I saw it on T.V a long time ago. The sand is supposed to be engineered to not stick to you. Now that's technology!
I saw it on T.V a long time ago. The sand is supposed to be engineered to not stick to you. Now that's technology!
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Does that mean that the sand also doesnt stick to itself? Because if you can't make sandcastles...
its just a giant wave pool, thats all. they just made it look more like a beach then a pool. I thought it would have been bigger, but i guess thats alot of space and money being wasted.
I bet the koreans are shaking with envy over that. Im sure they'll end up building a bigger one here (since korea is like, the home of useless expensivse shit)
I remember seeing a special on when they were making that, it looked pretty awesome. I think one of the reasons they have it is so people can swim and surf and what not without worrying about the possible dangers of open water swimming, some of which are sharks, jellyfish, stingrays. None of those are present in a enclosed environment such as that. People enjoy the shroud of security something like that offers, not to mention rainy day outside? Sunny day inside, surf is up 24/7, surfers paradise!
that's cool and all, but $50 US entrance fee?! GTFOH.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Well, Japan is even supposed to be one of the more expensive places, so the high entrance fee makes sense. And it also makes sense if you think about how much a bigass building like that costs to build and maintain (just maintaining it probably costs as much as running a small town). But no doubt they made sure they would get enough paying customers in, before they started the project. The Japanese are shrewd business people, after all.