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Thread: Reputation System Overview

  1. #161
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    and we all know how that turned out in "Days of our reps"

    It was horrible .....blood everywhere.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  2. #162
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Something is seriously amiss here. The pop-up text doesn't seem to change that much at all. 3-4 squares produce the same text, 5-6 produce the same text. At least. I didn't go further to check 7->, and how they change or don't change.

    Complacence with this kind of lack of imagination is very bad (The complich8 should know this). It wouldn't have been hard to come up with unique text for each square. For example 3. the room, 4. the whole floor, 5. the whole house, 6. the whole block.

    Those were just quick examples I invented in 30 secs.
    Yeah, I actually created ... umm, 13 positive and 7 negative levels -- so fuck you too, jerkass . Of course, at the time I didn't know what the display thresholds to add another box were... thanks for reminding me that I meant to tune those.

    And I really wish people would quit being morons, trying to make a point by misinterpreting my sig in completely inapplicable ways.

  3. #163
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    And I really wish people would quit being morons, trying to make a point by misinterpreting my sig in completely inapplicable ways.
    Sorry about that. But for my own defence I have to say that's not altogether fair. You run a concious risk by having a sig like that. You can always wish people would "quit being morons", but it's a thing you must accept, nonetheless (accept the risk and people never quiting being morons).

    And I was using it to try to make a joke, rather than a point, anyway...

  4. #164
    @ Assasin:

    Oh okay, never thought that it would go so bad. And no, its not from hunter x hunter. Its actually Dearka E. .

    Here is the big picture if you want to see it.

  5. #165
    What does a blue box rep hit mean? Green is positive, red is negative, but I just got a blue one...

  6. #166
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    that person has a non existant post count....and probably is new.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
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  7. #167
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage
    that person has a non existant post count....and probably is new.

    I recieved one before.
    I thought it was neutral or something.
    Kinda forgot you only can give positive or negative now that you mentioned it...

  8. #168
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I see a zero-power hit. User with very low post count and negative reputation ... he's actually got negative rep power! But yeah, if it's not green or red, it's probably zero.

  9. #169
    no ofcourse not. you must have done somethign to get a -rep hit, so you can't just up and leave.

  10. #170
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Reputation statistics time

    For those of you who like random statistics on these things ...

    As of right now, we're at 1134 reputations given. I was going to do this at 1000, but ... it's been a busy week.

    User Statistics:
    Number of legitimately repped users: 180
    Number of people who've given reputation: 80

    Number of users with net positive reputation: 124
    Number with net negative reputation: 56
    Overall mean participant rep: 87.7
    Overall median participant reputation: 45
    Overall standard deviation: 135.6
    Minimum reputation: -92
    Maximum reputation: 591
    Maximum reputation not held by a mod/admin: 494

    Mean positive participant rep: 132.7
    Median positive participant rep: 70
    Positive group standard deviation: 136.9

    Mean negative participant rep: -22
    Median negative rep: -18
    Standard deviation: 19.5

    Rate of reputations: 57 reputations per day given

    Average reputations given out per repper: 14
    Minimum: 1
    Maximum: 195
    Median: 5
    Standard deviation: 27.5
    Number of reppers who've 10 or more reps: 29

    *added: Points given stats*
    Total positive points given: 19,569
    Total negative points given: -4410
    Net total points given: 15,159

    Max positive points given by a single user: 3854
    Fewest nonzero positive points given by a user: 3
    Number of people who've given positive rep: 69

    Max negative points given by a single user: -1300
    Min nonzero negative points given by a single user: -1
    Number of people who've given at least one negative rep: 43

    Average positive reputation given per positive-repping user: 283.6
    Average negative rep given per negative-repping user: -102
    Overall average rep given per repping user: 187
    Median overall rep points given: 43
    Standard deviation of rep awarded: 437.6 (!)

    Interestingly, the user who's given the most reputations (195 of them) has had 400 points less net impact than the number two repper, who's only given out 111 reps. Active reppers 3-5 are under 100 reps handed out apiece, and below number 5 it's less than 50 apiece.

    How long until someone breaks the threshold to get a custom title: ~15 weeks at the current rate (custom title user promotion is at +2500 reputation)

    *added: a note on methodology
    To begin with, I discarded any artificially inflated/buried reputations from the user stats. This means Wilik, Ciber, Y, Kai, my test user, and one or two others have been trimmed from the numbers. However, reps given to those users are still counted (because it'd be annoying to trim them out).
    Next I trimmed out all the users who have had no movement from the default rep level. This has the potential to exclude people who've had positive and negative reps that cancel each other out. I don't think there's anyone in that group, but I don't really feel like checking to be sure either .

    All stats are based only on people who have legitimately gotten reputation, or who have legitimately given it, respectively.

    I also haven't run the numbers to see if there's people who've given rep but not gotten it, so the total number of people who've actually used the system on one end or the other could be higher than the number that've gotten reps (for instance, if lurkers are giving rep but not posting and thus not getting it).
    Last edited by complich8; Fri, 03-31-2006 at 04:23 AM.

  11. #171
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... So, the "Overall mean participant rep: 87.7" is the average of those who have hits at all... With thousands of (dead) users, that can't of course be the average of the total population. I was at first thinking the standard deviation seemed strange, but naturally that's also explained by this same fact.

    Well, aside from the deviation, I suppose the really interesting and relevant part of that has to be the huge number of people who have received rep but haven't ever bothered to "return the favor" (in quotes because obviously most of the time they wouldn't know the benefactor, and hence it would be a communal returning of the favor).

    Does the last block of statistics refer to the number persons have given reputation, or to the points they have given? Obviously if it's points, the number of reputations given would be much lower. If it's the times, I can't but wonder who is the devil who has pressed the rep button 195 times...

  12. #172
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Yeah, I was going to run those numbers too, but forgot too. I've gone ahead and added them, and clarified the methodology I used a bit.

    There's a whole lot of other things I could mine out of this database (like, correlations between post counts and rep given/gotten, ranking comparisons) ... but I'll save that project for another time too.
    Last edited by complich8; Fri, 03-31-2006 at 04:29 AM.

  13. #173
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Standard deviation of rep awarded: 437.6 (!)
    This is quite a number indeed! Hmm... It sounds almost unbelievable. There are of course lots and lots of people with little or slight minus rep at the other end, but according to this there should be lots and lots of people with also very high rep... Well, I suppose numbers can't lie.

    Interesting statistics and calculations, complich. I would give you positive rep for this, but I can't since the engine tells me to spread some rep before giving it to you again...

  14. #174
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    Those are pretty awesome statistics! Excellent work, complich8.

    I just had a quick question about how you calculated rate, when estimating the length of time until someone gets a custom title. Did you do a linear extrapolation given the total rep given so far and the length of time the system is in effect? I don't know if the data from the first week is valid, because it seemed as though people were repping like crazy during that time, but now the rates have evened out to more realistic levels....well, except for those reppers you mention who have given out tons and tons of reps. I don't suppose you know how the total rate of repping is changing with time? *KitKat suddenly has a flashback to derivatives in highschool....from a happier time when derivatives were simple and fun*

  15. #175
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Taking those stadistics must have taken you a long time.

    Max positive points given by a single user: 3854
    Max negative points given by a single user: -1300
    Those 2 users (if its not the same one, heh) have been busy. Wow o_O

    Great report complich8

  16. #176
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It would be useless to say this is not whining about reputation (and maybe complich8 will now disable my rep), but I find it peculiar how some people read a totally obvious and blatant joke post, and then proceed to rep it as if it wasn't a joke at all but a serious post with a real opinion.

    Seriously, everybody is free to rep however they want, but the whole idea of this system is to encourage good posts and discourage clearly shitty posts.

    Good posts are those with rare links, rare pictures, rare information, brilliant ideas, or good jokes (because we are all here to have fun, aren't we? This is not the forum of the Internal Revenue Service, but an anime forum).

    Bad posts are not posts opposing your opinion, but posts that have no or incomprehensible content, posts that are clearly posted at the wrong place, posts that ask questions that have been answered a million times already, flaming, and other offensive things.

    Listen to me, citizens: If you keep dealing negative reputation to jokes, even lousy jokes, there won't soon be any jokes. Is that a good thing, then? If you keep dealing neg rep to ideas different from your idealism, there won't soon be anything surprising here, and the whole place turns gray.

  17. #177
    which post was this neg rep given for?

    Also you're completely right about that. -rep shouldn't be given cuz you dont agree with someone else, but if someone breaks the rules or something.

    However, if you guys feel you've been repped unfairly (and repeatedly as well, not just a single bad rep) then contact complich8. Thats why he's here.

  18. #178
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Im kinda ticked though because seeing that I got -16 from one post which is this one (8th one down)

    I dont see how I got -16 just for that one post...... I ignored it but now I just can't ignore it anymore.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  19. #179
    maybe cuz the person that repped you has a rep power of of 32. which would mean its probably one of the big spammers like assertn, terra, bud, psj etc.

  20. #180
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    which post was this neg rep given for?
    This post. (And one other joke, but the other joke was so vague and maybe controversial that it's no wonder and thus nothing to complain about.)

    But the comment left in the neg rep for the linked post indicates the person treated that Mahoro picture as if it was my real opinion, and I thought the Hottest Babes Thread is bad. Now, I refuse to believe there exists an anime loving person with so little sense of humour that he wouldn't have understood that post is a joke. And a good joke, even if I say so myself, because of the quoted Terra's post.

    I have tried to post jokes here whenever possible, and fortunately I have got more positive than negative feedback, which tells me jokes aren't generally hated here. Well, everybody here needs to be able to stomach a few stupid neg reps. I just wrote all this so that jokes wouldn't be killed by punishing those who go through the trouble of inventing them.

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