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Thread: Bleach 67 Discussion

  1. #1
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Discuss ppl! Im dling it right now, hope it isn't as crappy as last weeks. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Edit: What a crummy episode. The only good part was the Shinigami Cup thing.

  2. #2
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Pretty weak episode. I did like they Heavenly Valley reference by Kon! I wonder what Soi Fong and the rest of SS are up to; something about a transmission. Oh, well looks like next week is some 1 hr crap fest. I hope it wraps these fillers up.

    edit: The part where Ichi tries to rip off Renji's "gigai" in front of the class was pretty funny too!
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
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  3. #3

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    That was pretty bad not much to it like the las few. Although the part with Renji and Ichigo was funny. I kept thinking it would end up being Kon that was fake. Oh well hopefully next week is the end of it.

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    I was certainly wrong about Ukitake. I thought he's a womanizer, but he actually likes young boys...

    Not a very grand episode. I'm getting very tired of these stupid games. And gods I hate that little girl. I hope the first thing in the next episode is to reveal why this all happened. It would make it a bit more tolerable. And it would also be a high time for a counterstrike.

  5. #5

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Main problem in this arc, the badguys are overpowered. Ichigo can keep up with Byakuya and he can't catch this little bitch, I know he's in his real body and on earth but still, it's ridiculous that they wrote in people this powerful. And I don't think the fillers will end as soon as we hope, maybe they'll get better but this game shit is getting on my nerves, it seems like these people are bored and so they've decided to pick on Ichigo and crew, who the fuck wants to watch charachters they like get emotionally tortured with no chance to stand up for themselves...maybe it'll get better and a plot will emerge, but for now this is just what it's called, filler, fluffy, meaningless flotsam in the Bleach Universe.

  6. #6
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    I thought this episode was pretty good if you ignore the predictable plot. It was obvious that Chad was the fake all along, but the way they found it out was lame. There was one thing that annoyed the hell out of me. Why oh why didn't they just use Ichigo's substitute shinigami badge? They would have found the fake in about 10 seconds that way.

    It is a little disturbing that Ukitake is a pedophile. Wonder if he has made moves on Yachiru as well.

  7. #7

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Yukimura
    Main problem in this arc, the badguys are overpowered. Ichigo can keep up with Byakuya and he can't catch this little bitch, I know he's in his real body and on earth but still, it's ridiculous that they wrote in people this powerful. And I don't think the fillers will end as soon as we hope, maybe they'll get better but this game shit is getting on my nerves, it seems like these people are bored and so they've decided to pick on Ichigo and crew, who the fuck wants to watch charachters they like get emotionally tortured with no chance to stand up for themselves...maybe it'll get better and a plot will emerge, but for now this is just what it's called, filler, fluffy, meaningless flotsam in the Bleach Universe.
    I agree totally. The only thing is, the fact that he's on earth shouldn't even matter, he's not in an official squad or anything, so his power wont be restricted in the real world

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion


    These fillers as a whole are allright I guess. I mean, at least they aren't really lame or stupid. But the one thing they are is boring. I honestly just don't CARE whats going on at this point.

    But I guess it's better to be just boring than totally fucking up the show.

  9. #9
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder

    These fillers as a whole are allright I guess. I mean, at least they aren't really lame or stupid. But the one thing they are is boring. I honestly just don't CARE whats going on at this point.

    But I guess it's better to be just boring than totally fucking up the show.
    Agreed. Though, they are still better than the Naruto filler arcs we had to put up with. Well, until this last arc in Naruto started, at least. I hope to god its not true they're going to mix filler and non-filler together like the Bleach Filler Arc thread says.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    From the episode 66 discussion:

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Paying homage to movies... well, I suppose they have all their monkeys writing the plotlines for Naruto fillers, so ripping off from films is a pretty safe angle to approach it from.

    EDIT: Can anyone think of a movie that uses mind games, (maybe or maybe not set in a school) where people have to figure out which one of them is an imposter? I just have a hunch that is the premise of the next episode from watching the preview.
    Called it!
    Just started watching this episode... not that great so far, but, heck, it's filler...

    God, the lesbian girl's expression when it seemed like Ichigo was trying to rape Renji... Wow, yaoi fangirl lesbian. I'd sorta hoped we'd seen the last of her, as she's really a one-joke character.

    Well the way that they figured out it was Chad was super shitty. So lame. They could have just asked each other questions about SS (why didn't they do that?), and have everyone WRITE down the answers. If I had been the enemy I would have made Kon (who disappeared about 2 minutes into the episode, wtf?) the imposter. Nobody would have figured that one out.

    Shinigami's Cup...
    So, seriously and truly, that skit was to show that Ukitake is a pedophile? What, the, hell, man? I can't think of anything ELSE that that skit might have alluded too, unless 'candy' is some type of SS term for drugs. I'm just going to laugh at people with Ukitake avatars and sigs from now on.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #11

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    It is a little disturbing that Ukitake is a pedophile. Wonder if he has made moves on Yachiru as well.
    His not a peodphlie is just that he still sees him as a little kid thats why gives him candy all the time I think the manga has done this joke too.
    As for the episode, some how it all seem familiar its obiuolsy a parody but I'm not quite sured of what movie.

    Signature by Lucifus

  12. #12
    Missing Nin
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: el_boss
    I thought this episode was pretty good if you ignore the predictable plot. It was obvious that Chad was the fake all along, but the way they found it out was lame. There was one thing that annoyed the hell out of me. Why oh why didn't they just use Ichigo's substitute shinigami badge? They would have found the fake in about 10 seconds that way.

    It is a little disturbing that Ukitake is a pedophile. Wonder if he has made moves on Yachiru as well.

    I'm in full agreement that using the substitute death god tag was all that needed to be done. Hell they actually went out of there way to show they could do that in the LAST episode. Yet the tag was nowhere in sight even though Ichigo has been wearing it on the outside of his pants and obviously had it with them.

    I also definatly took the shinigami cup message of the day to be that Ukitake is a pedifile.

    I can't believe they are actually punishing us with a full hour of this crap next week. Unless of course we can finally end this stupid arc.

    Oh and I'm pretty sure that the entire point of this arc is to show them all how week they are and that they need teamwork to survive in the future. Basically a Uihara test as there teacher in the vain of how they did it in Yu-yu Hakisho.

    ignore any horrible mispelling of names [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: nests
    His not a peodphlie is just that he still sees him as a little kid thats why gives him candy all the time I think the manga has done this joke too.
    As for the episode, some how it all seem familiar its obiuolsy a parody but I'm not quite sured of what movie.
    You can't deny that this sentence sounded a little dirty.
    -"Come over to my place later, I have more candy there".

    As for the movie. It's "Cry Wolf" as masa predicted.

  14. #14

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Cry wolf I knew it was a recent movie and yeah that sentence does sound suspicious. poor Hitsugaya getting hit own by another captain

    Signature by Lucifus

  15. #15

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    I wonder if you guys just dislike it because you KNOW it's a filler..

    Didn't think it was all that bad.. admittedly.. it's not as deep and interestingly complicated as the normal eps, but at least it has a story, some form of plot, and it's nothing that really gets in the way of the series.. And.. it's not a curry of life thing!
    I think that as far as fillers go.. and as far as you CAN go with fillers without messing with the plot too much, I think they're doing a good job...

    still want to know what's happening with the ending puppets/bad looking trio

  16. #16
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: ChibiYali
    I wonder if you guys just dislike it because you KNOW it's a filler..
    Even if we didn't know it was filler, in general, storyline (or lack thereof) and animation quality would have been enough to let us know that it is a filler.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: ChibiYali
    I wonder if you guys just dislike it because you KNOW it's a filler..
    Well, it's impossible to verify that, since we knew beforehand they are going to be filler eps. But it's not a lie to say, though, that likely it makes complaining easier.

    My greatest grievance actually is exactly what Yukimura said, filler or not:

    Originally posted by: Yukimura
    who the fuck wants to watch characters they like get emotionally tortured with no chance to stand up for themselves
    It just feels so artificial.

  18. #18

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Guys i think this was the worst.
    I mean it was worse then walking through harlem with a sign saying: i hate niggers****.

    But seriously who watches this in Japan? 10 year olds??
    Damn i quess that 12 year olds find this plot interesting, but everyone with an IQ above 80 gets some kind of lobotomy by this.

    One flew over the cuckoo's nest FTW!!!

    But anyways good points:

    1: The best point from this entire episode is that we come one week closer to the main storyline!!

    2: (this one took me a while) Hmm entire episode is blank in my mind..... I remember stomething with 2 bodies appearing infront of the school all of the sudden....

    Ye that number 2 is pretty intruiging ( wrong spelled, maybe but dont hate me because i am beautifull).
    I mean what are the writers saying to us, might it be that.... URAHARA IS KIDNAPPED tadaadadada

    Just my 50 cents.

    **** This tekst was not ment in any way to rascism filled, i hereby apolagize to all people who might be offended by my choice of words.

  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 67 Discussion

    Originally posted by: MASTA-OF-DISASTA
    . I remember stomething with 2 bodies appearing infront of the school all of the sudden....

    Ye that pretty intruiging. I mean what are the writers saying to us, might it be that.... URAHARA IS KIDNAPPED tadaadadada
    If Urahara gets kidnapped by that annoying girl and her two cronies I will eat my hat!

    At first I just thought these baddies were using some sort of illusion and that's why they were so fast. But when Ishida used the Substitute Badge on that one, and the girl flicked Ichigo in the face it showed they have physical properties. In that case, yes, they are absurdely overpowered. Maybe there's some rational reason in the storyline yet to be played out.

    I'm serious, if Urahara got kidnapped by these twits you will never hear the end of the bitching about this arc from half of the Bleach fans.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #20
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Bleach 67 Discussion

    I was going to say "what is up with Ukitake being a pedophile" but you guys have already discussed that. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

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