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Thread: Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl

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  1. #1

    Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl

    Just wondering if anyone here watches this anime?

    It's released by Live-eviL and now a joint with Froth-Bite. The anime is from the same mangaka who did Monster and does 20th Century Boys, Naoki Urasawa. The anime is based on his first official manga published in 1986.

    Yawara! is entertaining, has some interesting Judo matches, lots of comedy, love triangles, and one-sided loves.

    You can download all that has been released so far here:

    "Yawara! is a sports anime laced with comedic and romance elements. It starts off with Yawara Inokuma, a high school girl who is most interested in doing the things that your average Japanese high school girl does. However, she has been trained in Judo for years by her grandfather, Jigorou (A former Japan Judo Champion), who has much grander plans in store for her as a Judo superstar. He manipulates matters so that Yawara ends up having to perform in matches and tournaments. His final plan is for Yawara to "Win the Gold Medal in the Olympics and be awarded the Nation Medal of Honor".

  2. #2
    I've watched like the 1st & 2nd episode...but then I took a break from it...I might start watching it again I don't kn0w yet.

  3. #3
    It's a fun series, I like it... It gets better by the episode, so that at least keeps me interested. Last couple of fansub releases the episodes have gotten a bit more intense, so that made me start this thread with the hope that someone else watches it.

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