This is one series I've been waiting for...

Episode 1 by BUTTRoCK (ADTRW):

"Adaption of Q-taro Hanamizawa`s manga into an anime series.

Matsumaru was stood up by a girl whom he had asked to go out with him. When he was trying to throw away the movie tickets, a girl blamed him for wasting the tickets. So, he gave her a ticket, and he went to the movie alone. However, at the theater, he found that girl reading the subtitles aloud.

This is the love story about a common man and a girl who has a dream to be a voice actress. Her apartment was in a fire, and they began to live in the same room together. Meanwhile, she was adopted as the voice actress in the TV commercial of Shomarus companys product.",3506,gottiw,rec.html