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Thread: FTP Client

  1. #1

    FTP Client

    Does anyone know what the best FTP client is? I posted this is the general help but no one is responding so I thought I would post here.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    FTP Client

    Globalscape's cuteftp pro is the best ftp client, if you're looking for things that aren't free (well, free trial ...). AbsoluteFTP or SecureFX from Vandykesoft come in at second place. Many people also swear by FlashFXP.

    In the windows-freeware category, maybe give filezilla a try.

    Of course, mozilla browsers and IE have built-in ftp clients, and I'm fairly sure opera supports it as well.

  3. #3

    FTP Client

    Thanks a lot complich8, I'll look into cuteftp.

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