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Thread: Reputation System Overview

  1. #181
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    Just for another perspective on why complaining about rep here (or anywhere else) won’t get you very far …

    I didn’t set a whole lot of guidelines on the reputation system. This was a deliberate choice, not purely an act of laziness. A lot of people are talking like it’s something bigger and more important than it is, but it’s not. I think maybe I didn’t explain it quite as unambiguously enough before, so I’ll try to fill in the underlying thought process here.

    First of all, here’s the description I gave it, back on page 1, post 1 of this thread:
    Basically, the reputation system is a community-driven user rating system. So if you think a user is a really awesome poster, you would give them a positive reputation hit, or if you think they're the worst thing to happen to the forums, you'd give them a negative rep hit.
    And the guidelines I set out:

    Try to give out more positive reputation hits than negative ones.
    No soliciting rep hits.
    Don't take it too seriously.
    Leave comments with your rep hits.
    You might notice that these are remarkably scant. You might also notice that I used the term “you think”. I didn’t really specify the mechanics of the system … what you could or couldn’t rep, any detailed guidelines about that. Let me re-emphasize: if you think a user is [an] awesome poster, you would give them a positive reputation hit, or if you think they're [bad], you'd give them a negative rep hit. You may notice, I leave the door open to pretty much whatever mechanics you want to apply to it. You can give people negative rep because you don't like them, or because you don't agree with them, or because you think they're just bad posters who're hurting the community, or because they posted a three-page long philosophical explanation of the rep system that was too long for you to bother reading, or because you had a bad day and think that taking it out by handing out two dozen negative reps to the last 4 posters per thread in the last 6 threads that have been posted in is going to somehow feng-shui the negative energies into a spiral that diverts them away from your living-space. Whatever. The door's open, feel free. Similarly, you can positive-rep people because they made a particularly insightful or interesting post, or because they made you laugh, or because they posted three pages worth of philosophical explanation about the rep system that made you think, or because you spent 10 minutes watching squirrels in the park and are in a particularly good mood and handing out joy to whoever comes your way. And it doesn't matter.

    There’s a rule enforcement system in place, and that system is the moderators. We don’t need a community feedback system for that (though we do appreciate good uses of the “report bad post” button), and the rules themselves are NOT a court of popular opinion. Quite the opposite, they’re the very definition of autocracy: the rules come from above, and they’re pretty much unchangeable by “the masses” (though we're open to suggestions). If you find the rules onerous, and you can't abide by them, your only recourse is to leave (and ... well ... the mods will help you there, if you really can't abide by them).

    Reputation is NOT a rule enforcement system. It has no real consequences. No matter how negative someone’s reputation gets, they won’t lose the ability to be a community member – albeit perhaps a widely reviled one. Nobody’s getting banned for having a bad rep – though people with particularly bad rep (worse than anyone’s legitimately accumulated so far) will drop below the threshold where they’re allowed to participate in the reputation system (essentially a disenfranchisement of people convicted of the crime of bad taste).

    So what is the rep system? Like I said, it’s a community driven rating system. Nothing more, nothing less.

    I think this can be a useful tool, in that it can be used to give feedback to people who maybe aren’t the best posters, but aren’t breaking any rules by making bad posts. Or to give good posters some encouragement to keep posting good material. It gives the near-silent lurkers a way to express their voice when they don’t have anything to say that they think would be worthy of making a post over. It gives everyone a way to visually judge what the average sentiment toward a given user looks like.

    So why don’t I care that people are using it to express disagreement, or other stupid reasons? Well, mainly the realization that I’m asking you to make a value judgement. That’s inherent in what we’re doing here … basically, I’m asking you to express your voice on whether you think any given post is good or bad, and preferably with a reason why. I leave this subjective determination entirely up to you, rather than claiming it for myself. What you think may be a great, thoughtful idea, other people may think is stupid and trivial and pointless. And that's fine... and if people are participating actively, whatever the most popular opinion is will probably win.

    When you start quibbling over whether you deserve a given rep hit, you’re asking me to take away the voice of whoever you disagree with. This is inherently an unfair request. You’re asking me to take away someone else’s voice, because you value your own higher. And you know, I can understand valuing your own opinion more than other people’s… heck, I’m the same way. I like me much more than I like you! But that doesn’t mean my voice is inherently more valid than yours (in fact, because of my position relative to the community at large, I’ve pinned my own power level at a value that is slightly less than half of what I’d have if I were just a regular forumgoer – largely as an expression that I shouldn’t be the loudest voice, or even a particularly loud one).

    By invalidating feedback that people have given – I'd be turning it from community-driven to system predicated on my own approval. If I do that, it’s no longer your system, no longer your community, and no longer a system for you guys to use – it would become another “user notes” … something for me and maybe the mods to look at, and for you guys not to even realize exists.

    And you know, there’s nothing stopping me from doing that, beyond my own sense of accountability to the system and the community – even in this, democracy is merely a courtesy of the dictators. But if I did that, it would defeat the purpose of the system as a whole, and I may as well just go and set people’s reputations to whatever I feel like they should be, and tune the rep powers so that nobody’s hits count, and leave it at that. Since either way it’d only be my opinion that matters, ultimately.

    I’d rather not make it into that. I’d rather it not be “complich8 likes the following people” … because while I admittedly have a reasonably high opinion of myself, I don’t think anyone else would really care very much about it – and I really don’t need to turn the forums into an altar for my own ego, you know?

    So why did I put forth any guidelines at all? Well, my whole purpose for this experiment is to give you guys, the regular community members, some tool to make you feel like you have a voice, like you’re part of an actual community, rather than just some random websurfer. I want people to get more enjoyment than displeasure out of it (hence, encouraging people to try to give more positive than negative rep). I want to keep the system from detracting from the rest of forum life (hence, “no soliciting rep hits”) – because the last thing the community needs is to become some little closed group of people who’re spamming around trying to get rep and doing nothing else. There is some legitimately good discussion that goes on here, and a legitimately active community, and I think allowing open rep-whoring would degrade that – which isn’t to say that you can’t consciously do things you think will get you good rep, just that you can’t sit there and beg for it. I also want you guys to take into account that this is not a big deal. There seriously are NO negative consequences for having any particular rep score, and only a very tiny incentive to work your way up to an almost unattainably positive one! This is an arbitrary little game, powered by the community, and there are going to be people who just try to shit on everything (cue “dicks, pussies and assholes” speech from Team America: World Police). It’s inevitable, in any reasonably large and reasonably open community, that we’re going to get some people who will do whatever they can to sabotage things, make people miserable, etc. And by complaining about it, by taking offense, you give those people validation, encouragement to keep shitting on things, because it hurts you somehow.

    Now, what I've said, and what I’ll continue do to get people to quit bitching a bit, is look into it when people think they’ve been repped unfairly. And every request I’ve gotten about it, I’ve looked into. There's really not a lot of it. And you know, if you honestly feel something’s unfair, then that’s fine, I welcome your message, and I'll look into it -- at very least to be able to explain what's going on (ie: why it's in your head, or that there's actually six people conspiring against you, not the three you thought). But I’m not going to mute people and neuter the system because of anyone’s hurt feelings – not even my own.

    Another way to answer this would be to say that discussion is useless if we're all on the same side. Reputation is a form of discussion. Dissenting opinions will express themselves, and if we supress that (by saying "you can't neg rep me for that") we'll end up with the long gray Kraco describes much faster than if we encourage that vigor in all its forms.
    Last edited by complich8; Sat, 04-01-2006 at 06:37 AM.

  2. #182
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, I'm not sure if I believe you really think like that or not. You are an active admin here, which means you care for the wellbeing of this forum. And unless you are a technocrat, who just saw an option and turned it on for the sake of turning it on because it's possible, I think you thought it does have the potential to do something good here.

    It's a free, anonymous system just like you said, and just like I said, but it does affect. If it didn't affect, nobody would use it. Just have a look at your own statistics; people are using it like crazy. So they care A LOT.

    Edit: Bah, I shouldn't have started anew this whole debate... I blame the time: It was 3AM when I made the initial post... There's no way, no matter how you write, that it wouldn't look like pure whining... And that means it was nothing but that. I lost.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 04-01-2006 at 07:09 AM.

  3. #183
    While agree it was sort of whining Kraco, I totally agree with you. There is a flaw in the system. I myself have been given quite a few bad reps because people disagreed with me or couldn't understand my sarcasm.

  4. #184
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    that isn't a flaw in the system.

    It's a 'flaw' on the part of those who use the system. If your joke/sarcasm didn't get interpreted properly, then that's also possibly a flaw on your side, or by whoever didn't get the joke.

    It's just a matter of opinions vs. opinions. You'll always get Neg Rep you don't agree with, and there are other users probably getting Up/Neg Rep that you also wouldn't agree with if you knew what it was for. That's life, it's a bitch, too fucking bad, suck it up.

    You disagree with someone? Then maybe you think they're post is a bad contribution, hence earning a Neg Rep. You agree with someone? Then you maybe think it's a good thing they said it and give them a Up Rep. That's just the way people work.

    @comp- Nice defense up there. Shit that was one long read...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #185
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. You are absolutely right, Masa. It's like they say: No good deed ever goes unpunished.

    It's the price to pay. It was just negligence on my part to not remember that.

  6. #186
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    maybe cuz the person that repped you has a rep power of of 32. which would mean its probably one of the big spammers like assertn, terra, bud, psj etc.
    just a note, i'm pretty sure terra's rep power is capped at 20 both ways (suits him) and the "big spammers" you noted have way more power than that. I believe in complich's example somewhere in the first few pages assertn already had a rep power of 50.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  7. #187
    This rep system sucks. People give me bad reps for no reason. One guy gave me a bad rep because of one of my posts in the Hot babes thread. He said "thats my sister your talking about" very sarcasticly.

    *leaves to eat his candy*

  8. #188
    Benevolent Dictator
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    yeah, highest powers are over 60 right now. I'd be at 56 if I weren't an admin... and poor terra would be around 77.

    Just being here since july 2003, you'd have 33 power from date factor alone -- you get about 12 power points per year of membership.

    To say a bit more on the topic, I'm looking for ways to keep the forums alive, to community-build. I see reputation as one of those ways. The group we're tied to, animeone, is having problems. They're in a slow death-spiral ... with staff members leaving, releases stalling and fans leaving -- which makes it harder to recruit more staff. In any social group, that rise-and-fall happens. It hurts me to watch it, because I love that group and put a lot of time into it, but it's beyond my power (or, at least beyond my free time) to reverse.

    I'd like the gotwoot community to really establish a firm identity, and be an interesting place to be even if we don't have the attractive power of animeone behind us. So I want to encourage vigorous discussion. I want to attract and keep interesting posters. I want to draw more regular people, and draw more people into discussions. Want to keep people active and engaged, and keep people coming back.

    Everything I do as wearing the "forum admin" hat is pretty much to that end.

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    yeah, highest powers are over 60 right now. I'd be at 56 if I weren't an admin... and poor terra would be around 77.

    Just being here since july 2003, you'd have 33 power from date factor alone -- you get about 12 power points per year of membership.
    Really, that high? i though you had changed it around a bit. So then whats my rep power rite now?

    Also, while you're at it, can you post the current power claculation method?

  10. #190
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Please refer to post 59 in this thread for the current numbers .

    It's important to note that your actual accumulated reputation plays a fairly significant part in the power calculation now. Terra's got a really long membership time (drawing close to 1000 days now), a very high post count, and a very high reputation, which all contribute to what he'd have. But since he's an admin, he's pinned at 25, just like me .

  11. #191
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    Really, that high? i though you had changed it around a bit. So then whats my rep power rite now?

    Also, while you're at it, can you post the current power claculation method?

    i was extremely bored so i made an estimated calculation of your rep power.

    2619/400=6.5475 now i'm not sure if its rounded up or down...
    complich saved me the trouble of doing this myself and said if you were here from july you have 33 reputation power from the time you've been here.
    now then your reputation has 3 boxes which ranges from 200 to 299 i believe.
    so you either gain another 8-13 reputation power from there.

    so you have 47.5475 to 52.5475.

    rounded up its 48-53. so your negative hit woudl be 24 to 26.5 rounded up 27....shit i hope i havent pissed you off.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #192
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    shit i hope i havent pissed you off.
    Look at the bright side. Should that happen, you also could be a cool guy as you could say: "Don't sweat it. I have been neg repped by the professionals."

    Yeah, just prepare to join the club... You will sooner or later because those badass dudes with huge reps really like to let people feel it.

  13. #193
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I keep finding funny the origin of the neg rep I've recieved.

    One for not liking fillers.
    Another one for preferring Tenten over the rest Chuunin-gals.

    People have issues, heheheheh.

    I got lost on the second equation o_O

  14. #194
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Look at the bright side. Should that happen, you also could be a cool guy as you could say: "Don't sweat it. I have been neg repped by the professionals."

    Yeah, just prepare to join the club... You will sooner or later because those badass dudes with huge reps really like to let people feel it.
    just as a hopeful, i'm hoping he considers my post more constructive than destructive.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  15. #195
    Benevolent Dictator
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    when calculating, it's a "floor' function at every step (meaning truncate all decimal places, no matter what they are -- 3.9999 becomes 3)
    If you have a copy of excel (or openoffice), hit the attached .xls and plug in your numbers. No more confusion!

  16. #196
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    An interesting sheet, complich8. It's kind of nice to see how much power you have. So many factors affect it that just gut feeling alone appeared to be a poor source of estimation in evaluating the final value. I actually have more rep power than I thought, although your previous post already made me boost my estimate a little. But still it surprised me. I haven't been here for that long, after all. (And no, it's still not an actually high number relatively speaking.)

  17. #197
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    I wasn't too sure if there was a point to this rating system in the begining, but now I'm starting to think that it's fun. I'm glad this was implemented. Thanks complich8.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  18. #198


    i like the rep system too, i just use ue to show people who do favors for me even if they dont know about it. when they make me happy i rep but i think that some people are taking advantage of this, and giving neg reps to certian people for for things that matter so little

    watch, ill probably get neg rep cuz of this post aswell

    [PSJ] Owns All

  19. #199
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    As long as there aren't any real consequences about my membership in the board, I don't mind the system. And I think it could be fun. But I'm a bit annoyed at the number of people who mod me down and, instead of mentioning why the modded me down in their comment, reply to my post in their comment.

    Honestly, these are forums. If you have something to say about someone's opinion, say it where other people can hear! If what I said was so wrong, say so where others can read it! Otherwise you aren't helping anyone, by correcting me or providing counterpoint, and just annoying me.

  20. #200
    well after reading the first post, said something about gettin rep power points or something for being a member for every half a year lol...

    joined 2003 does that work...just curious if it was automatic..really i love the layout look and feel...

    Glad to be back.

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