*gasp* It was BUD who negative repped me!!! *dies*
Hehe, well, I just want to say that I don't feel like I'm being picked on or anything in this discussion. I've mentioned to more than a few people that I don't feel myself to be totally deserving of the rep given to me. I realize that being a girl who actively posts on an anime forum bestows a certain celebrity-like status, but I like to think that I've legitimately earned some of that rep too through my efforts to be a good poster and active contributer to the community. It's an inherently flawed system, but it does have a lot of potential to improve the community if more people start repping for reasons other than likes/dislikes of a person. Even if only the older members are committed to keeping the system fair, it will have a lot of impact since they have the most rep power.
Oh, and, some of you guys leave really sweet comments!