Huh? What are you talking about? : SOriginally Posted by Knives122
Huh? What are you talking about? : SOriginally Posted by Knives122
I think Knives is refering to the person in the black and white stripped shirt.Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Oh. I don't know who that is.
Memories are pretty fuzzy anyway~~![]()
That outfit has to be homemade...Originally Posted by Terracosmo
For some reason I just got the idea that you have a squeaky voice...Originally Posted by Terracosmo
you know, terra and psj kinda look alike...hmmm interesting
They're both Swedes. It's like how all Asians and all black people look alike.
All black people do not look alike, but for some reason I'm starting to think all white people look alike.......
R.I.P Captain America.
You know, I thought that too before I lived in Canada.
Oh, and ALL brown people look exactly the same.
Holy shit Board. Someone probably thinks you're serious.
Rockman, didn't you know that PSJ/Terra has a split personality? He's really one person. He's mild-mannered PSJ by day time, but when enraged he goes through a transformation and becomes Terra.
I think it has something to do with gamma radiation.
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
It's actually quite manly, scary as it is.Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
Oh and PSJ is not the other half of my split personality, Nai is.
Or maybe they both are!
Thats me in Oblivion.. Yep.
Well it's been a while so I figured why not another from me?
This is from when I visited home a couple weeks back. I have no recollection of the picture ever being taken and the caption my friend sent me the picture with was "Shitfaced, but still lookin good!"
If you've forgotten what I look like I'm the one on the left. No I'm not squinting because of the camera flash... figure it out yourself... To protect the innocent (or not really, that SOB is the reason I'm so faded in that pic) I blurred out my friend.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
You look as sleazy as you sound in your stories...
You look like you've lost weight, Masa-chan. Exercise paying off?
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
lol sorry masa I would never have thought that on my own but rockmanj hit the spot!Originally Posted by rockmanj
Wow masa, you so not look like the playboy you sound like in the stories. :S
Nice suit though. : D
Wow you're darker than I imagined. You look a lot whiter in your other pics.Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Sorry to disappoint you but i'm not Terra's other halfAnd i also look nothing like him, i gotta post some good ol drunk photos once i get my hands on them. The last pic don't really make me justice, that pic sucks pretty badly, i am no wizard with the camera so i can't take good photos of myself.
Well somebody was not happy about my remark. I got a pretty nasty rep...Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
Whoever that thinks I'm serious, keep in mind that this thread is not for serious discussions.