Wished to learn, how you have made каоке on Fate Stay Nigth. What program used and you could not lay out a slice of a script? I Russian fansaber also wish to be leveled on you. Excuse for my English, used machine translation.
Wished to learn, how you have made каоке on Fate Stay Nigth. What program used and you could not lay out a slice of a script? I Russian fansaber also wish to be leveled on you. Excuse for my English, used machine translation.
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complich8 answers most of the questions
This question is directed more at animeone's typesetter than anything else.
You'd be better off asking whoever's credited as either "typesetter" or "karaoke" on irc directly. But I can tell you that it's pretty much all combinations of simple effects in textsub/vsfilter. You may just want to use some ingenuity and reverse-engineer the effects. It'd be good practice.
Uh the OP for Eclipse's is done in Adobe After Efects. The ED is done in good ole' SSA.Originally Posted by Haruki
As far as I know, the OP/ED for AonE was also done in After Effects or a similar program.
TNM is credited for aone f/s-n op karaoke/title. He's sort of an afx-whore ... so yeah, that effect is almost definitely created in aftereffects. Looking at it, that'd be really dang hard (but not impossible -- just dang hard) to generate in textsub/vsfilter.