Episode 3 got leaked! or aired in some other country...
Episode 3 got leaked! or aired in some other country...
Don't even know if i should do the spoiler thing; seems like we're the only 2 watching it
Shane's face is looking guiltier by the second; but he's got a tough choice to make. If Vic finds out that he's the killer, i think he would literally eat his face, then kill his family...i mean he's just plain evil now...and Shane's just as bad. LOL at Dutch trying to seduce the rookie with wine; im sure the pills were coming next...
I was sure that Ronnie was going to bed the Rookie... she seemed turned on everytime Ronnie did something badass.
I'm pretty sure she's a whore...her breasts are always way too perky...and she like to see people get roughed up. But then again she appreciates Dutch's imtellecutal aproach (she's the one that wanted to go to his house). Chinese fingercuffs, anyone?
ill be late in watchin them since im on dial up til further notice -_-
6 and 7 are now out:
Do say when you catch up.
Finally caught up, and saw the whole of season 6...looks like
Vic got lucky with that bust, and now i guess he and Acaveda are back in league together. The Shane stuff was kinda interesting too, its like he always finds a way to screw shit up...and it almost got 3 famlies killed. I dont know how i felt about that Hiatt guy getting canned; i mean he makes one mistake (screwing Tina isnt really a mistake in my book), and he gets canned?? After all the shit Vic does, he's been a cop for like 15 years, so it kinda doesent make sense. Anyway, great show, looking forward to the 2nd season.
He didn't get canned for screwing her. He got canned because he fucked up all gang relations and operations the station had by doing meaningless arrests. The result was the gangs attacking innocent people instead of fighting and keeping the damage among themselves.
Can't wait for next season... I think it's the final season, it should be a good one. And it'll be interesting to see Aceveda and Vic finally working together.
I started watching this a few days ago, seen up to episode 4 of season 2 -- loving it so far, awesome show.
Edit: I've finally finished watching all episodes out. Eagerly anticipating the next season. Best show I've seen in a long while.
Last edited by Xrlderek; Sun, 08-12-2007 at 06:51 PM.
Well, for those interested on when the next season will start, here's some information:
Question: When does the new season of The Shield start? — Jordan
Ausiello: At long last, answers! An FX insider tells me that the highly anticipated seventh and final season of The Shield will debut in September. There was some talk of it returning in the summer, but then it would have to compete with the Olympics. And as tough as Mackey is, he's no match for this awesomeness.
Pffff. Mackey could win the whole Olympics if he wanted to.
Very sad that it's the last season of such a great show.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
I'm actually glad because they have a planned ending, instead of shutting it down unexpectedly. Hopefully this means an appropiate ending.Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Well for you guys that don't know, or just need a reminder, The Shield returns next week September 2 with season 7... it's last season.
To get ready for it, here's a cool 12 minute clip highlighting everything that has ocurred in the series:
Here are some promos for next season:
It's an amazing series, I cannot wait to see the finale. If I have the time I'm going to binge on all the past seasons, or at least as much as I can. I'm sad to see the series go, but it's going with a thunderous exit, I'm sure.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
Did anyone catch the new episode? Good shit, I think! There was a lot of maneuvering going on; some successful, some just plain dumb (i.e. Billings) But overall, good intro to the last season. Any thoughts about the strike team's gang war manufacture? Those guys are as ruthless as ever, and with all the Machiavellian shit going down, I'm not sure who's going to make it out alive. I mean, it looks like Vic's holding all the cards so far, but things can change pretty quickly with this show. But, yea, great ep.
Finally managed to watched the first episode of the season, and it was awesome...
What do you think happened to the Latin dude that Vic left tied up where he killed the guy last season (forgot his name)? Did Vic just left him there... to die? Did he end up killing him?
As always, Billings was awesome.
Let's get ready for the bloodbath. Hopefully I'll watch episode 2 tonight, any of you guys seen it yet?
Well, now we know what happened. Vic just had him chained up in some garage. Liked the back and forth between Billings and Dutch, and actually became saddened by the spook street scenes; pretty much because it reminded me of like the sheer ignorance of the people I grew up around (but I digress). Pretty good ep. and Vic's still at his chess games. I'm just wondering who's gonna put him in check on the other side of the board(s), because he's almost got his hands in too many things for something to no fuck up.
"The one man demolition crew"...
Just watched episode 2... good stuff. Billings is 2 for 2, and bonus points for handling the Vic situation gracefully. Speaking of that, Vic needs to get rid of his daughter. She's been a pain in the ass since the first season.
Episode 3 tomorrow.
Well, just watched up to episode 5.
The teenage "serial killer" storyline is interesting. I was waiting for that Sophie chick to have something interesting in this storyline, should've known that Pezuela had his grips on her. Cassidy sucks... Vic should just killer her and get it over with.