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Thread: The Naruto Frustration Thread

  1. #1

    The Naruto Frustration Thread

    Dammit I just woke up only to be greeted by the prospect a new season of fillers. I honestly can't take it anymore so I think that for the mental sanity of everyone here on gotwoot who has stuck with naruto I think we need an unregulated place to vent our frustrations. So I submit for your approval the naruto frustration thread. An unregulated post-apocalyptic lawless zone run by unruly gangs and misfits who just can't take any more naruto fillers. A place with limited admin control for us to just go wild. To kick things off I submit the very person responsible for the naruto fillers

    Yes I believe it's a giant conspiracy masterminded by the G man himself. He's the one who's been hiring the filler writers. He's the one responsible for our collective misery and pain and who may these writers be in fact?

    Yes that's right there not just regular monkeys but rather they are SEA MONKEYS!!!

  2. #2
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    And to think I once wanted to see fillers based on the other teams...
    But this level of fillers is... ugh...

    Seriously, I hope even my own thread about upcoming episodes is wrong and that ep 182 is the gaiden...

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Screw you, god!

    If this turns out to be true, then there is no god. Or there is a god, and god just hates me and is being a bitch. He wants me to suffer. What did I ever do to you to deserve this? Sure, I curse your name (often) and don't believe in you, but c'mon.
    Sea monkies, eh? Are they your's, or did you actually find that picture of the filler writers online?

    I just had to.
    Last edited by Ero-Fan; Thu, 03-16-2006 at 11:15 AM.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  4. #4
    Its prolly just a cruel april fools joke

  5. #5
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gen
    Its prolly just a cruel april fools joke
    considering it's march 16th, i'd say not.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    considering it's march 16th, i'd say not.
    Then it's just a March 16th joke?

  7. #7
    What fun is a joke when everyone knows its coming? Magazines for april will start shipping any day now..those will have april fools jokes..why not this?

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Where is this coming from? Is it just a rumor? Everything I've heard has said that the fillers will end April/May, so where does this "prospect of more filler" come in?

  9. #9
    Genin drims's Avatar
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    In the recently relleased episode of Naruto it said 26 more weeks of fillers but im sure its a joke by DB

    Made by IFHTT
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  10. #10
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Does anyone know when we will be able to find out if it is infact a sick joke? Which i hope to god it is if its not i will have one of the saddest summers in a long time.........

  11. #11
    Is it even humanely possible to conceive two more seasons of brain-rotting nonsense? If so, I shall take a moment to inhale deeply and laugh, painfully.

  12. #12
    It seems as if you guys are still in the first stage of coping with tragedy: denial. I made this thread for people who have come to aknowledge the fact that the naruto fillers are here to stay. So let us express our frustrations through creative disucussion filled with many explitives. I can only hope that the new opening will reveal that the naruto fillers will come to an end but honestly I'd rather set myself up for disappointment, and then be surprised when episode 179 comes knocking around the corner with awesome post time--jump footage.

    But for all intensive purposes just assume that the naruto fillers are here to stay that way we can move on to acceptance then move on to enraged satire. Besides wouldn't it be awesome to play the next naruto fighting game with all the filler characters? Just imagine taking control of the legendary stupid brothers. Or suddently wipping out the wrath of Tiger Mizuki or settling the fued of who's the best of the seven mist swordsmen: Kisame vs. Zabuza vs. Raiga (His special will involve throwing the parapalegic kid on his back at his opponent). Better yet maybe the filler monkey of studio pierrot who write the naruto fillers and the filler baboons who write the bleach fillers will meet on an elavador and colaborate to produce a naruto and bleach filler cross over!!!!!

    Just imagine a rip in the time space continuam that pulls naruto and co into Ichigo's world or vice versa. Aizen would meet up with orchimaro and they could discuss there evil plans. Naruto and Ichigo would fight over something stupid and all of the other characters would sit around starring at each other awkwardly then maybe they could combine the two styles of filler characters into one. A new villain would appear, someone with the ability to throw explosive snakes at people and turn into a tiger. Let the idea sink into your head. It will either explode from the awesomeosity or you will slowly rot from within.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    ...settling the fued of who's the best of the seven mist swordsmen: Kisame vs. Zabuza vs. Raiga (His special will involve throwing the parapalegic kid on his back at his opponent)....
    Raiga? They added one of the seven mist swordsmen into the filler?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    But for all intensive purposes just assume that the naruto fillers are here to stay that way we can move on to acceptance then move on to enraged satire. Besides wouldn't it be awesome to play the next naruto fighting game with all the filler characters? Just imagine taking control of the legendary stupid brothers. Or suddently wipping out the wrath of Tiger Mizuki or settling the fued of who's the best of the seven mist swordsmen: Kisame vs. Zabuza vs. Raiga (His special will involve throwing the parapalegic kid on his back at his opponent). Better yet maybe the filler monkey of studio pierrot who write the naruto fillers and the filler baboons who write the bleach fillers will meet on an elavador and colaborate to produce a naruto and bleach filler cross over!!!!!
    No. Please. The games (especially Narutimate Hero) are better off left filler-free (how I wish that were true). Other than the near-atrocious attempts at originality that can be seen in various play modes (RPG mode in NH3, for example), geniune effort is poured into material that matters (various, inventive jutsus for characters, Hokage character styles, etc.), and that, by itself, is enough... So please, keep your Tiger Mizuki, Raiga, whathaveyou... at the receiving end of a bullshit, purple rainbow, Kyuubi Rasengan where they belong.

    Just imagine a rip in the time space continuam that pulls naruto and co into Ichigo's world or vice versa. Aizen would meet up with orchimaro and they could discuss there evil plans. Naruto and Ichigo would fight over something stupid and all of the other characters would sit around starring at each other awkwardly then maybe they could combine the two styles of filler characters into one. A new villain would appear, someone with the ability to throw explosive snakes at people and turn into a tiger. Let the idea sink into your head. It will either explode from the awesomeosity or you will slowly rot from within.
    I believe this concept's been done before... in a video game... Can't remember the exact title, but I do remember it was for GBA, and the basic concept was: Bandai's VG anime crew vs. themselves. Can't remember if Bleach was in it, but Naruto and One Piece characters having at it definitely was a centerpiece.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Jump Superstars is in fact a GBA game released in Japan containing token Shounen Jump characters fighting eachother a la Super Smash Bros: Jump Super Stars. It looks like it might be fun.

    But a Naruto-Bleach filler crossover...that would be crossing the line.

    Edit: Fixed the link.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Tue, 03-21-2006 at 02:10 PM.

  16. #16
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Jump Superstars is in fact a GBA game released in Japan containing token Shounen Jump characters fighting eachother a la Super Smash Bros: It looks like it might be fun.

    But a Naruto-Bleach filler crossover...that would be crossing the line.
    That game is automatically fucking awesome because it has Jotaro & DIO ( ) from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in it.

  17. #17
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Wasn't the Enemy of the First Naruto Movie in one of the Naruthimet (or whatever you spell it) games? The 2nd? (If he was, I believe that is the only character removed on the 3rd game... or did it appear on the Game Cube game ?)

  18. #18
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Yeah Doutou was in the second one.

  19. #19
    Ha! I warned you all. That this would happen. As of now it's looking like were going to have another season of fillers. Judging from the future episode titles it dosen't look like Kakashi Gaiden is anywhere in site.

    Don't bemoan this loss too much come here to express your frustrations we'll be here to support you. Heheh when I get around to it I might even get around to creating THE SUPER NARUTO AND BLEACH RAGING NINJA/SHINIGAMI SUPER FILLER CROSSOVER SPECIAL! A new comic in homage to terra's ever-so-popular New Adventures of Sakon.

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh? Has there been conclusive evidence of that? So far it looks only evident we will get at least a few more weeks of fillers, but beyond that... I haven't seen anybody reporting another season of fillers.

    The longer we wait now, the longer we will eventually be able to enjoy manga based Naruto, before the anime again reaches the manga limit. There are plenty of other excellent series to fill the gap while waiting for the good old Naruto to come back.

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