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Thread: Naruto Movie 2 Discussion

  1. #81
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aperion
    Compared to the fillers, this is pure gold. I think it was a much-needed reprieve from the absolute garbage that should have been flushed several weeks ago.
    Wow, this new guy knows his stuff.

    And I totally agree with this above comment! I've been critizing the movie, but still very glad I watched it, for the Sand ninja scenes were priceless!

    Kankorou was on top of his game as well, I only wish they could have shown Temari take out one of those chicks.....
    And its always great to watch Gaara own the shyt out of somebody.
    Last edited by Lucifus; Mon, 05-01-2006 at 07:11 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  2. #82
    movie was pure garbage

  3. #83
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aznroyale
    movie was pure garbage
    ... i hope you are joking there

    anyway.. this movie is still better then the filler, and better then a shitty rainbow rasengan

    Gaara was awsome, Naruto rasengan was... good? 1 from that shard and 1 from the kyubi hehe and sakura... well... at least she didn't died lol

  4. #84
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    well, i finally gave in and watched the movie. It was not that bad, and yes it was better than the fillers. The best part was the first 15 minutes or so, Gara owned everyone.

    It was funny they tried to work english into the techniques, it didn't sound to bad, it was good even. But it was funny nevertheless. I guest that was part of showing that they were from a different continent.

    A couple things bother me though, why was Gara not present during the final fight, but was present at the end. I mean if the enemies were so strong that he had to use multiple techniques on them, why was he missing in action. Anyways whatever.

    Also, the last battle had me confused. The double rasengan that Naruto used was cool, but why was that guy needed to form it, i know that it gives him a bigger part to play, and since the story was basically about the reminances of his clan, he has to be there. But why would a person that knows nothing about chakra, and well nothing about the compression stage of it be needed, instead of just using another shadow clone.

    Anyway its was better than the fillers, its was ooooookk. The first movie was better. But this was not a total waste of time.
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  5. #85
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    hmm, not bad. definitely missed temari in this one, but i liked how sakura actually did something instead of just standing there and screaming everyone's name. and i'll definitely be downloading some of the tracks from the soundtracks, but only some. also, the whole naruto-sasuke scene was nice, but obviously just thrown in there for no particular reason other than emotional impact for the audience.

    the end battle was kind of weak. i was intrigued at how temujin, who throughout the movie was marvelling at naruto's "strange power", suddenly learned how to formulate naruto's chakra to make a perfect rasengan by just putting his hand over it.

    it was also interesting how the black hole was dealt with. i mean, a black hole is powerful enough to create a vaccuum in space, but naruto's able to pull temujin out of one by using a string of kage bunshins? yyyyeah.

    i was also a little confused when naruto hit the haido guy three times with the rasengan, despite only having two rasengans, because me being the genius i am, the only thing i could think of was that the third just conveniently materialized out of thin air. had to go back and watch that scene again to figure out what actually happened there.
    Last edited by saman; Tue, 05-02-2006 at 12:46 AM.

  6. #86
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by saman
    i was also a little confused when naruto hit the haido guy three times with the rasengan, despite only having two rasengans, because me being the genius i am, the only thing i could think of was that the third just conveniently materialized out of thin air. had to go back and watch that scene again to figure out what actually happened there.
    Naruto used the teal rasengan to break the defence of haido, but didn't used it all, so he was able to use it again with probably less power in it (i don't even know what i am saying ... )

    god.. you should realy remove that reputation thinggy... because some people realy abuse of it... they give negativ for no darn reason! i got 3 negatif for what i said up there ... and 1 neutral oO

  7. #87
    Man if people are saying this was much better than the fillers I feel sorry for you lot who have been eatching them. The movie plot was sub par from the usual manga related anime we are used to seeing, though better than the fillers I guess. That doesn't excuse some really stupid parts in the movie. The Temujin Rasengan was one. He doesn't know jack about chakra, let alone how to perform jutsu or even a high level jutsu like Rasengan at that.

    I also didn't get why Naruto suddenly thought of Sasuke near the end. Sure if you look in hindsight you could argue he thought of losing a friend and blah blah blah... but at the time he thought of it it made no sense.

    Gaara should have owned even more. Man these pathetic morons were giving him more trouble than kimimaro, and we all know he would have onwed these ass wipes. No boner jokes now please.

    That Haido dude in his transformed state I swear was a rip from that blue android in DBZ movie 7... or was it movie 9. I dunno but it seemed like a rip off.

    Temujin not realising Haido was the dude who murdered his family all these years and then taking 2 seconds to properly look at his ugly mug to discover he is the murderer... he must be dumber than he looks.

    I could probably go on but I don't want RSI. Maybe more later.

  8. #88
    Having seen a few of the fillers, I agree this movie is better than the fillers. (that I have seen) However, I think you could make a good argument for the first movie being better than this, and that in itself says something about this movie's quality, considering the quality of the first movie. (or lack thereof)

  9. #89
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    I can only echo the sentiments that the Sand and Shikamaru did indeed save this movie. It's refreshing to see people fight like ninjas in this show and not fucking naive brats who believes a self-righteous nonsensical speech and a pat on the ass is enough to turn anyone around. I also kind of liked Haido's girl squad, especially the one calling Sakura a little bitch like a hundred times. It really can't be said enough. Haido looked okay in his second form and had some decent moves but otherwise I found him a pretty shitty and far too obvious antagonist. He did however physically abuse Naruto ( but not nearly as good as Kabuto, of course ), so he scores some bonus points for that.

    As for Temujin, I hated everything about him. His character felt extremely weak, his voice wasn't the greatest, his outfit is one of the worst I've ever seen and his hair didn't appeal to me much either. His one redeeming feature were his red eyes, which he lost for some reason. It probably was explained, but I can't say I was paying much attention.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  10. #90
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    After watching through that, I guess it was better than fillers, the whole vein thing reminded me of the lifestream from FF7...

    and other than this

    I didn't really have a reaction.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  11. #91
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    What a shit ending, even that useless fucking ferret lived.

    Did the ferret scratching Naruto to hell remind anyone of Peter Griffin vs. the raccoon?

    One day i'll become HokaOOH MY EYES, OH GOD, OH GOD!!

    Beautiful animation though, that was enough. but the start sucked me in. It was so different, with the camera angles, the strategies, it perfectly suits what i think of as a shinobi life or death situation. That part was awesome.

    And the way Sakura was animated.. I don't know how they did it but she's so hot in this movie it's ridiculous.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  12. #92
    And the way Sakura was animated.. I don't know how they did it but she's so hot in this movie it's ridiculous.
    Screenshots or it never happened.

  13. #93

    Sakura screenie

    As requested...

    Attachment 10

  14. #94
    Yeah well, there was this one scene where Sakura looked really ugly... It was a sideshot.. I'll look for it later.

    Anyways.. This movie was ok, It was far better than the first one I'd say. It could have been A LOT better though. If Temujin died, it would have been better. Once again though, Naruto has given one of his famous speeches to once again, ANOTHER character who has been all "alone" and finally realizing about his blah blah life and that Naruto's blah blah blah was correct.

    Naruto and Temujin you could say is a "love at first sight" experience, because the fact that Naruto only seen/talked to Temujin a few times, he was willing to risk his life for this guy and somehow develped a Naruto/Sasuke bond with him immediately. Somewhere along the way throughout the movie, the two of them became friends. This is probably what made me dislike this movie. It would have been better to see Naruto go Kyuubi on Temujin and rip him apart.

    And most people said what I wanted to say already sooo I won't repeat it.

    Overall, better than the first, better than the fillers, not even close to the main story.

    PLEASE NOTE: It's only better than the first and fillers because it had some decent ninja fighting. The story was a nice idea, but they didn't capitalize what it could have became. (For example, Naruto and Temujin becoming friends.)... GAY!!

  15. #95
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Divinity
    Naruto and Temujin you could say is a "love at first sight" experience, because the fact that Naruto only seen/talked to Temujin a few times, he was willing to risk his life for this guy and somehow develped a Naruto/Sasuke bond with him immediately. Somewhere along the way throughout the movie, the two of them became friends. This is probably what made me dislike this movie. It would have been better to see Naruto go Kyuubi on Temujin and rip him apart.
    Naruto is always willing to risk his life for all manner of people, no matter if they are strangers or friends, or even enemies whose situation Naruto can somehow sympathise with. That's one point of his personality. They can't just suddenly change it.

  16. #96
    I think Sakura looks alot better in the rotating fanart above the forum links.
    Last edited by Narasho; Mon, 05-08-2006 at 11:51 AM.

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