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Thread: Which Group is the best in terms of Quality?

  1. #21
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    K-F does a great job when it comes to subbing. Mind you the only series i have seen them sub is probably One Peice but they do a much better job then any i have seen so far, especially the quality of their translation. Every sentence that each character says makes perfect sense, which is more than what i can say for some fansubs. Even Lunar doesnt make all that much sense at times, especially in bleach

    POST EDITED after being corrected by Bud [Down]
    Last edited by Splash!; Sat, 03-18-2006 at 06:18 PM.

  2. #22
    Sorry to tell you, but A-K doesn't do One Piece... K-F you mean, and I didn't mention them though I should've.

  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I've always been happiest with The-Triad's work. They are not particularly timely in their releases, but their translations are very good, the editing makes them very readable and easily comprehended, and their video and sound quality has always been very good. They do a variety of series that everyone else seems to ignore, and generally, I've never had a problem with their releases. Their AIR was not as good as Koi, but came closer than any other version. Their choices in series I can't always agree with, but that's part of the reason for their success. Their work on Mahoro (1&2) and Azumanga Diaoh was peerless. They also sub Makoto Shikai's works, which makes them stand above many of the other groups out there on terms of subbing excellent anime.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Ayu, I liked when they did Kurau Phantom Memory as Sora, and when they did Rozen Maiden Season 1 (haven't seen their season 2). They had good editing with solid translations. Their OP and ED karaoke's were awesome, plus they did the karaoke for the most awesome insert song in Kurau Phantom Memory, and forever I'll be greatful to them (they worked under the name Sora). This days, I don't think their main translator is still translating, so I don't know if they are still putting out the same quality.
    Heh... Kurau that was a great show to sub.

    Jonny-mt translated that along with most of season 1 for Rozen and all of Season 2. I would say that he is the main translator along with the now departed fujiko.

  5. #25
    Ah I see, yeah I was reffering to Jonny-mt... For some reason I got the impression that he might have taken a break from fansubbing, it's good to hear that he's still at it.

    Seems like more fansubbers are visiting this forum lately, by the way, what do you do for Ayu? I know you are there, but I pretty much never read the credits.

    Anyways, go put Sora back in action, we all love to see great licensed anime getting done.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 03-25-2006 at 10:44 PM.

  6. #26
    Kaizoku-Fansubs definitely. Especially since they've been using the x264 codec. With the quality of their translations and video, they could easily be as good as, if not better than professionals.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Ah I see, yeah I was reffering to Jonny-mt... For some reason I got the impression that he might have taken a break from fansubbing, it's good to hear that he's still at it.

    Seems like more fansubbers are visiting this forum lately, by the way, what do you do for Ayu? I know you are there, but I pretty much never read the credits.

    Anyways, go put Sora back in action, we all love to see great licensed anime getting done.
    In Ayu I am typeset/sfx/karaoke. I used to encode so some of Ayu's older releases were encoded by me

    In Sora I was typeset/sfx/karaoke/encode and at times QC =p

    I also typeset/sfx/karaoke for all of Eclipse's releases and also did the karaoke/typeset for ZX's Starship Operators.

    Umm... I've also worked for:
    Kaleido Star Translation Project Karaoke/typeset/encode
    Static Subs karaoke/typeset
    Anime-Source/typeset/karaoke (Remember Maria-sama ga Miteru? =p)
    and likely more... I just can't remember...

  8. #28
    In my opinion, Anime One is the best fansub I've found, they keep the video bright and good quality while using colorful unique fonts that are still readable. They also don't do direct translations, they make it sound like coherent english.

    Anime-Kraze is another great fansub group. I've watched there subbing of Samurai Champloo and it was excellent, all coherent and easy to read as well as not downing the quality of the episodes.

    Now as for KAA, in my opinion is pretty bad. I watched there quick sub of Ai Yori Aoshi, the opening and ending themes would sometimes be subbed in English or Japanese, never both, sometimes they only sub 3 lines form the whole song. Also when there are conversations on the phone, they only subbed for the person you could currently see, which I don't understand since the Japanese is still easy to hear.

  9. #29
    Yeah, KAA is not a fansub group, but a DVD-Ripping group, so those complaints you have are not valid in any form concerning them. Go complain to the licensors of the series.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. There's no doubt as a DVD-ripping group KAA must be one of the better ones. However, although this is a wrong thread, KocaKoala did have one point: It doesn't always pay off to stare solely at the picture and audio quality, because like in the case of Ai Yori Aoshi, the subs by the licensor were terrible. It's good to have DVD quality picture and audio, but that's not everything that counts.

  11. #31
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Anime-Kraze --- wins hands down for quality
    Koi --- awesome job done for Air
    Bakakozou --- quite a young group, I suspect, but their FMP TSR was very nicely done

  12. #32
    I think I'm the only one that thought that Bakakozou's FMP was crap.

  13. #33
    I thought Bakakozou's Blood+ was pretty good, though not the best. Is Y still with the group?

  14. #34
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    I think Wolf Pack Productions always does a great job, but they're so slow because of how understaffed they are.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  15. #35
    Kick Ass Anime best imo
    they arent really a fansub group i dont think but they have great quality anime .
    they use the subs from the dvds they buy

  16. #36
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    yeah, dvd ripping != fansubbing. You lose, thanks for playing

  17. #37
    I'm going to say Eclipse. They've only subbed Shakugan no Shana and F/SN so far but they have been superb. I hope they take on more projects in the near future.

  18. #38
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    I liked A-Keeps fansubs and I like AnimeOtaku for their PoT.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  19. #39
    Genin Boomstick's Avatar
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    I've always liked Datteabayo for their speed and good quality torrents(good but not great).

    Ash"Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. This... is my BOOMstick"

  20. #40
    A lot of older groups are good (most of the groups on etg and efnet, AnimeCo, Central Anime, etc.). In terms of accuracy and consistency, I'd say Central Anime is the best.

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