Hey Guys, can you guys help me out a bit. I'm currently doing a research on Processers and Organizational Behaviors of Fansubbers, and the processors into how it's being done. It's for my college assignment, so I need your help. So for those of you guys who are fansubbers (not just leechers, like me), please help ya?
I've never been involved, so enlighten me ya.
1) How's it done?
2) How bigs the crew usually?
3) What are the roles of the people involved? What what do they do?
Raw maker (?), Translator?, Timer? Editor? Typesettor? Encoder? Script Finishers? What else?
4) Where do you normally meet, and discuss?
Mirc? Private Forums?
5) Do you guys have a leader?
6) What if there's a disagreement with the fansubbing/translating?
ps. I think I might be in the wrong thread, possibly, sorreh.