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Thread: Naruto 176 Discussion

  1. #21
    I hope DB is just trying to get a rise out of us.. For the love of all that is good and holy please no more filler.

    This episode was alright. In the event that they do end up doing filler I wish they would take the focus off of Naruto and direct it towards the other groups for the entire season. Let them go on some missions WITHOUT Naruto. That'd at least be interesting and different as long as they can manage to create a decent story to back it up. But we all know thats not going to happen, we'll end up having to watch 26 more weeks of Noodle Rasengan and blatant stupidity on Naruto's behalf. How depressing... I don't even know if I could handle the pain of another season of Naruto filler.
    Last edited by IFHTT; Thu, 03-16-2006 at 06:10 AM.

  2. #22
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well, to be fair, the previous episode count we were going by was from what that studio guy said in that one interview. And he said the skip was gonna be in the spring. He didn't actually say it was gonna be right at the start of the spring season. So, while I think DB is joking about the 26 more episodes thing(don't know where they would get that information from, they don't know anything anyone else that trolls the internet would), the fillers could actually be ending anywhere in the next couple months.

    Hehe, going Kyuubi over his ramen. That tickled me just so.

  3. #23
    Seriously guys where the hell is DB getting their information from? If there was some sort of credible source of news to pack up their information then maybe I'd believe it but unless I hear some sort of announcement I'm going to keep my hopes up until this april.

  4. #24
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Hell no, I'm dropping Naruto if it doesn't return to the manga in April, this is total bullsh*t...........
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  5. #25
    Haha. I don't know really what I'll do, belive it or not, so right now I'm just laughing. Damn.
    Well, about this episode: I thought this mission was a little bit serious. This episode proved that I was wrong. About this "test", "work as a team" - Bleach anyone?
    But there were some funny parts. That fake Naruto just rocked. If I were Naruto, I'd rasenganed the fake with all of my clones. >)

  6. #26
    Genin drims's Avatar
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    From what I have seen throughout other naruto forums is that DB has pulled many pranks like this before. They are famous for YHBT You Have Been Trolled jokes, I think its a joke becuase as LobsterMagnet said earlier, if their was more fillers there has to be some source its coming from and it would be posted all over the internet. Still that little bit of fear that they are not joking around lingers..... Im 99.999 percent sure this is a joke
    Last edited by drims; Thu, 03-16-2006 at 04:39 PM.

    Made by IFHTT
    “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” Pope John Paul II

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Thank Kris Kringle that Kiba was on this mission. He MADE this episode.

    "I hate drama." Girl faints.
    The wrath of the ramen chef.
    Hinata fainting from landing on Naruto's shoulder.
    Stolen ramen induced Kyuubi.

    I certainly can agree that when there's a fine line between silliness and seriousness, and this filler walked it pretty well. That being said it still doesn't hold a candle to the awesomness of the serious episodes. I'm praying DB was joking about that 26 more filler episodes to come thing.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #28
    Why the hell does it take 2 high strength ninjas and 1 super strong ninja dog to try and chew through some mundane ropes?

    One of them could have easily grabbed a kunai with their mouth and cut the ropes...

    At least they improved the animation of hinatas new technique.
    Last edited by Necromas; Thu, 03-16-2006 at 05:19 PM.

  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necromas
    Why the hell does it take 2 high strength ninjas and 1 super strong ninja dog to try and chew through some mundane ropes?
    That question has been answered already: It made Hinata behave as if she was nearing an orgasm.

  10. #30
    Well i guess that I will die old before I can se the real naruto animated at this rate. My only lament is that I dont have a nuke to throw over tokyotv or wherever they produce this CRAP. Looney toons are far better than this, I have a 12 year cousin wich I supply with naruto and said to me that this where cartoons for 8 years old kids. And I have to say that he is right, jokes are childiss and empty, it was a PG-13 show and they are turning it into a G. If that thing about 26 fillers more is true naruto is dead. RIP.

    P.S: In my opinion kenshin fillers where better than naruto ones, so if kenshin went to oblivion....

  11. #31
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That question has been answered already: It made Hinata behave as if she was nearing an orgasm.
    Well it's probably the closest to a sexual experience she'll ever get

    Edit: Did anyone ever stop to think about the fact that Tsunade looks severely fucked up in the opening?
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Thu, 03-16-2006 at 05:47 PM.

  12. #32
    If it's true that there is another filler season, then that will mean that by the time it's over there will have been 66 straight episodes of filler. And I thought 40-ish straight episodes of fillers was a lot.

    Anyway, episodes 180+ don't exactly sound like fillers to me, so we can hope that they got their info wrong. Also, I would like to point out that some of the best seasons we had back in the day began with fillers, so it doesn't necessarily mean we have another full season of fillers coming at us.

  13. #33
    Genin drims's Avatar
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    I really believe this is a prank by DB. I have tried finding information on the extra fillers but nothing comes up anywhere on the net.

    Next episodes the message will be YHBT you have been trolled....

    Made by IFHTT
    “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” Pope John Paul II

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    I laughed aloud when Naruto went Kyuubi over his ramen. Seeing a really fucking huge kage bunshin was cool too. I think that was the biggest seen in the series so far. Decent enough episode.

  15. #35
    I got a pretty good kick outta this episode, but I hope that it being a test was that obvious because must be getting dumb... Scary thought for me, but I guess the thing I like the most was the Cartoonish way this episode was played like. It had fairly good humor; I esspecially liked the end with the bill and all.

    As for fillers I hope to see the manga related because I enjoyed the 3 or so episodes of manga I read after the jump. So it should be pretty good or atleast satisfying. I can't say that if it were true I wouldn't watch it because I have nothing better to do... Its probably true you value your time, but I don't think you call your time valuable either when you watch as much as I do. (thats an assumption, probably need to disclaim but its just a conjecture)

    Anyways overall its was pretty good even as it was cartoony, much enjoyed indeed.

    P.S. ... fuck fillers...

  16. #36
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    This ep was great, seeing Naruto go Kyuubi over his Raman stash was the highlight of the ep for me. That and seeing Hinatas jutsu again. And you guys don't actually believe that there is another 26weeks of filler do you? I didn't even know people paid attention to what DB wrote in the openings :/.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  17. #37
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    at the current rate of filler episodes the people who watch the series will lose intrest and it will get canceled before the fillers are over. That would suck alot. BTW if you are thinking about downloading this episode and reading this, don't. It was stupid.

  18. #38
    Am I the only one here who remembered 26 episodes ago when they said there were 52 more filler weeks to go?

  19. #39
    This ep was funny, especially Sakura and how Kiba defeated the fake Hinata with a taunt.

  20. #40
    Sonsaku Hakufu
    Last edited by Sonsaku Hakufu; Sat, 03-18-2006 at 07:14 PM.

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