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Thread: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

  1. #1
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    Now that the sub is out I suppose it's OK to make this thread.

    I found the movie to be superior to the two specials, but that isn't saying much. The opening skit was retarded. Nice designs on everyone (except for the dumbass wing contraptions). Sakura was (amazingly) not useless in this movie. Good production values overall.

    Final scene was pretty lame. I laughed as Naruto used his gay rainbow Rasengan and the villain just looked like a moron spinning.

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread


    Only fight that was cool was the first fight and Kakashi's chidori'ing through the ice wolf.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    You're probably not happy because of how badly Sasuke got gimped in the ending.

    I thought he had a pretty good performance overall.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    Hey whats up with Kakashi and Sasuke doing that instant transmission? Anyways I enjoyed the film. The fighters from snow were pretty decent.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  5. #5
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    all the battles were lame and had no depth, especially the last one. it seems like almost no thought went into this movie, though it is better than the shit festas.

  6. #6
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I also didn't know that Kakashi's sharingan functions as a date rape aid.

  7. #7

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I also didn't know that Kakashi's sharingan functions as a date rape aid
    Very funny comment.

    I just started dling the movie probably won't have it done for a quite a while. I'm surprised that most of you are disappointed, ever since I saw the snowboarding ninja I've had extremely low expectations for the naruto movie. My guess is that Kishimoto had nothing to do with the plot line so of course it's going to be completly craptacular. My expectations are even lower for the next movie. At least we get to see shikimaru and garra but thats about the only postive comment I can muster.

  8. #8
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    ur commenting on the movie b4 you've seen it? hey watch the movie b4 you bash it.

    anyway this movie was pretty bad lol.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  9. #9

    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I read most of the animanga and watched the very humorous movie special. I know about as much about this movie as possible so I have right to pass judgement. Besides seems like everyone agrees with me. This movie is just a non-kishimoto related extension of the naruto franchise. Because it has no relation to the creator it sucks because it has no impact or relation to the core storyline. Naruto and his friends go on a generic adventure which they never speak of again. If the naruto series was filled with crap like this I would have stopped watching it long ass time ago.

    I challenge anyone to come up with any anime series movie that has not turned into a craptacular excercise in brand extension and merchandising. I mean common robopower ninjas who snowboard. It really dosen't get much worse then that. Opps I'm sorry it does, especially when naruto has to go on an adventure to return a lost pet only to fight random knights for no apparent reason in the second movie. Yesh why not just send him to the future where he can power a giant battle mech with his kyubi chakra.

  10. #10

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    It wasnt too bad. It was alot better than either of the jumps festa's.
    It really didnt seam like a naruto story though, it was more about the princess than it was about naruto or his mission. The plot twists were lame and anticlimactic. I was expecting more out of most of teh fights, but what was there was good. The animation overall was very good and the pacing was good.

    One thing that irked me was the way it played with the technology level of the setting, which admitadly was never very well difined to begin with. But the transition between modern movie set to 18th century sailing ship was jarring. The kunai-cannon was cheesey, and impracticle, even by naruto standards.

    As for the rufi-sharingan, its supposed to have hypnotic properties, so thats not that much of a stretch.

    Aswith the other side stories, no character developement, even though it was hinted at in the trailers, it wasnt here. The other members of team 7 were strictly relegated to supporting roles, espicially kakashi, even though suposedly he was a central character to th story.


  11. #11
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    I read most of the animanga and watched the very humorous movie special. I know about as much about this movie as possible so I have right to pass judgement. .
    No, if you knew as much about it as possible you would already have watched the movie.

    Besides seems like everyone agrees with me. This movie is just a non-kishimoto related extension of the naruto franchise. Because it has no relation to the creator it sucks because it has no impact or relation to the core storyline. Naruto and his friends go on a generic adventure which they never speak of again.
    You mean, like the Wave Country arc? Oh, well it appears again in anime-only flashbacks, so I guess there's one big relation.

    I challenge anyone to come up with any anime series movie that has not turned into a craptacular excercise in brand extension and merchandising.
    I challenge you to come up with an anime, book, comic, or film that isn't made primarily for the same reasons. Japanese animation is an industry first and an art form a distant second. I somehow doubt Kishimoto's dream was to write a plucky coming-of-age tale about ninjas. He writes it because it sells.

    I mean common robopower ninjas who snowboard. It really dosen't get much worse then that.
    God, you can accept Naruto throwing a Kamehameha, Neji being able to see through the back of his skull, people creating living breathing clones of themselves in a gesture, and Konoha inventing the personal computer and television before gunpowder or automobiles, but wearing chakra-powered armor is too farfetched?


    The anachronisms in the movie are consistent with the series except for the vehicles, which ARE jarring.

    Maybe the continent Naruto takes place on is kind of a weird, isolated sector of the world that everyone leaves alone due to their fucked up chakra powers. That would explain their technology fluctuations - they only get trickle-downs from stuff imported illegally.

    Having cars is a pretty big fuckup though.

    Opps I'm sorry it does, especially when naruto has to go on an adventure to return a lost pet only to fight random knights for no apparent reason in the second movie.

    This is a bad idea to you? >[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]


    I think the movie's main problem is that it reads exactly like a stock anime film script that could be adapted to fit any Shounen anime released in the past twenty years, and was badly shoehorned into the Naruto world.

  12. #12

    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    oh well atleast it made me laugh and kakashi was doing some pwnage

  13. #13

    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I'm just very sad that they cant put quality into a movie such as this. I had hoped some more strategic battles. Ones where you actually are amazed by the outcome. Instead we get the old fashioned , and I'm sorry for putting it up again, but what differces the series from the series DBZ, REALLY is exactly one and the same thing when you talk about the movies.

    Position of underdog -> winner . Standard succes-formula.

    Some of the "emotional" parts were nice to watch, animation didnt stink, so overall it made me a good start of my sunday morning, but damn, I had some hope for a Shikamaru style battle.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  14. #14
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I hate the fact that everyone hypes Shikamaru's battles as intelligent, when really it's just that Kishimoto writes his opponents as bumbling morons who make random mistakes that Shikamaru just so happens to predict.

  15. #15
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    rofl i just watched that stupid end "fight", they made the guy just stand there while naruto runs 100 feet w/ his rasengan and then the badguy swings a punch and totally misses or some shit and naruto doesnt even try to dodge it. its like when someone swings their bat too early in a baseball game or some shit. what kind of lame ass fight is that? fucking joke.

    edit: wait NEVERMIND. he fucking hits the clone which has no death animation at all, it looks like it just goes flying off the screen at 10000mph or some shit. even more half-assed than i originally thought.

    and how come whenever the rasengan is used on a person they just go flying back instead of fucking exploding? retarded piece of shit writers.

  16. #16

    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I was surprised when they used "real" flashbacks from the anime series.

  17. #17

    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    movie was allright , but the rainbow rasengan was abit over the top

  18. #18
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    The movie wasn't good. Story was bad, especially about the princess changing her views because of Naruto's whining about "don't give up" crap. How many times have we heard that, I don't know, but I'm getting quite sick of it. It was interesting to see some new jutsu and some new tactics the team has. Even Sakura was somewhat useful (OMG!!) with her kunai/explosive note trap. Still, movie wasn't good.

  19. #19

    Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    ^ she didnt fully change her views she always wanted to be a good princess or whatever, all that spring crap, but after her dad died and all that shit happend she lost hope, naruto made it possible so yea

    u guys complain so much about the series and shit but u continue to wathc it...

    the movie was a big step up from the series animation wise, =/ they did have a lot longer to make it, and the flashbacks were there but they werent annoying

    and yea the final battle with naruto was kinda crappy, it happend to quick same with kakashis sakuras and sasukes battle, they just ended to quick oh well
    i still enjoyed wathcing the movie very much

    hah and did u guys see after the credits fuckin funny

  20. #20
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto Movie Discussion Thread

    I must say the movie was fairly disappointing. But at least I got to see Sauske and Naurto working together again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] I like their friendship.

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