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Thread: Naruto Movie 2 Discussion

  1. #61
    I hated how they had to have sasuke show up in it somehow with naruto seeing him when he got knocked out. Come on that was just rediculous and there was no point in showing him. Also why not use the nine tails chakra he would have taking the bastard out easy.

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    well it wasn't the best thing ever, but it certainly was nice to see some well animated action and some attempts at new music. The Sand rocked. They always do.

    Just once I want to see Naruto fall off a cliff/go unconscious underwater, wake up somewhere AND NOT have been rescued and nursed back to health. Let him claw his way out from under some debris, let him get captured by the enemy. Where the fuck do all these lifesaving people come from? And it happens to be the client...

    And dude, that ferret should be in itsy bitsy pieces. How many times did Naruto get flung, backpack first, through trees and boulders, not to mention the thousand something foot drop.

    After it was mentioned that some of the caravan ancestors had crossed the ocean it was so obvious that kid was one of them. And for an example of not subtle hinting see the scenes with the ferret.

    Props to those girls fighting in heels like that, especially the one who went up against Gaara. I mean, the guy just sunk your battleships and you're going to go 1-on-1 with him? Still, she hung around pretty well.

    The last couple of fights ended pretty weakly. I mean, Temjin just learns how to control Chakra well enough to help make a Rasengan? Those weird vibrating columns just happened to be where Sakura was? At least it was animated well...

    Where the hell was Temari?

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  3. #63
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe they left Temari out because she would have had so good inherent AA capabilities, and the enemies did seem to enjoy flying. But I have to say this movie would have been twice as good with some Shikamaru-Temari interaction.

  4. #64
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Maybe they left Temari out because she would have had so good inherent AA capabilities, and the enemies did seem to enjoy flying. But I have to say this movie would have been twice as good with some Shikamaru-Temari interaction.
    i think she was left out cuz Romi Paku is doing like 3 new animes this season...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #65
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I just watched this movie, and can't believe the level of animation..... it was pretty horrible in my opinion, and the 1st movie had animation way way way better than this. Just rewatch the first movie if you disagree. As for the plot........ *yawn*. Just another filler, and the one word to describe it would be "forgettable".
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    wtf, the red rasengan is an OFFICIAL move of naruto, it just wasnt shown yet, its just the rasengan using kyuubi energy.
    I figured that's what it was, but I thought he was unable to control the kyuubi's power adequately yet.

    Like, when he charged forward, there was no aura from the kyuubi or anything.

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    eh, if they used common sense, they could have taken out the bad parts in the movie. Haido sama was definitely a child molestor. Red rasengan? At least it was rainbow. Kyubbi Naruto had a blue rasengan with red chakra surrounding it. Gaara owning was by far the best part of the movie.

  8. #68
    700 bloody megabytes it better be worth it. Even if the plot is crap I hope it has atleast 1 or 2 good tunes in it.

  9. #69
    Genin Maverick-DBZ-'s Avatar
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    I have such high hopes for this movie I really hope it's a decent flick. I'm 90% done with this bad boy.

    DB owns in speed!

  10. #70
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    How many of you guys liking the soundtracks for the movie? I didn't really feel any of em.=S
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  11. #71
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    How many of you guys liking the soundtracks for the movie? I didn't really feel any of em.=S
    you totally touched on a subject I only briefly glossed over. I haven't heard just the music tracks from the movie, and I was *trying* not to pay attention to them during the movie, but I also felt that some of them were good, others mediocre, and some absolutely horrible. I said it nicely, I'm glad they tried to make some new tracks, but I would not consider the music in this movie to be one of the good points...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #72
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    you totally touched on a subject I only briefly glossed over. I haven't heard just the music tracks from the movie, and I was *trying* not to pay attention to them during the movie, but I also felt that some of them were good, others mediocre, and some absolutely horrible. I said it nicely, I'm glad they tried to make some new tracks, but I would not consider the music in this movie to be one of the good points...
    In total agreement with ya, Some were decent enough to go along with the video, others, I was like, wtf? What is this? Just totally off. =S

    And the ending track, Ding Dong Dang............
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  13. #73
    Missing Nin
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    I have no idea why most of you are complaining about this. The animation is WAY better then anything the fillers have offered us. Naruto DIDN'T spend the movie acting like a retard and even using his normal moves I felt the battles were just WAY more fluid then anything we have seen period.

    All of the ninja's fighting really shined we didn't even have to see a useless Sakura for the first time ever. I didn't mind the music it worked for me but I have no reason to download the soundtrack being I don't need any of these to listen to over and over.

    As far as the red Rasengan goes consider it this way Naruto used a clone to make the normal one and the 9 tails to make the red one all the other guy did was help clear a path so Naruto could reach him. Or if the other guy helped in any way think of it as naruto using his chakra to reverse the flow of the other guys energy that was comming from the stone to create a Rasengan. Note the hole was made in the guys nonhuman body assume the Rasengan pierced a hard shell and then tore apart his internal organs causing the pink paste to bubble out as the guys heart was torn out of place.

    Honestly I found this more enjoyable then the first movie and would definatly recommend it to anyone who likes Naruto.

  14. #74
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    This was pretty much what I expected. A worthless & predictable plot, characters ridden with the usual cliches, pre-existing characters doing what they always do, saying what they always say, etc...

    Well, there are of course limitations to how much you can do/change in a movie which doesn't go along with the manga at all, but hey, for once I'd like to be surprised.

    Animation was nice, seeing Gaara kick ass was entertaining, and some of the music (particularly the theme playing when Temujin & Naruto fought the first time) was pretty good. Ding! Dong! Dang! might be the worst name for a song ever, but I like the theme and have done so since I downloaded the single a few months ago.

    Someone please make me a gif of when Haido hits Naruto! God I love to see Naruto in pain! It pleases me to no end. I hate him so much.

    Naruto should take a tip from DBZ when it comes to making movies. Shorter & with recurring characters. The shortness because 90 minutes is just too long for filler quality bullshit, and recurring characters because it makes you feel like they actually exist. Just look at Cooler & Brolly in DBZ, they are acknowledged by the fanbase as "real" characters just because they had believable backstories and were recurring. Who the fuck will remember Haido? Temujin? Or any char from the first movie for that matter?

    So yeah, all in all, pretty crappy but at least better than the first one.

    Edit: I could have sworn I read somewhere that Temujin and the rest all were from Germany and came to Naruto's world due to a portal. What the hell was that about? Did I dream?
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Sun, 04-30-2006 at 06:08 PM.

  15. #75
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo

    Edit: I could have sworn I read somewhere that Temujin and the rest all were from Germany and came to Naruto's world due to a portal. What the hell was that about? Did I dream?
    Probably, you were probably thinking about the FMA movie.

  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    I have no idea why most of you are complaining about this. The animation is WAY better then anything the fillers have offered us.
    sometimes naruto/sakura/shik look badly drawn, sometimes they look normal

    gaara looks awesome as usualy and saved the movie

    i really thought he'd get more action in the movie

    the raging thunder vs rasegan was pretty neat, would be great in a free for all chidori/rasegan/raging thunder...kill all of em at once to end the series haha

  17. #77
    How come so many people love Gaara? I mean, he's pretty badass and all, but what about Kankurō and Shikamaru?

    When they teamed up on that girl and threw her into the puppet... ouch. Was I the only one that found that to be cool?

  18. #78
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    God I loved this. Yeah, the plot sucked and there were mistakes. But I didn't fucking care because it's been SO FUCKING LONG since I've seen some good fights. I'm like a starving man digging a half-eaten sandwich out of the trash. It makes me all warm inside watching Gaara and Kankuro kill their opponents too. It's just so refreshing, I get all gushy whenever it happens. The Sand needs its own fucking spinoff series. I just geek right out when Kankuro's puppet commits stabby murder.

    And yeah, I even liked the double Rasengan. Sure it makes no fucking sense, but just watching Naruto fight with them like they were weapons was awsome to me. Reguardless of what nonsense colors they were.

    One thing I did notice though, is that in an entire year of fillers, this movie was full of the few characters we HAVEN'T seen alot of. Shikamaru hasn't been in a filler since like the first month. And the sand haven't been in any of them at all. It's like they are avoiding them in the fillers to make people watch the movie to get their Shika/Gaara fixes.

    And also, the movies continue their tradition of tricking people into thinking Sakura kicks way more ass than she actually does.

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    but I also felt that some of them were good, others mediocre, and some absolutely horrible.
    Wow really man? Some was good, some wasn't and some was in between somewhere? Thanks for that super generic description of EVERYTHING EVER.

  19. #79
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    i haven't watched any naruto since ep 135 so the movie was kinda refreshing to watch. Gaara and Kankuro were awesome. It would've been awesome-er if Temari made a cameo

    Who laughed when the "key" got destroyed and started to let loose chaos? I know I did, after all that talk how it's useless unless someone from the old family knew about it. If it's locked, break it!

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genma
    How come so many people love Gaara? I mean, he's pretty badass and all, but what about Kankurō and Shikamaru?

    When they teamed up on that girl and threw her into the puppet... ouch. Was I the only one that found that to be cool?
    Yes! Er, I mean, no I also found that to be cool. Kankuro is finally a badass imo. That finishing move with the puppet just sent chills down my spine when I first saw it. In a way, it's far more disturbing than Gaara's desert coffin. My biggest question is how long it takes to clean out his puppet after something like that, and what kinds of cleaners does he use? I mean, that's gotta be nasty work.

    I found the movie fun to watch. It had enough to keep me in it the whole way, although what I found quite disappointing was what was not in it rather than what was. Most notable absence: Temari. The plot wasn't completely unbearable and didn't feel nearly as bad as the fillers as of late. The bad guys get only a 'meh' because they feel like a lot of other filler bad guys and just doesn't stand up to the ones in the main storyline (Akatsuki, Orochimaru). The only thing I can't get over is the dual-Rasengan finishing move he pulled off...that just...I don't know. Words fail me on that one.

    Compared to the fillers, this is pure gold. I think it was a much-needed reprieve from the absolute garbage that should have been flushed several weeks ago.
    "Naruto is the star. Don't say gross shit about women."

    Your feedback is shit. Thanks, move along.

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