Isn't Eclipse made up of veteran fansubbers from other groups? I think I heard that somewhere. I think it was in the CCCP wiki, but I'm too lazy to go check. :-P

Anyways...I think voting for "the best" group in anything is not really useful at all, in most cases. Let me explain. Maybe you watched a certain anime by a certain group and you loved it. They did a superb job. Then you find another anime you want to watch and some other group and the group you watched the first anime from are subbing it. Of course you download it from the group you know, since you know they had a good quality release in the last anime you saw. This sounds all fine and dandy but...what if the people doing this particular anime aren't the same people that did the last anime you watched by the other group. You gotta keep in mind what the word group means. It's a conglomeration of people. Most big fansub groups have different sub-groups in them so they can sub anime at a more efficent rate. So you are not always guaranteed the same quality you saw of a group in an anime you saw that another anime by them.

IMO, groups should be rated at a per-anime basis.

P.S: Sorry if the generalization I used was confusing, I didn't want to point out any particular anime or group.
