud was the only shock here.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  15. #75
    I always thought Bud was a mod. The only one that surprised me was masamuneehs because he's the newest member on that list by far.

  16. #76
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Come on! Masamuneehs was most obvious of them all. He used to act as a mod even when he wasn’t one.

    That VA article on the front page was the biggest clue

  17. #77
    Yeah, but that was before I read those updates on the website. I almost never visit the website and when I did one day, I saw his posting. That was the surprise.

  18. #78
    Masa's post on the front page shouldn't have been that big of a deal. As far as i know it wasn't cuz he was a mod. Ciber/Wilik wanted somre writers for stuff like that, but from what i can recall from irc, ciber said that most ppl that applied were pretty horrible.

    oh and,

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    lol, at that time, the "other one" i was thinking of was assasin. then later on i forget what clued me in on raven. so...bud was the only shock here.
    at that time you probably would've been wrong. I wasn't a mod when kitkat gained modship, it came later on.

  19. #79
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Yep, Assassin's a complete and utter n00b. Oh, at being a mod too.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    I think I did a pretty good job of being secretive....the only reason people knew was cause of information leaks on irc, and once someone on irc knows something, the whole channel knows.
    You didn't know I was a mod though.

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