watched the episode. Sucked as usual. Copy face ninjas...
watched the episode. Sucked as usual. Copy face ninjas...
It looked kind of good to me. The animation has constantly been improving since a few arcs ago. The story, while, kind of lame, is better than the lame attempt at humor I was expecting.
Konoha is obviously behind the copy face ninjas.
The animation wasn't near as bad this episode. The story is kind of iffy... But they are making references of what is to come, and this is a good thing.
Well, I was expecting even worse, so in a certain sense I was almost positively surprised. Now, I'm not sayign it was especially good, but at least it wasn't as disgusting as the previous one with the stupid rich kid.
The thing that bothered me most is the lost fighting skills of the whole bunch of three: None of them suddenly could put up any fight at all. That was just lame. Those three should indeed go back to the academy...
I kinda liked this one. Especially the parts in the beginning. They were actually funny to me. People actually making reference to how crappy Naruto is doing in his missions, and yeah, Kiba HAS failed both his filler missions too. It's nice that at least the fillers are keeping their own plots straight.
Plus, I kinda like the villains powers, even though you knew the guy hiring them was the badguy as soon as you saw him in Tsunades office. He may as well have had devil horns he had such a stereotypical badguy look.
Kiba beating Naruto every time made me happy too. It's always good when someone show him how much he sucks at every aspect of being a ninja besides punching holes in things.
Seeing Kiba defeat Naruto was priceless.
Evil-Hinata (or Clone-Hinata, whatever) looked freaky...
Seeing her with the evil face gave me goosebumps. (LOL)
Although I hated that they fooled Kiba's nose that easily. Sakon HAD to impregnate himself with Kiba's scent to fool him...
I've always liked Kiba, so I was pretty happy that he kept beating Naruto and all that. But yeah, how copying someone's face gives you the same smell as them... makes no sense...
Animation was alot better. I loved the looks on the 'evil' Naruto and Hinata clones. And the fillers referring to fillers is priceless.
But I'm sort of tired of Naruto getting fooled by shit like falling rocks, being bound helpless by rope and not even putting up a fight when getting attacked.
All in all, for a filler I thought it was pretty good. Some parts were just so boring though...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
If there is anything good about the fillers, it would be the fact that some characters get more screentime - Kiba in this case.
That guy is so incredibly underrated in my opinion, and it has been pleasant to see him in action during this season.
That being said though, this still is rather sucky, but at least it made me laugh a few times (and Kiba owning Naruto was hilarious)
I like how cool they made Kiba this ep, the whole I'll complete the mission so you two don't have to go back to the academy was gold. Never thought of Kiba as the leader type.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Kiba is like a cooler and much less obnoxious Naruto. He'd be a good main character I think. It's too bad you don't see him and Naruto interact more, since they make a fun duo.
My god......Watching this making me so impatient for the end of fillers.....
It was decent enough for a filler. I kind of liked the shapeshifters.
And at least the animation was good.
Did anyone else notice that Shikamaru has gotten almost NO screentime for the entire filler season?
I guess the filler writers know they aren't smart enough to write a good Shikamaru encounter.
If I remember correcty he got some screen time facing off against the legendary studpid brothers, but then again I'm not quite sure if that should count as quality screen time.
Me personally, I thought it was good because of the animations and also the story line was pretty interesting. It's been consistently good minusing the whole 174 episode but it was still funny to me. I thought it was stupid how they said it was easy how they were taken, but you have to remeber Hinata did see them once but the idiots were fighting but w/e. Overall in my opinion it was good though.
(you probably shouldn't set your standards for a cartoon... you might enjoy it more...)
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Well From what I can tell, These filler eps have been making all the Naruto characters weeker then they realy are. Naruto cant figth at all now (he should have EASILY dodged all those rocks). Its just pathetic.
SO its probably a good thing Shikamaru hasnt got much screen time. They would make him dumb and easily fooled or something *sighs* lol
179 man.... 3 more painful eps to go....
179 man....
bah, I want the Kakashi filler..
after this filler season, i hope there wont be another filler for a very very very very very very long time
The reason I hated this episode so much is because of the simply fact of how Incredibily stupid and weak Konoha ninjas have become, but ya, you guys are right, at least the animation was good. How many weeks now? 4 ? Alas.....