Chenming cases are very good in terms of air flow. They're very big (might be a turn-off though) so your cables don't get in the way of air flow, and also makes it very easy to work inside the case. Big downside with their cases is that they have 2x80 intake, 80mm side intake and 2x80 outtake. It would be nice if they're just 1x120 and 1x120 because 5 fans generated quite a bit of noise. I'm using cheap $0.99 fans so that's just adding fuel to the fire.

I have a Chieftec case (rebadged Chenming) and although it looks like a piece of shit, it functions great and I have no regrets spending $50 on it. Most people probably don't want a very big case, but I personally enjoy using it as a little table. "Real" Chenming cases are pretty expensive and I don't know why.