I've seen lots and lots of posts in the past about America's security/defense strategy and policies and all that, so I create this thread hoping to give all of those issues one home.

As for me, well, you know I'm a crazy political science guy, and as such I do alot of reading up on current events, speeches, policy, etc.

If you ever wanted to know 'what is the U.S. thinking?' when it comes to security, I have found your answer.

Every four years the US Department of Defense (War), comes out with an official report detailing what the government should be most concerned about for the upcoming four years, how they should go about this, etc. Basically it is creating a To Do List for the army and politicians, along with things the Pentagon thinks should be kept in mind.

It is called the Quadrennial Defense Review.
United States of America - Department of Defense - Quadrennial Defense Review 2006

I did not post any news on this when the report came out last month because I was waiting for:
United States of America - Office of the President -The National Security Strategy 2006

Now, a QDR comes out regularly every 4 years, but a new Security Strategy doesn't get changed unless some people really strongly feel the need a reason to revamp the system. The last Security Strategy was after September 11th and Afghanistan, and basically set-up the war in Iraq. Because the Security Strategy comes from the President (and Commander in Chief) it basically sets the grounds for all military and intelligence actions in the future.

If you read these two documents and put them into current military protocol (obviously classified) you get the National Military Strategy, which is often editted beyond recognition and released long after its actions have been seen through. The National Military Strategy is the most detailed of the 3, but also the hardest to fully understand, especially from a civilian perspective (who has very limited informaiton on the NMS to begin with...) and won't be released for a long time.

Masa's metaphors:
America is a patient afflicted by several health (security) concerns, potential diseases (threats) of various kinds. America, not knowing jack shit about how to maintain herself, goes to the doctor (President) to seek guidance.

First the patient is examined by nurses, doctors, etc. They create a Diagnosis (The Quadrennial Defense Review) for what is important to keeping the patient healthy.

Then the doctor overviews the Diagnosis, and writes out a prescription along with general instructions for maintaining the patient's health (National Security Strategy)

Obviously the excersie plan (building strong military), the diet (intelligence), as well as the specific kinds of medicines (National Military Strategy, military actions) is detailed and their exact components complicated.

I know this is alot of info here. But I strongly suggest that rather than make wild, baseless claims and arguments and create misinformed opinions and beliefs, you take the time to look over these documents (or at least read the news articles on them).

The BBC article (the first one) is excellent, brief, and probably 'the one' news item you really HAVE to read.

Quick articles on the U.S. defense/security policies:
U.S. Security Strategy: Key Points
America still ready to strike first