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Thread: Bleach 68-69 Discussion

  1. #21

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    I don't know... I liked this episode, it at least explained what those three dancing things in the end credits were. As for plot, at least the filler is engaging instead of random 1 episode blurbs that have no point. As for it messing with the manga storyline... What's to say they can't duplicate at least some of the same scenarios when the anime gets back on track... i.e. Using Naruto as an example, if memory serves correctly, one of the characters is put into the hospital shortly before the anime moved onto a filler arc, and at the beginning of the manga arc they needed him back in the hospital, so they just hurt him again at the end of the filler arc and stuck him back in the hospital. Did it mess up the flow? Only in such a minute way that after that episode you forgot all about the deviation... I suspect that's what they'll do in this anime as well, just duplicate the conditions.

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Also, on Ukitake being a pedo, if your paying attention, this episode explains that he ISN'T. Hits is hinting about wether he is one, and Uki explains that he does all that stuff because they both have white hair and similar names.

    Course, he could be lying, but I get the impression he wasn't, and he's just being goofy like that.
    Yeah. Perhaps somebody carried similar gifts to Ukitake, when he was young. And now he's kind of returning the favor, or passing it to the next gen.

    Or perhaps not.

    But anyway, the fillers for Bleach might have posed a much bigger problem than the fillers for Naruto. In Naruto, they have pretty much all the characters at their disposal, with no explanations. In Bleach the characters are divided in two: Earth and SS. And since Ichigo isn't anymore in SS, they might find an idea of still locating entire episodes over there troublesome. So, they either had the possibility to use a very limited set of characters on Earth, or mix the deck somewhat. They chose the latter, and caused manga readers to be disappointed and displeased.

    The problem is that the show is supposed to be an action show, but with very few players it could have been hard to build decent action plots (not impossible in theory, but we have seen their level of skills in Naruto fillers). It would have been easier to get some goofy school saga, but that might not have served the profile of the show. I once said I wouldn't have minded something similar to FMP Fumoffu, but that wasn't based on any monkey written scripts.

  3. #23

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    I think this obsession with Ukitake being a pedophile is really going to far... did none of you guys get any attention when you were younger or something??? Adults tend to give stuff to kids for no reason other than them being kids... people did it to me when I was younger and when I see little kids I tend to try and find something to give them as well... its just being nice!

  4. #24
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    But he made a shit ass reason for giving him the stuff: "I'm going to give you this stuff b/c we have shirou in our names" . He's getting weirder and he's supposed to be a bad ass.

    The biggest fuck ups of these eps. were Rukia coming back, and Urahara telling everyone that Ishida lost his powers. They would've been better if they left them for later.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    i thought if i was patient and let things smoothen out it would all be good again, i let renji's appearence slide, but then they just had to bring back rukia as most of you people already said it is fucked up. what's next? gin makes an appearence? unless they completely change the bleach story in the anime from the manga this is just bull. i've been patient enough with you bastards, the least you can do is not fuck up!
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  6. #26
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    next thing you know, all shinigamis will show up at ichigo's house and have a party

    ty psj for this sig

  7. #27
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    the first episode sucked because it was to random. The second episode wasnt that bad, I wanna see what these Bounds want.

  8. #28

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    1 thing i really want to know in why cant ichigo use nimpo (the fast walking bit) anymore

    mayby his power got limeted like the rest of the shinigami's if they come to earth

    and rukia coming back like that was fun to and it seems she got her powers back

    well i hope they will keep it up

    overall i like'd this ep

  9. #29
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    i dont think ichigos powers are limited on earth. just because because hes a shinigami rep doesnt mean SS has any control of his powers. i just blame bad filler plotline

  10. #30
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Otherwise I have to say this was actually a rather interesting plot, even if I'm not totally sure of the motives and the intelligence of the execution. But on the other hand, Urahara is a twisted enough fellow, no doubt, to come up with something like that. And at least it explained many things of the previous episodes. And I don't remember anyone guessing this beforehand, so the script writers did succeed in something, no matter what
    I guessed it before hand cause it was a total rip of Yu Yu Hakusho, don't think I ever posted it though cause the eps were too crappy to comment on like these ones.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  11. #31
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    I didn't really like this episode at all. I felt like it didn't have any heart to it. I am right in the middle of catching up with One Piece and am in the Water 7 arc; I thought I would watch the new episode of Bleach and thought to myself that I would rather watch more One Piece. The Bleach fillers (both the previous one and the new 'Bound' one) feels forced both the comedy and the drama. Overall, I wasted my time. Back to One Piece!

    As for the Rukia bit. I am not a manga reader, but I too was disappointed as to the way they brought her back. At the conclusion of the SS arc I felt that there was a special bond between Ichigo and Rukia. It was a bit of a shock and sad to me that she stayed behind, but after I thought about it I thought that it made sense that their characters should part and that their meeting in the future would be a big occasion. Now, she just pops up and saves his ass; no big plot device, no big event (i.e. Aizen is back, etc.,), no, "I must get the Hougoku (sp?) back" (aside: why DID Urahara hide the Hougoku in Rukia anyways?) Instead she arrives to save Ichigo from somebody he should be able to own in the first place. ^Somebody mention his 'flash-step' ability. Couldn't he have just flash step around the fire golem and kill the vampire?

    The only redeeming factor in this show was the Shinigami Cup. Love the 'Soi-Fong has the hots big time for Yoruichi -san' scene. Afterall, Yoruichi is super-smokin and if I were a girl I would be all over her too. I do think that the Ukitake scene is a light reference him being attracted to little kids, given the previous scene with Yoruichi and Soi Fong. Also the line from last weeks episode wasnt it something like, Please come to my room later. Pause. Ill give you more candy. However, I dont think that it has any bearing on the characters, but rather the Shinigami Cup stuff is just pokes fun at the show and is meant to have double meanings.
    <my 2 cents>

    edit: Oh, shit I totally forgot. Prediction: Ichigo will own the boss with his new found Rasengan...I mean BanKai!
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  12. #32

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Don't compare Ban Kai to Rasengan, Though Ichigo's Ban Kai isn't as awesome as it could be, it's not like Rasengan in that Ichigo doesn't just whip it out for all situations. He only used it like twice, and it was to save Rukia from overwhelming odds both times. This ep was a B-/C+ in my book, Urahara running the trio I didn't see coming, though I think subconsciously I started thinking back to those three guys as I was watching. This arc doesn't seem to have much potential to spring into a deep intricate plot like the real story did, but it is a filler. I wonder if the Mod souls keep their powers in those dolls, it'd be sweet to see someone attack chad and then Nova uses his Janemba move on them.

    About the damage to the story, its really annoying, I'm not sure if I want the writers to read or not read the current manga arc, one one hand they might try to run in parallel with it, causing mess ups, on the other if they have no idea where the story is going they'll probobly fuck up even more. I can't even count how many things have been subtlely damaged, and I thnk it's worse then that situation in Naruto with Sasuke in the hispital, only time will tell if they can actually pull the anime back to the manga without infuriating all of us 'Prophets'.

  13. #33
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    ^Lol, you missed my point. I wasn't putting down Bankai (or Rasengan) when they are used in actual non-filler episdoes; rather, I am putting down how Rasengan has become a plot device that is used to take down most every filler boss in Naruto. Btw, he tried to use it twice in the filler and put that up against how many times he used it before...twice. In 1 episode of filler, Ichigo attempted to use it doubled the amount of previous times. Although by my count he only used it once before, when he went up against Aizen he still had his Bankai released. My prediction is based on what Urahara was saying to Ichigo and that the filler writers are probably (purely speculation) gonna have Ichigo sloooooowly regain his fighting techniques and then take down the filler boss with his new found Bankai.
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  14. #34

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    For some reason this fillers have pissed me off more than any Naruto one ever did

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  15. #35
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: nests
    For some reason this fillers have pissed me off more than any Naruto one ever did
    Probably because Naruto fillers never fucked with the timeline. Even not reading the manga for bleach, I kinda figured Rukia showing up is something that is going to screw with the main storyline. It would be like Sasuke returning to Konoha to save Naruto's ass. Its just bullshit.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Well, not exactly like Sasuke returning to Konoha, to be reasonable... But certainly I also thought, despite having never read the manga, that the reunion of Ichigo and Rukia was in the manga, and possibly had some carefully planned meaning. Even though I'm always happy to see Rukia, but perhaps in the long run it could have been better to leave it for the episodes based on the manga. I would find it hard to believe if the show wasn't going to return to the manga storyline (more or less) at some point.

  17. #37

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Ha I warned you. I warned you all dammit. That the bleach fillers were going to fuck up with the main storyline. Didn't I say that once the episode title of Rukia returns was revealed. Dammit I want a cookie or at least some acknowledgement for my oh so accuarate prediction. More bleach fillers HA!. I guess the writers justification for all this BS was the old guys explanation of Aizen not doing anything for about a year. So they could continue with this filler crap for nearly a year then suddenly go back to the manga and justify it as having passed by a year in time. Oh I can't wait to see what the studio pierrot writing monkeys do with bleach fillers next. HAHAHAHAAHAH Time to find a new anime to jump onto. Good news is naruto real episodes should be starting up in about a few weeks then you can all join that band wagon once again.

  18. #38

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    On a side note... is it worth watching any of the Naruto fillers for any possible manga bits they might have thrown in there?

  19. #39
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
    On a side note... is it worth watching any of the Naruto fillers for any possible manga bits they might have thrown in there?
    There was like the first couple that showed Sakura starting her training with Tsunade. I think the last part of this was shown during the bug hunt arc. Not sure if it was at the begining or ending of that arc, though. Other than that, I can't recall any others worth watching.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  20. #40

    Bleach 68-69 Discussion

    Actually, this was/is a badass filler.. The thing that urahara was behind all this trully sux. above that... when are the fillers going to stop? dont think it'll be episode 70..

    The things about the Bound guys make me lose the line of the anime.. why do they make other never mentioned enemy's?? this ain't bleach like bleach should be...
    I dont like it :S

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