Being that the Naruto dub has allready been released, and Sho-Pro is dubbing it, I wondered who all of you would have preferred to dub it. I.E: Funimation, Geneon, Pioneer, Ban-Dai, etc?
Personally, I thought it would have been mildly interesting to see Funimation dub Naruto, just to see who they would pair to the characters. I think Christoper R. Sabat trying to sound like a kid if he voiced Sasuke, would have been amusing. I would wait for the "Goukakyuu no Jutsu.....Fire!" very quickly. Or, on a plus, they could pair Scott Mcneil (voiceactor of Piccollo from the Pioneer days of DBZ, and voiceactor for Honenheim of Light from Fullmetal Alchemist) as the voice of Kakashi, which I think would fit perfectly.