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Thread: Naruto making THE comeback

  1. #21

    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    You're all fags.
    Don't flame , put some positive effort into your posts

    [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]n topic, how long until fillers are over?

  2. #22

    Naruto making THE comeback

    I agree it is making a come back with all thats to be exspected. I also have to say that the fillers aren't so painful to watch...

  3. #23

    Naruto making THE comeback

    I'm highly anticipating the return of the non-shit--err, filler episodes also. Just so long as there is no other Advent of Tony the Tiger appearing in Naruto, I will continue to watch.

  4. #24

    Naruto making THE comeback

    did Krbadass just post? I thought he left..........??????

  5. #25
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: God#2
    did Krbadass just post? I thought he left..........????????
    did God#2 just make another spam post? I thought he learned his lesson (add tons of annoying question marks here)

    I was actually wondering something about how Naruto has been doing in Japan after starting this long stretch of filler. Does anyone have a resource to track Neilsen ratings (or whatever they use in Japan) to track if/how much Naruto's popularity has risen/fallen since then? I'd think a resource for those ratings would really give us all a clearer idea of how popular an anime actually is in Japan....

    as for how popular an anime is in the online community, I usually go by how many people are DLing a day or so after a release.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  6. #26
    If I could change my name
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    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: God#2
    did Krbadass just post? I thought he left..........????????
    Nope, you see he is trying to act mature and responsible in order to, once again, prove that he is admin worthy, and because that fact he once was, makes him think he carrys some sort of ego here. Although I don't think he still hasn't fully understood what he has done to the forums. As well he to this forum will always be known for his ridiculously irresponsible way of abusing his powers.

    But if he is able to get over being a complete laughing stock because of his fuckup, and be a good normal poster then I may not hold his actions to him. That is unless he proves to me that he is still being a idiot. If that is the case he will get this same post over and over again to respond to his posts.

    On topic, I've been waiting like everyone for the show to get back on track. I fear though that the fillers has killed the series for me and if i don't start liking the real storyline then well it's droped also I must add

    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    Don't flame , put some positive effort into your posts
    "Oh the irony"

    Back to topic I still want Naruto to be revived as one of my favorite animes, these fillers are killing it for me (mainly because I'm not watching them)
    image fail!

  7. #27

    Naruto making THE comeback

    Does anyone know when it gets back on track? I used to know.. I haven't watched the show in months.

  8. #28

    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    Does anyone know when it gets back on track? I used to know.. I haven't watched the show in months.
    in 7 weeks

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  9. #29

    Naruto making THE comeback

    Thats nice.. 7 weeks isn't TOO bad.

  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Naruto making THE comeback

    Wow, still 7 more weeks. How Naruto hasn't lost all its fandom is beyond me.

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  11. #31

    Naruto making THE comeback


    The next one to make a contentless post gets a warning.

    GotWoot Moderator

  12. #32
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Wow, still 7 more weeks. How Naruto hasn't lost all its fandom is beyond me.
    I thought the first episode of the non-filler Naruto was calculated to be April 5th. Is this still correct or did those double episodes screw up the count some how?
    Can't wait to see the action in the manga animated. It better be worth the wait. The normal animators had enough time to get ahead with producing it. I think I read somewhere that they were done animating the next arc already. Anyone know if I am remembering correctly, or am I just being painfully optimistic?

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  13. #33
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    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: Deadfire
    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    Don't flame , put some positive effort into your posts
    "Oh the irony"

    Back to topic I still want Naruto to be revived as one of my favorite animes, these fillers are killing it for me (mainly because I'm not watching them)
    Yeah i agree.

    It just destroys everything. The same thing happens to Bleach right now too.Maybe i shoud do like you and just stop watching the whole thing untill it's over. And then watch all of it at once. Now a days i just fast forward through the episodes to see the action scenes (witch sucks too. Mermaid ninjas?WTF!).

  14. #34

    Naruto making THE comeback

    It just destroys everything. The same thing happens to Bleach right now too.Maybe i shoud do like you and just stop watching the whole thing untill it's over. And then watch all of it at once. Now a days i just fast forward through the episodes to see the action scenes (witch sucks too. Mermaid ninjas?WTF!).
    Sigh.... thats not the way to watch and appreciate anime.... I am sure all thrue anime lovers out there will agree with me... Personally, I really like naruto and have been enjoying every episode even the fillers.

  15. #35

    Naruto making THE comeback

    yea same here. the fillers just keep you u even more excited to watch any and all naruto episodes. the fact that the storyline gets soo good from kakahi gaiden and onward makes this season long wait that much more worth it....XD

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: Mastercus

    It just destroys everything. The same thing happens to Bleach right now too.Maybe i shoud do like you and just stop watching the whole thing untill it's over. And then watch all of it at once. Now a days i just fast forward through the episodes to see the action scenes (witch sucks too. Mermaid ninjas?WTF!).
    Sigh.... thats not the way to watch and appreciate anime.... I am sure all thrue anime lovers out there will agree with me... Personally, I really like naruto and have been enjoying every episode even the fillers.
    Appreciation for all anime and all parts of anime is impossible. It is against human nature.
    I also am a thrue anime lover and really like Naruto.

    But I don't like the fillers, why? I believe they are done in a half-ass fashion. You can see the animation quality slacking. You can see the crappy writing. Do you appreciate a microwaved dinner the same as a home cooked one?

    What most people can't stand is how they portray the characters. I can agree with that, because sometimes I just see some of my favorite characters acting like idiots, getting beat by a bunch of crappy enemies etc. It's like carefully building the foundation and the first few floors of a building, then hastily throwing up a few more floors built of poorer-quality material, in a pathetic attempt at mimicking the previous floors or to serve to implement a gimmick.

    Granted, sometimes the fillers have some good moments. But that's like wading through a river of shit to find a hamburger. Are you really going to enjoy that burger amidst a deluge of crap?

    *sigh* me and my metaphors....

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #37

    Naruto making THE comeback

    my main problem with the fillers is they're so damn drawn out. if these little filler sagas were boiled down to single episodes i would enjoy them. In fact, I might do that some time and edit one of the filler sagas into a single episode just to prove myself right.

  18. #38

    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    Appreciation for all anime and all parts of anime is impossible. It is against human nature.
    I also am a thrue anime lover and really like Naruto.

    But I don't like the fillers, why? I believe they are done in a half-ass fashion. You can see the animation quality slacking. You can see the crappy writing. Do you appreciate a microwaved dinner the same as a home cooked one?

    What most people can't stand is how they portray the characters. I can agree with that, because sometimes I just see some of my favorite characters acting like idiots, getting beat by a bunch of crappy enemies etc. It's like carefully building the foundation and the first few floors of a building, then hastily throwing up a few more floors built of poorer-quality material, in a pathetic attempt at mimicking the previous floors or to serve to implement a gimmick.

    Granted, sometimes the fillers have some good moments. But that's like wading through a river of shit to find a hamburger. Are you really going to enjoy that burger amidst a deluge of crap?

    *sigh* me and my metaphors....

    To Each his own I guess...
    But I still strongly believe that the fillers do serve a purpose. sometimes they give you a little more insight into the charcter's personality. However, in your case it seems that the fillers are there to show you how perfect the actual story line is and that one can hardly add any episodes that can compliment its perfection.
    On a lighter note yes you are full of metaphors hahaha.. do you study Literature?

  19. #39

    Naruto making THE comeback

    Originally posted by: Mastercus
    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    Appreciation for all anime and all parts of anime is impossible. It is against human nature.
    I also am a thrue anime lover and really like Naruto.

    But I don't like the fillers, why? I believe they are done in a half-ass fashion. You can see the animation quality slacking. You can see the crappy writing. Do you appreciate a microwaved dinner the same as a home cooked one?

    What most people can't stand is how they portray the characters. I can agree with that, because sometimes I just see some of my favorite characters acting like idiots, getting beat by a bunch of crappy enemies etc. It's like carefully building the foundation and the first few floors of a building, then hastily throwing up a few more floors built of poorer-quality material, in a pathetic attempt at mimicking the previous floors or to serve to implement a gimmick.

    Granted, sometimes the fillers have some good moments. But that's like wading through a river of shit to find a hamburger. Are you really going to enjoy that burger amidst a deluge of crap?

    *sigh* me and my metaphors....

    To Each his own I guess...
    But I still strongly believe that the fillers do serve a purpose. sometimes they give you a little more insight into the charcter's personality. However, in your case it seems that the fillers are there to show you how perfect the actual story line is and that one can hardly add any episodes that can compliment its perfection.
    On a lighter note yes you are full of metaphors hahaha.. do you study Literature?

    I kind of disagree with you on that on that fillers give you more insight into a character's personality. Most of the time filler saga's just mess up character's personalities making them say and do things they normally wouldn't do or just exaggerate it, which is similar to what someone stated previously, that it makes some character's look like idiots. I personally can't say I've seen a filler saga where I saw some real insight into a character's personality that I could understand that character more, and there is a reason for that. Fillers sagas are fillers because they are created and the script is written by the production company itself and has no link to the original author/creator of the series and character. So, how can a filler saga really give you insight into a character's personality if it wasn't created by the author itself? All that does is create a false personality that is, sometimes, opposite to what the author had created, and on top of that, usually the things that happen in fillers dont tie into the main story once it comes back, so really, it gives no insight what-so-ever and i.m.o , alot of the time is just a waste of time.
    That's why I agree that probably 1 episode long fillers would be a bit better sometimes then drawn out ones that have to drag out usually crappily written storylines and exaggerate character's personalities. I know that fillers are necissary to keep the show running when it catches up to the manga, but I think they could do a better job at them.

  20. #40

    Naruto making THE comeback

    The fillers forced me to preview some pages of the manga my buddy showed me and told me "soon dude..... soon it'll kick ass again."

    And wow. I can't wait for the fillers to be done. It goes until 179 if I'm not mistaken. 180 should be the start of the 8th season and of the return to following the manga.

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