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Thread: Reputation System Overview

  1. #261
    I agree with Terra. It's good to have a goal.

  2. #262
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage
    No , i understand what you were saying, I was just pointing out some of the more positive attributes of the system. It is not perfect and it never will be, because it is dependant on the people who use it.
    Agreed .

    Edit: I also think Terra has a point. It took basically no time at all for everyone's reps to shoot up into the high numbers and bars.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  3. #263
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I agree........I've been back at Gotwoot for what? Two weeks? I had like one bar, And i have 1800 points now. But if its gonna be changed, give me another week to make my Custom Title LoL.

    All in all, we've all come to the conclusion that the rep system kicks ass.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  4. #264
    @Lucifus when I first started noticing your posts around the Haruhi Thread you had about the same rep as me and in the past few weeks you've gone ten times further and now your higher than Terra in total points.

    I agree that the speed of rep growth is uncanny, but we can only assume that this rep is from all the good posters reping one another. So the easiest way to get a high rep is to impress other good posters, which I belive was the point to an extent since good posters ought to know good posts...I guess.

  5. #265
    Benevolent Dictator
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    looking at how things have gone, I think it's gotten kind of ridiculously out of hand.

    I'm considering doing a couple of fairly heavy overhauls to both actual scores, and power factors again. I sort of feel like the power factors have grown way too fast, as have actual rep levels. The fact that we've currently got a couple users at >150 rep power and >3000 rep score somewhat ... bothers me.

    Also coming up with a scripted way to generate stats and other interesting tidbits. Stay tuned...

  6. #266
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    Anyway, the only problem I've got with the rep system is that it doesn't tell who does the repping unless signed. I've gotten bad rep for teh most ridiculous of reasons and I want to get back at the people.....

    But I guess thats the very purpose of having to sign the reps if ya want to be known that it was you. I guess I can live with it........
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    And I've made about half of the friends I made on the forums through the rep system
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    I've been back at Gotwoot for what? Two weeks? I had like one bar, And i have 1800 points now. But if its gonna be changed, give me another week to make my Custom Title LoL.

    All in all, we've all come to the conclusion that the rep system kicks ass.
    These series of comments have piqued my interest. I especially find the parts pertaining to signing names and 'getting back at people'. The first part would be ok, if it weren't for the second. Getting back at people works both ways, Neg Rep for a Neg Rep, and a Pos Rep for a Pos Rep.

    Obviously (and I can attest to this because almost all my Neg Reps have been unsigned, and most of them commentless/sarcastic, not to mention on seemingly random posts) someone Neg Repping someone isn't going to be stupid enough to put their name, for fear of rebuttal.

    On the other hand, signing your name to Pos Reps... well here's the gray area. It could be done out of friendliness, just to clarify a joke comment, but it could also be done as a way of encouraging what I think was best described as 'a Rep circle jerk', a small group just inflating each other's reps, just for the sake of getting high reps.

    The Rep circle jerk would quite clearly be soliciting reputation, even if the people in it didn't enter into it with the thought of exchanging Pos Rep for Pos Rep, since after a little while (and a shit ton of reputation boost) even a dimwit would figure out that at least some part of the reputation they're recieving is because they repped the others.

    I can't point fingers, and obviously it'd be pretty difficult (if not impossible) to prove 'Users A, B, C, etc all solicit Rep in such a way', but for now I'm personally going to stop putting my little marker at the end of Reps I give.

    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    people still receive random neg reps on random posts. It might be either because someone is trying to get around the fanout number or is trying to bring that person's rep down. It doesn't matter, people will always be immature.

    And then there will be those people out there who want to get high reps just for the custom title alone (or even just for bigger "e-penis"), but rarely contribute anything really meaningful to discussions.
    I will be quite sad if the Rep system fell into this. Like samson and some of the others mentioned, I consider the system to be more than just a popularity contest. It can also very well reward high quality posts.

    I will personally see to it that anyone abusing the system for 'a big e-penis' faces the music.

    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    However, I too have seen a lot of intelligent and thought-out discussion since the reps were implemented, so it must be doing something right toward that end.
    And let's hope it keeps going in that direction.

    I eagerly look forward to comp's findings.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #267
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    looking at how things have gone, I think it's gotten kind of ridiculously out of hand.

    I'm considering doing a couple of fairly heavy overhauls to both actual scores, and power factors again. I sort of feel like the power factors have grown way too fast, as have actual rep levels. The fact that we've currently got a couple users at >150 rep power and >3000 rep score somewhat ... bothers me.
    Well, that's basically what I said, objectively speaking, a while ago: The speed has accelerated all the time because people get more rep continuously and thus their power to deal rep gets higher all the time. So, the mathematical basis didn't mean it to be linear from the beginning. It's a curve.

    The numbers as such don't bother me. They don't have such a big meaning. However, what Terra said about the visual indicators, boxes, might be right: Great many people have already used them all up. (Maybe we are just great fellows...)

    If you now adjust the power modifiers, and not the levels required for the boxes, it will make the few people who reached 2500 already lucky bastards (if they retain their titles); the rest will get there slower. Well, I suppose it's no use to complain: The fast eat the slow, as they say...

  8. #268
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    looking at how things have gone, I think it's gotten kind of ridiculously out of hand.

    I'm considering doing a couple of fairly heavy overhauls to both actual scores, and power factors again. I sort of feel like the power factors have grown way too fast, as have actual rep levels. The fact that we've currently got a couple users at >150 rep power and >3000 rep score somewhat ... bothers me.

    Also coming up with a scripted way to generate stats and other interesting tidbits. Stay tuned...
    Masa and I have the same thoughts on this, the Rep system does need to be audited and looked in to in regards to the "Circle Jerk" that was been happening. More or less it is my understanding that you can get alot of rep very quickly with out putting much effort in to in. You can give positive rep to 5-9 people and start a circle jeck. Now I'm aware that that this system calls for more then 10-15 (I'm not sure myself) reps be given before you may rep the same person. To honor the "circle jerk" you see the results as the most times ramdom commentless, or idiot-like comments.As the person wants to get to the point they can rep a member of the circle again.

    To point the finger is not really hard we all can see right now the rep that everyone has to a point, as well as personally we know who deserves it for being a good poster or not. However I have no proof of this abuse, nor am I acusing anyone and to call out anyone would be a very big mistake. The fact of the matter is that this problem is causing the system to be abused.

    If Comp's findings turn up that the system is not being abused, I will let this issue go with nothing but a passing thought. However if the findings show that it is indeed being abused I wish for nothing but justice to those that are abusing it. As well if that is the case I request a huge revamp to it or I wish it removed.
    Last edited by Deadfire; Thu, 05-11-2006 at 09:50 AM.
    image fail!

  9. #269
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    *feels like another season of Days of our Reps is about to start*
    Comps 'investigation' is taking on serious Internet connotations! Feels like some conspiracy shit straight out of 24... except it's on Teh !nt3rneT

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #270
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    I thought I was the only one who is allowed to bitch about the rep system. That’s clearly not the case. I apologize in advance Complich. I will make this visit a brief one.

    The Rep System :

    Let me make one thing clear. It isn’t a fair system. Don’t expect it to be. That’s not how it is deigned. People who believe that it is built to reward the good posters with a good reputation are clearly wrong. My 2357 posts only give me the rep power of 5. Clearly Complich wasn’t considering rewarding the people who are active members and have higher post counts.

    The Circle :

    Some people are talking about a circle. Of course there is a circle, well more than one circle. Some circles are bigger than others. It’s more like a ripple effect.

    Soliciting Reps :

    Don’t tell me someone has given you a good rep and left his name and you have not returned the favor by doing exactly the same thing. Is that a definition of soliciting?

    Fall Of The Rep System :

    What are you talking about? It was doomed from the beginning.

    The Curve of Rep Power :

    Well nobody had enough power to begin with (except the mods). So every body started from scratch so to speak but now everybody has at least some weight to throw around. It’s like a small snow ball coming down the hill and getting bigger and bigger. Maybe Complich didn’t expected that.

    Exponential Rate of Rep Power :

    The people who are in Gotwoot Survivor their reps have gone up at an exponential rate, that’s probably because their team members have been pumping them up or the other members of GW are wishing them (giving reps) to have a good contest. I can’t speak for others but I certainly have wished very one in the GWS using the re system and I have a rep power of 150+. Now that’s a lot. There are 20 people in that competition and if they were to go around and do the same thing then it’s not a surprise that their reputation has inflated over night. That might also explain some people who are new here at GW and are not very liked by the majority.

    The Bitching :

    Some people are bitching because they are not the flavor of the month. They see someone at the top and don’t like the fact they are above them. They consider themselves to be better than others. Stop being a fag.

    You want to know what I think

    I think this rep system is GREAT.

    I liked the old Cold Fusion system better where nobody cared about what their reputation was. At least they were true to themselves. If someone wanted to say something they said it to that person’s face and didn’t hide behind a flawed rep system.

    This is just a phase and it will pass through. In time we will all learn to live with it.

    Thanks for taking your time out to read this post. It now time to hit that “I disapprove” button hard.

    // Jadugar
    Last edited by Jadugar; Thu, 05-11-2006 at 10:36 AM.

  11. #271
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    True. GW Survivor rose the rep for many, including myself.

    I got 6 pos reps and 2 neg reps for the sole 2 posts I've posted, in the event thread, after the event started.

    I always sign my reps, but taking a page out of masamuneehs' book I'll stop signing them as well. Even though only once I recieved a rep back from a pos rep. It wasn't signed, but according to the text it was obvious from who it was. Also the rep comment didn't have anything to do with the repped post.

  12. #272
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    looking at how things have gone, I think it's gotten kind of ridiculously out of hand.

    I'm considering doing a couple of fairly heavy overhauls to both actual scores, and power factors again. I sort of feel like the power factors have grown way too fast, as have actual rep levels. The fact that we've currently got a couple users at >150 rep power and >3000 rep score somewhat ... bothers me.

    Also coming up with a scripted way to generate stats and other interesting tidbits. Stay tuned...
    The spike in power is explained by the effect that reputation points has on your reputation power. If someone indeed has 3000 reputation (which some probably do) that alone gives them 120 power. Added on the effect of being here as a veteran and you have your 150+ reputation power right there. Now MOST of the veterans are generally good posters, and being so results in them getting high rep, thus resulting in the 150+ powers.

    I admit, I do sign my reps. Why? Because I feel that people have a right to know who gave them a positive reputation hit, just as they should know why they deserved it and who considers it a good post. When doing so, I do not expect any reward in return, or I probably would've included on the rep "REP ME BACK!" (probably not as subtle as DO's thread was). I can say, with all the positive reps I've given, I've probably recieved less than a dozen of them back. (not including the recent GW survivor thread because everybody returns "good luck reps") With the reps I've been given (positive) I have given some of them back. Now, is that "soliciting" rep? I don't think so, it was upon my own decision to return the reputation that was given me, the person who signed made no indication forcing my return of reputation. Therefore, I see no harm in signing your name at the end of your rep.

    And theres a reason why I don't sign my negative reps, its because everyone on the internet is human (except terra...he's his own kind). Human's don't like being crossed, and as a result we will take revenge, now a person deserving of a bad rep will return that to the person who gave it to him, even if he doesn't have a valid reason for it.

    And thus ends my 4¢ worth of opinions...while your here buy my new book...

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  13. #273
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I've signed my name on a neg rep before and the person I repped actually gave me a positive reputation back. I don't think people will feel overly vengeful as long as you have something decent to say in your rep comment. I could be wrong though, since it's only happened once.

    For positive reps I try not to sign my name (although I've done it a few times), because I don't want to get caught up in a "circle jerk", and I do feel that signing positive reps sometimes equates to soliciting reps. Having said that, at times I have appreciated when people sign their names in a "thank you" rep. It's just courtesy.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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