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Thread: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society

  1. #21
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    It certainly looks like good old gits action. Nonstop action suspense... Or what did the narrator say.

  2. #22
    Hehe, no clue on what he said... But the action does seem to be good. It also seems like the Major is betraying or going against Section-9 for some reason, or at least there's someone that looks like her fighting against Batou.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by AnimePunk
    Here is a poster from the anime fair in tokyo of solid state society

    Isn't that from 2nd Gig?

  4. #24
    Apperantly (I don't remember where I read it) It's 2 years after 2nd gig and Major had quit Section 9 and Tougasa is now the commanding officer. Which is why it looks like the major is going against section-9

    And I thought Kuze died.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Church
    And I thought Kuze died.
    And the guy in the hat also died.

  6. #26
    Right, totally forgot about that...

    Who knows, maybe they didn't "die." Weren't they talking about something like uploading the human consciousness into the net? or something like that? Or am I going nuts? (which is the most likely)

  7. #27
    See, now I really really regret not archiving 1st and 2nd gig cause this has given me the urge to re-watch them in anticipation. *Runs off to re-download*

  8. #28
    Nice find Bud, this movie looks sweet though November is not summer. I hope someone produces a translation so we can get some plot background as well.

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Washington, US
    Cheers -- looks good.
    Granted not much can see from the trailer, other than the now contemplating rewatching first two seasons...

  11. #31
    I'm halfway through the first season already

    Can't wait till it comes out.

  12. #32
    You can always just watch the Complex episodes so that you can go through the season faster.

  13. #33

    Bandai Entertainment USA sent out a press release today warning fansubbers that they may be prosecuted for fansubbing Bandai titles, specifically Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society.

    Several fansub sites have publicly announced plans to create and distribute illegal fansubs of Solid State Society following its release in Japan. However, Bandai Entertainment Inc. and Manga Entertainment have secured the exclusive right to distribute this title in the US. The creation of translated versions of Solid State Society is considered an unauthorized derivative and constitutes infringement of the intellectual property rights in the work as well as unfair competition. Furthermore, uploading and downloading of the programs without an official license or explicit consent by the content owner(s) constitutes infringement of copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights, and is an illegal act. Bandai must take steps to protect its investment in the property and will take all measures available to stop the illegal distribution of its titles, including instituting court proceedings. If it is forced to do so, Bandai is prepared to seek statutory damages and/or damages to cover its loss of sales.

    “Fansubs, even those not sold for profit, are harmful to our properties and industry overall and we will be watching closely to make sure our rights regarding SSS are not infringed,” said Ken Iyadomi, President of Bandai Entertainment Inc. “We are prepared to take legal action against fansubbers and illegal download and other distribution sites if this notice is ignored,” he added.

  14. #34
    I'm not surprised...
    Guess I'll actually buy it...

  15. #35
    Booooo, screw you Bandai! Why should we wait for their slow asses and poor dubbing. Anyway I'm sure at least one fansub group on earth is based outside the US, and fortunately the internet really doesn't care what country you come from.

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Yeah. That's hardly surprising. Gits is a pretty big and high profile title, and very good as an example case in the fight the corporations try to wage against fansubbers.

    Well, since I don't live in the US and the US dvds are compromised material for me (I haven't even cracked my dvd drivers for area codes), I'm somewhat forced to agree with Yukimura. If the US release is slow, you can bet the release over here is going to be even slower. It would be either a British import dvd or a Scandinavian local release for me, should I buy it.

  17. #37
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Well the raw is out, let's hope we get a fansub.

  18. #38
    I'm going to see if I can find some Chinese fansubs...

  19. #39
    Student Bung's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Why should we wait for their slow asses
    That is one thing I dont understand about this. If they dont want someone to sub it, why do we all have to wait a year in the US to see it? When they release a hollywood blockbuster, they release it all over the world the same weekend.

    I hope that all these new pay-per download movie services going up by the studios in the US helps the situation, and lets bandai for example, release something online to us foreigners.

    one of my friends visiting japan, and understands japanese has seen it, lucky punk, one more motivation to keep learning for me
    Last edited by Bung; Sat, 09-02-2006 at 03:10 PM.

    Currently watching: Blood+, Black Lagoon, Karas, Hellsing Ultimate, Le Chevalier D'Eon, Ergo Proxy. Pumpkin Scissors, Mahjong Legend Akagi

  20. #40
    Hopefully they have plans to do an early release of the movie, else I don't see why they would be so agressive to stop fansubbing before the movie even comes out in Japan.

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