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Thread: Manga: Eden: It's an Endless World

  1. #1

    Manga: Eden: It's an Endless World

    This is one of my favorite mangas I've been reading.... Story is pretty good, great characters, and the plot is very unpredictable... Lots of violence, and some sex here and there...

    "In the panic surrounding a worldwide pandemic which kills 15 percent of the population and cripples many more, a secret organization, the Propater, topples the UN and seizes control of much of the world. A boy and a girl, raised in an abandoned virology research center, immune to the virus, are attacked by the Propater and escape. 20 years later the boy is the most powerful drug lord in south america. He aids his son from behind the scenes as he evades and eventually with the help of mercenaries from Nomad (some of them former Propater operatives) fights the Propater.

    Based strongly on Gnostic mythology, all major characters are named after gnostic deities, and have analogous roles."

    You can download the series from here:

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  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    American Empire

    Eden: It's an Endless World

    I started this before it won the poll, since the premise sounded interesting. The first volume was pretty good, and the second started off interesting, but after that, I lost interest.

    I was starting to like the post-apocalyptic world of it, the robot was really cool, and the older lady in a 16 year old cyborg body was interesting, but as it started to make a very religious and philosophic turn, I was a bit turned off. I was looking for a manga in the vein of the cyber punk genre, and got something else. I suppose I may start reading more of it in the future, but it's initial volumes didn't seem to turn out what I expected it to be at all.

    Interesting premise and good issues tackled, but I wasn't in the mood for something that can be so easily compared to Eva.

  3. #3

    Eden: It's an Endless World

    Boo, you are missing out on the sex!!

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